Search results for "Federal Reserve"

THEI Eyeball’s The Resistors Part 2: Eustance Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam


The Resistors Series: 

Part 1 William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero


Who Controls Money?   (1997) by Dennis Crenshaw

“Give me control over a nations money and I care not who makes its laws” . . . Baron M.A. Rothschild

We spend much of our energy trying to accumulate this elusive necessity, yet most of us have no understanding or how our money system works. We think those dirty little slips of paper with pictures of dead presidents on them represents our country’s wealth and are therefore our “money”. Nothing could be further from the truth.  First, what we are talking about are Federal Reserve Notes. These notes are not lawful money! . . . Read Complete Report

national debt

In 1968 my step grandfather, Mr. Ethan Allen saw that I was interested in History and that I read all the time.  With that knowledge he took me under his wing to educate me in secret history that almost no one knew at that time.

He had been a high ranking member of two secret societies but had quit them because he didn’t like the direction their knowledge was taking him.  Among other things he taught me about the the Controllers secret plan to create a One World Order with the goal of enslaving the peoples of the world and the details of the Federal Reserve Scam and where it fit in that evil goal.  

in the 1970’s I decided to take that knowledge further and learn all I could on the subjects.  The first book I read in that research was Eustace Mullins “Secrets of The Federal Reserve”. Not only did I come away from that book with concrete information but I also was very impressed with the depth of his research.  I realized that if I was going to pass my knowledge on to others I had to present solid documentation to back up what I was saying.

 I consider Mr. Allen as my first mentor and Eustace Millins as my second.  I hope I have lived up to their meticulous research disciplines. THEI and the documented information we pass on, in my mind, is dedicated to those two true patriots. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


Image: Interest free 1860 Nation Currency of the United States.

Image: (Top)  Non Interest bearing 1963 United States Note issued by JFK under Executive Order with no connection to the FED.

(Bottom) Interest bearing Federal Reserve note which is actually not money at all but part of the Controllers scam to rob Americans of our Country’s wealth.














Eustace Mullins

The Federal Reserve Scam

YouTube ~ GeorgeGreekTrucker

Eustace Mullins finding out exactly who is doing what to whom

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

From 1961 until 1963 I was a Medic in the 82nd Airborne. Every payday before paying the troops they had to go thru a “shot line” we would set up.  We as medics wondered why we all needed from 4 to 6 shots almost every month.  With a little digging one of my fellow medics found out that the military was using us to test new vaccinations. We medics decided this was ridiculous so we didn’t take the shots.  We “penciled in” our shot records as though we had. During my time as a medic I realized that, although the troops in our charge were always coming down with colds, flu and other problems, we medics who didn’t take the shots never got sick. Strange?

I still do not take any shots or vaccinations except for insulin for my diabetes even though my family, friends and Doctors say I MUST take them.  I did not go to a doctor in my whole life until my late 60’s. (I’m now 73). Other than a mild cold or sore throat now and then I Have never been seriously ill.  . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw.

Image Below: Thanx to David Dees

Eustace Mullins – Who Are The Quacks? The AMA on Trial

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Global Sciences Congress, January 1990, Tampa Florida.

Eustace Mullins – The Rape of Justice, Court Procedures & The Law

Image: Justice is Blind.

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 7, 2013

One of Eustace Mullins’ best lectures. Filmed by Wes Mann during one of Eustace’s two lectures for the 3rd Festival of the Ages in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000.
A Wes Mann/Conspiracy King Production. A Better Quality DVD is available from Wes Mann at

Eustace Mullins – Clinton’s Place in the New World Order

YouTube ~ TheRapeOfJustice

Published on Jul 7, 2012

Global Sciences Congress, Denver, August 1993.





At the end of this lecture given in August 1993 Mr. Mullins fills us in on the Hillary Clinton Controllers Medical Plan.  As history shows us it didn’t become the law of the land. So knowing the way the Controllers work . . . What do you think Obamacare is based on? . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw


Next Sunday 4/23/2017 ~ THEI Eyeball’s The Resistors Part 3:

Looking Back: The Mother of all Conspiracy Researchers, Mae Brussel

Dig a Little DEEPER: More Eustace Mullins Videos

“Illuminati”    Skull and Bones   Bilderburg   Bohemian Grove

“Weather Manipulation”  Monsanto

THEI Roots of the Controller Series:

Roots of the Controllers Part 1: The House of Rothschild (full Video)

 Roots of the Controllers #2: The Secret Society of Freemasons (W/Full Video)

Roots of the Controllers #3 – The Illuminati ~ Freemason Front Organization (+) NEW Full Length Documentary

THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA Deep State Series
 (Part 1) War Against the Shadow Government Has Begun . . . THEI Editor Dennis Crenshaw ~ The Shadow Government/Deep State Explained

(Part 2)  Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars

(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination

(Part 4)  CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake News

(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030

[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years

Federal Reserve Bankers Mocked Unemployed Americans Behind Closed Doors


“The Federal Reserve’s mandate is to promote “maximum employment,” which essentially means: print enough money so that everyone who wants one has a job. Yet according to transcripts released this month after the traditional five-year waiting period, Federal Reserve officials in November 2011 were debating whether unemployment was caused by bad work ethics and drug use – rather than by the greatest financial crisis in 80 years. This debate then factored into the argument over setting monetary policy.”

Fed-NWO“I frequently hear of jobs going unfilled because a large number of applicants have difficulty passing basic requirements like drug tests or simply demonstrating the requisite work ethic,” said Dennis Lockhart, a former Citibank executive who ran the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. “One contact in the staffing industry told us that during their pretesting process, a majority—actually, 60 percent of applicants—failed to answer ‘0’ to the question of how many days a week it’s acceptable to miss work.”

“The room of central bankers then broke into laughter . . .”
Read Complete Article




 Dig Deeper “Federal Reserve Scam”

Digital Currency Report 12/15/14 ~ bitcoin vs federal reserve

Featured Image: Image: Bitcoin Wallet. CREDIT: electrum SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007)

youtube by NextNewsNetwork Published on Dec 15, 2014

youtube by Economic Collapse 2015 Published on Sep 12, 2014

Digital Currency – bitcoin vs federal reserve

Dig a little DEEPER ~ “Bitcoin” “Money”   “FED Scam”

Stockman: Federal Reserve Centennial is project ‘mission creep’

Featured Image: Jekyll Island: Rockefeller Cottage. CREDIT: Ebyabe. SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license)

On the anniversary of the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the American people everyone should stop and look at the uncontrollable monetary situation our country finds itself in and realize that this downward spiral is direct results of the Federal Reserve Scam. . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RT America

Published on Dec 23, 2013

Fed_Reserve-Wilson SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain)

Image:Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow Wilson signs creation of the Federal Reserve dated 12/24/13. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain)

A hundred years ago, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, delegating Congress’ role to coin money to a private institution. David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan’s Budget Director says, “It has been the most stupendous case of mission creep almost in the recorded history of government.” . . .From description published with video.

Federal_Reserve_Board,_1917 SOURCE Wikimedia Public Domain

Image: 1917 photograph of the board of the Federal Reserve of the United States. SOURCE: Wikimedia (Public Domain)

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~  Archive: “Federal Reserve Scam”

UPDATE: Federal Reserve To Begin Circulating Newly Designed 100 Dollar Bills On Tuesday (Video Report)

Featured Image: A new $100.00 bill backed by nothing but the paper it is printed on. CREDIT: Federal Reserve Bank. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M

Published on Oct 5, 2013

October 05, 2013 KING 5 News

8/12/2013: Conspiracy Theory: Hidden Meaning in the New $100 Bill (Video Report)
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive: “Federal Reserve Scam”

Federal Reserve Missing $9 Trillion – “I Know Nothing”! (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees

When asked the hard questions, Obama knows nothing, Holder knows nothing, Hillary knows nothing, the FED Inspector Coleman knows nothing and John Kerry is out on The Sound “Swift Boating”.   Don’t you wish you had not helped to vote this bunch of bozos in? . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by AlternativeNews4U2

Published on Jun 18, 2013

Fed Reserve-Missing $9 Trillion – “I Know Nothing”!

Subscribe to mamaknock

Why are we paying taxes?
XRepublicTV says: Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went … and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue

This is pure unadulterated INSANITY! Fed Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue … about ANYTHING! Can she really be this ignorant, or just plain stupid, or is she just being a good puppet? Eight months into this situation and NOTHING has been investigated, discovered or learned about the loss of enough money to run the entire US economy for three full years from the Fed’s balance sheets … REALLY? Rep. Alan Grayson seems to know more about her job and authority than she does. This is a great video to drive the point home to END THE FED !!!…

The Federal Reserve 1913 created by the Controllers – IRS exposed. (Video Report)

Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.

From youtube uploaded by WeAreONEbigFamily

Published on Apr 20, 2012

JP Morgan , Rockefeller and Warburg are all freemasons which is controlled by Rome (Jesuits).The Rothschilds are The Guardians of the Vatican Treasury and Knights of Malta which controlled by The Jesuit order. USA is under Roman Law – Google Treaty of 1213.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER THEI Archive: “Federal Reserve”

Retro: The Man who originally exposed the Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Plans of the Controllers: Eustace Mullins (Full Video)

In my mind the most important researcher in America’s History was the late, great Eustace Mullins know to different government agencies as the “Most Dangerous Man in America.”

Were it not for his research, books and lecturers  I believe the Controllers plans of a One World Order might have already been put in place.

However, I believe, that its because of Eustace’s work that more and more citizens are awakening to the world wide conspiracy.   Here is one of Eustace Mullins’ best full length lectures.  Hope you enjoy this informative lecture by one of my most important mentors, and a real American Patriot Extraordinaire. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by anthonyc31

Uploaded on Oct 16, 2011

sFantastic presentation by the late great Eustace Mullins about the Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins is arguable the best researcher of esoteric topics.

$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE (Video Report) (+) A visual perspective of 16 Trillion – The National Debt (Video)

From youtube uploaded by littlejimmy95

Published on May 13, 2012

Rep. Alan Grayson questions the FED inspector General where $9 TRillion dollars went… and Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman hasn’t a clue…Dunno whether to laugh or cry – I am still getting over the shock and have watched 4 times – LISTEN carefully to what she says – THEY HAVE NO JURISTRICTION to investigate the fed!!! Only their programs?? OK the world has been fooled long enough ENOUGH ENOUGH!!! Get the hell outa paper money people and if you buy gold and silver – get the real stuff not paper gold etc. This is pure evil!
I am not sure exactly when this took place – anyone have any idea when this was?

And the 9 trillion that the FED has “misplayed” is only 7 trillion less than the whole national debt. To get it all in perspective lets look at a visual examination of 16 trillion . . . 

national debt

From youtube  uploaded by EdgarMetro Aug 22, 2011

$16 Trillion U.S. DEBT – A Visual Perspective

The Federal Reserve, a Privately Owned Banking Cartel, Has Been Given Police Powers, with Glock 22s and Patrol Cars (W/Videos)

My question – is the privately owned Central Bank, the so called Federal Reserve Bank, paying for this new “Federal Police Force” or are we the people paying? Of course, in the end, anything the FED spends money on comes out of the pockets of we the people, in the form of the interest we are charged by the private owners of that private bank to borrow our own money. . . EDITOR 
from alertnet

September 17, 2012

 By Pam Martens

Shocking signs of business control of government

By mid morning on Monday, September 17, as Occupy Wall Street protesters marched around the perimeter of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, all signs that an FRPD (Federal Reserve Police Department) existed had disappeared.  The FRPD patrol cars and law enforcement officers had been replaced by NYPD patrol cars and officers.   That decision may have been made to keep from drawing attention to a mushrooming new domestic police force that most Americans do not know exists.

Quietly, without fanfare or Congressional hearings, the USA Patriot Act in 2001 bestowed on the 12 privately owned Federal Reserve Banks, domestic policing powers. . . . Read Complete Report

FEDERAL RESERVE’s Own POLICE FORCE Intimidate/Harass Innocent People for Filming Building

Published on Jun 14, 2012 by 


Selected Short Subject: Music Video

from youtube


Uploaded by  on Sep 30, 2008

THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL 11/22/08 IN 38 CITIES. END-THE-FED, END-THE-FED, END-THE-FED…call your rep tell them to support and co-sponsor hr 2755 to Abolish the Federal Reserve System. . . . Text Posted With Video on youtube.