Search results for "Men in Black"

THEI Eyeballs the Men in Black Mystery 2017

Men in Black Mystery JUST GOT STRANGER

Podcast Affiliates Network

Published on Aug 27, 2017

Who Are The Men In Black?

Bedtime Stories

Published on Apr 2, 2017

S01E10 – Who Are The Men In Black? – Government agents of suppression? Or extra-terrestrial visitors in disguise? Who are the Men in Black? And could recent CCTV footage finally provide proof of their existence? This week on Bedtime Stories, we pull back the veil on these highly mysterious individuals.

Continued on Page 2

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Proof of the Real Men in Black? (w/ video)

Book Cover: The Real Men in Black by Nick Redfern (see below)

from youtube

Published on Apr 18, 2012 by

Case File:
The original source of this video is from the Aerial Phenomen Investigations Team in MD. For complete details about this incident contact Antonio Paris from API. . . . SOURCE

A great new book on the subject. I recommend it . . . Dennis

from New Page Books:

In The Real Men in Black, author Nick Redfern delves deep into the mysterious world of these mysterious operatives. He reveals their origins and discusses classic cases, previously unknown reports, secret government files, and the many theories that have been presented to explain the mystery. . . . Read Complete Post

Is UFO Disclosure Near? Maybe Out of Necessity? Or is This the Beginning of the Long Rumored “Outer Space” Black Flag Attack?

With today’s technology its hard to tell truth from fiction especially when it comes to photographic or video presentation. However after following the UFO revelations closely since seeing one myself in 1962 I feel that one day we will have disclosure.  

I am sure that some of the reports in the following videos is are man made craft, phony or mislabeled.  But there is so much here I feel at least some, if not all are truly “unexplained’.  If I am right then I feel that by the mere fact that these crashes have slipped by the Controllers secret files that full disclosure could be near.  But then it could not. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Finally 100% Real UFO FBI Proof – Alive Aliens UFO Crash Filmed By Cops – Extraterrestrials Are Here

YouTube ~ Igor Kryan

Published on Mar 16, 2017

For the best results watch on big HD screen, mobile phone screen will not show all the incredible details
All these things fell on earth from space – some were stranger than the others
But UFO that fell March 7, 2017 shattered all doubts about reality of Intelligent Aliens.

Real UFO Crashes Alive Aliens Recovered Filmed & Tell What Extraterrestrials Want. Ovnis.

Go to Page 2 For the Rest of The Story. . .

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Alien Invasion Propaganda : 10 Upcoming Hollywood Fear Mongering Alien Movies (W/MIB III Trailer)

from UFO Blogger

May 18, 2012

There’s no denying it, Hollywood has become obsessed with aliens, upcoming 10 Hollywood Alien invasion movies are proof of it.

It could be the fascination with 2012, people searching for meaning in some post-modern relativist society that has slipped into a quell of existentialism and boredom.

Or a CIA financed Hollywood fear mongering alien invasion propaganda is behind these upcoming Alien Invasion movies..

In past we had also reported, “Battle: Los Angeles 2011 – Preemptive Propaganda Against Real Extraterrestrial Disclosure

Recently in an shocking unexpected revelation on camera, US Air staff and command officer talks about the US contingency plans against an alien invasion on “Mass Brainwashing Propaganda Machine” aka TV News too! read more

Men In Black III 

Release Date: May 25, 2012
Plot Synopsis: When the world is threatened by an evil alien, Agent Jay travels back in time to 1969, where he teams up with the younger Agent Kay to stop an evil villain named Boris from destroying the world in the future.

The list of 10 Incoming Hollywood Fear Mongering Alien Films

Men in Black III (Trailer)

The Mayans reveal their darkest mysteries: New excavation reveals secrets of their calendar

from Daily Mail Online (UK)

By Rob Waugh

PUBLISHED: 13:04 EST, 10 May 2012 | UPDATED: 05:46 EST, 11 May 2012

  • Wall covered in calculations relating to Mayan calendar
  • Line-up of men in black uniforms
  • Astrological calculations not fully understood
  • Dates seem to stretch 7,000 years into FUTURE
  • Contradicts ‘doomsday’ predictions about 2012
  • First paintings found on walls in Mayan dwellings
  • Huge city in Guatemala finally reveals its secrets

A vast city built by the ancient Mayan civilisation and discovered nearly a century ago in modern day Guatemala is finally starting to yield its secrets – including a hint that apocalyptic predictions around the ‘end’ of the Mayan Calendar may be wrong.

Excavating for the first time in the sprawling complex of Xultzn in Guatemala’s Peten region, archaeologists have uncovered a structure that contains what appears to be a work space for the town’s scribe.

Its walls are adorned with unique paintings – one depicting a line-up of men in black uniforms, and  hundreds of scrawled numbers – many calculations relating to the Mayan calendar, and stretching up to 7,000 years into the future. . . . Read Complete Article w/video & photos

Oregon Coast UFO Boxes Hoax Heats Up, Disrupts Lives

Once again the hoaxer’s have used the internet to start a rumor of strangeness that spread from site to site like wildfire. While it  might not be funny to those no nonsense “expert” investigators, I kind of like getting a chuckle out of these things once in a while. It helps to keep us from getting to serious about ourselves. And besides that it’s refreshing to see someone using new props. UFOs, unknown creatures, beautiful hitchhiking young ladies beside the graveyard who get into a car then disappear into the night … these have all been used too many times. The idea of metal boxes “floating” up onto beach is something even Roger Corman never thought of. . . . EDITOR


Published 02/22/2012

(Florence, Oregon) – A rash of outrageous and hilariously odd stories about beach junk on the central Oregon coast turned a slightly dark corner last week when the claims about “mysterious metal boxes,” caused such a stir on the Net that various entities and individuals were forced to waste resources, man hours and money to either look for these objects or answer an irritatingly large tsunami of questions from over-excited media outlets. Still even less reputable websites engaged in a disturbing display of spreading unfounded claims, as some further embellished the original tale with even more preposterous yarns about a cover up, men in black on the beaches, secret ops helicopters and much more. . . Read Complete Report

First Report:

NASA ADMITS UFOs EXIST… but where’s the media?

THE NEW Hollow Earth Insider

THIS IS A COMPANION PUBLICATION of our website, Some of the reports, articles etc. may be reflected on the home site or meant to be combined for more detailed  information on the subject matter.                                                      Dennis Crenshaw Editor



Editor & Commentary: Dennis Crenshaw

NASA: States they Have No Idea What these Orbs of Light UFOs Are From

Fox News video Report Posted to youtube Sept 10, 2011

Transcript of the tape.

“The object was detected under the space craft yesterday. It  was detected shortly after a routine check of the shuttles steering jets.  After Columbia NASA has developed several procedures and tools to protect the shuttle while in space.  NASA Admits  they may never know what the objects are.

“Space Shuttle Program Director Wayne Hale: Over the years we have chased many, many, many of these things but not with the visibility that this one has gotten, and uh, rarely have we been able to pinpoint exactly where they came from and always finding out that it didn’t pose us any hazard.  . . .”

Well here… hear it for yourself.

Now that is news!  Where are the “Day the World Ended” headlines or the “We interrupt this program for a special report..”.  I think It appears as though I’ve been right for a while.  WE have all been listening to the talking heads so long we miss the importance of some of the reports that come across the boob tube, especially if it is reported only one time in the wee hours of the morning where any decent soul is home in bed or passed out in the Denny’s parking lot in his ride .. . .

Oh excuse me. Didn’t mean to interrupt you evening of watching “All in the Family” reruns… or were you going to watch the debate to see who’s going to be head flunkey next  time? . . .   and you’d think those guys running around shouting “disclosure any day now” all the time would have jumped  on this. . . . shame, shame.

The questions I have for Mr. Hale is …(1) What did you mean by “rarely” have we been able to pinpoint exactly where they came from?”  Tell us about those rare occasions when you WERE  able to pinpoint exactly where they came from… same old smoke and mirrors if you ask me. (2) How did you FIND OUT they “pose no hazard?”  Where William Moore when you need him…..


New NEWS on the JFK Hit & the UFO Connection

JFK Assignation – add UFOs to the list of reasons he was murdered

Even before the sun set over the killing field of the grassy knoll in Dallas Texas back on October 22th 1963 folks were speculating on where the blame should go.  The “lone nut Oswald theory” was in vogue within hours of the coup.    Since then I’ve read books and articles putting the blame on the CIA, the Mafia, J. Edger Hoover, Castro, Lyndon Johnson, the Military-Industry complex (for JFK’s plans to pull the military out of the profiteers cash cow, Viet Nam), International Bankers (for issuing legal interest-free Treasury Notes in place of interest baring Federal Reserve Notes with the eventual aim of closing down the FED); even Joe DiMaggio is on the list of suspects because of Kennedy’s dilly-dallying with Marylyn  Monroe. Then again it could be a combination of any of the above.  Hell, I guess it could have been the whole bunch together!  A super- conspiracy.

For years there have been rumors and innuendos whispered about a UFO Connection to JFK’s Assassination.

This from the Daily Mail Posted April 19, 2011

Was JFK Killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret Memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death.

Read the entire article and decide for yourself…

So, let me get this straight.  The President demands to be briefed on UFOs and 10 days later he’s killed? Humm, I hate to say it because I’m known I’m going to make a lot of people out there upset with me, but here goes…. could the “lone nut” shooter have been … Paul The Alien?  I know, corny. But they never did explain what he seemed to be running from when he met up with his two road buddies.

But let’s get serious.  Maybe it’s time we all read Kenn Thomas’ book, JFK & UFO: Military-Industrial Conspiracy and Cover-Up from Maury Island to Dallas


The Truth is Somewhere

I don’t know why I’ve been waiting all these years for the promised UFO disclosure from our Government that some people in the UFO community have been telling us is “just around the corner” for the last 20 years; after all, Jack Nicholson gave it all away back in 1969 in the movie Easy Rider.

Of course he wasn’t visited by the Men in Black or assassinated to shut him up or anything.  After all it was obvious he was under the influence of the “killer weed” and who the hell is going to believe a pothead?.

Blast from the Past: Jack Nicholson explains UFOS – From Easy Rider