Ever since I begin researching the Earth’s Underground Realms back in the 1970’s I have been following reports of these BOOMS, hums, banging, etc (noises) from around the word.
The first reference to these BOOMS that I found; strange humming noises occurring in the British Isles back in the mid-1950’s. Even back then they knew the origin of these disturbances – underground. Yet, you hardly ever hear that mentioned on main stream TV. Other possibilities sky, space.
I personally believe that what is being heard are construction noises from the subterranean lairs of the Controllers. The fact that these sounds are coming from underground seems to be Forgotten Knowledge when it comes to educating “we the people.”
Or is that underground fact just being ignored by the Controllers media for obvious reasons ? . . . Editor
Filed by long time Insider Tim Cridland (Zamora the Torture King)
Source: Gainesville.com
Staff report
Published: Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 10:41 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 10:41 p.m.
A sonic boom of some sort caused windows and walls to shake over several counties in North Central Florida Thursday night, and Alachua County sheriff’s officials got the explanation that it was “military manuevering of some kind.” . . . Read Complete Report
from youtube uploaded by jcattera
Published on Mar 7, 2013
Kentucky & Indiana
From youtube uploaded by HawkkeyDavisChannel
Published on Jan 9, 2013
Residents in the area have reported hearing a strange loud boom that sounded like a huge explosion. This was not an earthquake because the USGS doesn’t have reports of any activity in the area. This strange phenomenon has been reported around the world the past few years. In other reports witnesses heard booms, trumpets and grinding metal sounds. What is this, please leave your thoughts.
Mysterious Booms Investigation New York News Feb. 27th 2013
From youtube uploaded by HawkkeyDavisChannel
Published on Feb 27, 2013
With reports from all over the world of these strange booms, this has got to be the most honest and fair one that I’v seen come from of the mainstreem news. But what are these noises?