Search results for "Weather Manipulation"

During Harvey let’s Eyeball Weather Manipulation once again

Manmade Weather; Hurricane Harvey 8.26.17

Published on Aug 26, 2017

Hurricane Harvey is a never before seen weather machine that begin on Aug. 16th and was a tropical storm until it hit the coast of Mexico where the Wet Surface Water Vapor generators were able to intensely magnify and create the massive Hurricane into the Gulf.
Once it gets on shore it will rotate around and we can watch the entire storm system be manipulated using NEXRAD/Doppler radar devices to keep the rains a ‘comin’.

How Weather is Manmade…

Hurricane Harvey & the Weather Terrorists from Land, Sea and Air

Published on Aug 27, 2017

The National Weather Service, NOAA, and the Geoengineers of the military and NASA have known about how to create and dissipate weather, including hurricanes. You will learn in this video exactly how they are making Hurricane Harvey into a never before seem deluge that started with a tiny front back on Aug. 16th.
This vid/doc covers how they are controlling the hurricane for maximum duration and intensity directly over SW Texas as well as New Orleans getting battered again and again and again.

Excellent Source of Information: Weather War 101

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation

THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports

8/23/2012:  THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report Part 2: the Weather Manipulators by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report: Part 3 – Was the Cold War replaced by a Secret Weather War? by Dennis Crenshaw (W/Videos

8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video)

8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)

9/7/2012: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts,floods,wildfires

Weather Manipulation: Artificial Precipitation Generation (Video Report)

Featured Image: Hurricane Sandy SOURCE: NASA Earth Observatory (Public-Domain).

This video will appear boring to some, however if you are patient and watch the whole presentation you will see what the expert presenter sees and, taken along with what we have already learned about weather manipulation, this video is an important addition to our archive. If you are a newbee to the subject you might first want to check out some of the earlier “Weather Control” posts in our archive.  Link posted after this video.. . EDITOR 

From youtube uploaded by WeatherWar101  on Jul 10, 2013

Global Geoengineering, is not Global

Go A LITTLE DEEPER: THEI Archive “Weather Control”

Evidence pointing towards Weather Manipulation: Hurricane Sandy, True or False? (W/Videos)

First we look at the overall weather patterns during Hurricane Sandy;

from youtube

Published on Oct 29, 2012

posted by MrFijitime1

Is it possible that a “frankenstorm” named Sandy has been on the drawing board since at least 1997 and only waiting for the proper time to unleash?

from actual report

 Alan Crosswell, N2YGK

October 4-5, 1997


The Hurricane Simulation

Westchester County Communications Officer Sandy Fried, an Amateur Radio operator and ODES staff member, had recently attended a training seminar at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Part of the training was a simulation using data from the Hurricane of 1938 that caused major losses on Long Island and in Westchester. The texts of the simulated bulletins, forecasts, discussions and strike probabilities along with the hurricane’s track were sent home with the seminar attendees. We named the simulated hurricane after Sandy, who incidentally was nine years old during the real Hurricane of 1938. . . . Read Complete Drill Plan


Figure 4: Web Page at 5 a.m. October 3, 1997

Note the track of the simulated Hurricane Sandy in 1997. Compare with the latest Hurricane Sandy.

Figure 4: Web Page at 5 a.m. October 3, 1997.

Interesting, but not quite the smoking gun we need. Let’s take a look at what other researchers are saying. . . .

from youtube

Alex Jones – Meteorologist: Hurricane Sandy Is Manufactured

Published on Oct 29, 2012

Alex Jones welcomes meteorologist and award winning television weatherman Scott Stevens to explain how it’s possible that “Frankenstorm” Hurricane Sandy could be manipulated with military technology already at our disposal.

Here is a real comparison: Hurricane Andrew (Natural) Hurricane Sandy (manufactured?)

from youtube

Geo-Engineering Frankenstorm Sandy – Part 1

Posted by WeatherWar101

Published on Oct 26, 2012

Weather War Big Picture: HAARP, Chemtrails, Geo-Engineering, & Bio-Engineering

from youtube
Hurricane Sandy Geoengineering Update 10-27 and Law Suit

Posted by Harold Saive

Published on Oct 27, 2012

Frankenstorm: Weather Manipulation ~ Here We Go Again (w/video)

Map: Here is the five day projection for Sandy,  Is this the REAL October surprise? Note the projected erratic swing into the most populated areas in the US.

Note the path of the projected storm, Sandy.  Its heading out to sea and then is suppose to make a hard left hand turn right into the most populated area in the country. Does that path look natural to you?  Go back and look at the paths of the recent storms I have covered which seem to be following a pattern of weird changes in direction.  [Links at end of this report]   Then Google up charts for storms from years ago.  Bet you’ll see what I find interesting. SOURCE OF MAP: National Weather Service.

Having grown up and spent much of my life in Florida I have been a student of tropical storms and hurricane’s since at least the beginning of Jr. Hi (that’s middle school to those of you too young to remember). One of the things that has always interested me is the paths the storms take.  Another think that interested me at the time was our governments involvement in experimenting with the weather control they started perfecting during the Vietnam war.

Now, I find it interesting that, once again, a major hurricane is coming ashore just in time to keep people away from the polls whether it follows the projected path or not.  Just the fact that it is coming will keep a lot of people away from turning out to vote. Tropical Storm ISSAC was projected to hit Tampa during the Republican Convention.  It only skirted the town yet it sure put a damper on all of the protests planed for the convention.

 At the end of this report you will find the links to reports on some of the storms that I believe have been controlled by the government and why I believe each of them should be taken into the picture. Sandy may be the next one on my list. Let’s watch its path closely. . . EDITOR

 Source: National Weather Service. Note the path this one is projected to take. Compare with our study storms linked below. Then go look at the paths of storms 20 years ago.

From Chicago Tribune

The Weather Channel declines to rename ‘Frankenstorm’ as ‘Athena’

By Rob Manker, Chicago Tribune reporter

3:09 p.m. CDT, October 26, 2012

Cable weather network had announced plan to name winter storms, but this one is all Hurricane Sandy, TWC says

It’s “Hurricane Sandy” to many, “Frankenstorm” to some and “Winter Storm Athena” to no one.

Nonetheless, The Weather Channel says it’s not backing off its plan to name this year’s winter storms, the first of which would be Athena. This just isn’t her.

What has become popularly known as an impending “Frankenstorm” — a potentially devastating and highly unusual mix of tropical and winter weather approaching the mid-to-upper Eastern Seaboard — is being called simply Hurricane Sandy by The Weather Channel, along with the National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center and other forecasters. . . . Read Complete Report


from Fox News via youtube

Hurricane Sandy: Direct Hit on New York, New Jersey, Delmarva October 29 Perfect Storm #Frankenstorm
Published on Oct 25, 2012

Posted by rob4354343


Historic storm possible for Northeast United States. New model released this afternoon has the hurricane likely making landfall somewhere between the Carolinas and Maine. All copyrights belong to Fox News. No copyright infringement intended.

THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports

8/23/2012:  THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report Part 2: the Weather Manipulators by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report: Part 3 – Was the Cold War replaced by a Secret Weather War? by Dennis Crenshaw (W/Videos

8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video)

8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)

9/7/2012: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts,floods,wildfires

China to increase weather manipulation program (w/video)

Photo: Hurricane Katrina: Weather Warfare Conspiracy? SOURCE Conspiracy Nation

from The Watchers

By chillymanjaroMay 26, 2012

A leading Chinese meteorologist says the country will employ more rainmaking technology and make better use of it in the next five years.

Some 560,000 manipulations of the weather have been conducted since 2002 using aircraft, rockets and projectiles carrying dry ice or silver iodide particles to stimulate rainfall, resulting with release of 489.7 billion tons of rain and saved about $10.4 billion in economic losses the China Meteorological Administration reported.

China started with weather modification program in 1958. For the 2008 Olympics, China had 30 airplanes, 4,000 rocket launchers, and 7,000 anti-aircraft guns to stop rain.. . . Read Complete Report

from youtube
Weather Control – China ‘s Perfect Weapon

Uploaded by on Feb 15, 2011

What if todays crazy weather patterns devastating countries, crops and people are not as a result of global warming? What if it’s more sinister – the perfect weapon. . . Continue

Global Weather Wars? NWO VS USA? Puerto Rico #1 Target?

 For background read my 2012 study on the movement of Hurricanes that year.  Then follow my research by take the tracking from 2012 and add the tracks of the 2017 super storms into the equation. See a pattern? . . . You Editor Dennis Crenshaw

THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports

8/23/2012:  THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report Part 2: the Weather Manipulators by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report: Part 3 – Was the Cold War replaced by a Secret Weather War? by Dennis Crenshaw (W/Videos

8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video)

8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)

9/7/2012: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voter

Dane Wigington exposes globalist geoengineering weather control agenda

Published on Sep 21, 2017

Geoengineering expert and weather control analyst Dane Wigington unloads the true globalist agenda behind weather control technology in a fascinating one-hour interview with the Health Ranger of Natural News. The interview covers the existence of weather engineering technology, who controls it, how it’s deployed and why the United States is being targeted now that President Trump is in the White House. Read Complete description on you. . . read Complete Description on YouTube.

What Are They Getting Ready For?!?! Hurricane Jose, Maria = JOSEPH, MARY?!

Published on Sep 17, 2017

HUGE!!! A then-tropical wave as of Wed., Aug. 31st, 2017, Hurricane Jose has now formed into a category 1 storm, according to the National Hurricane Center and the Saffir-Simpson scale. Occurring on the tail-end of Irma and Katia, this storm is projected to move northward towards the northern Atlantic throughout the upcoming week. Here comes a few more storms right behind it: tropical depression Lee, and tropical storm Maria. Maria began intensifying as a storm just this past weekend, on Fri., September 16th, 2017… The storm is projected to grow and trail the same pathway as Irma — but is currently remaining in the Caribbean. . . . Read Complete Description on YouTube.

Continue on Page 2

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Hey Scoffers! Look Who OPENLY Admits to Controlling the Weather!

Hey Scoffers! Look Who OPENLY Admits to Controlling the Weather!

Published on Sep 12, 2017

Weather modification is a DEADLY and PROFITABLE business. Look who admits to doing it! Here’s proof!

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation 

Bonus movie: The Rainmaker 1956 Full Movie Starring Burt Lancaster

Published on Jan 29, 2017

Hurricane Jose: 3rd Manmade storm in 3 weeks


Hurricane Jose: 3rd Manmade storm in 3 weeks

Published on Sep 18, 2017

Three hurricanes in the last three weeks, all of them constructed in exactly the same manner, and meteorologists still pretend they see – nothing. The same glaringly unnatural process over and over, and the same lies over and over from the meteorological community. As you can see, this reality is hardly anything new. In this video, I include some of the earliest Weather Satellite Imagery from the 1970s, and the same wholly unnatural burst of In-Place Rapid Evaporation (Water Vapor Generation) can easily be seen even then. . . . Read Complete Description on YouTube

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation

Former Govt Scientist: The Govt Could Have Stopped Harvey And Irma!

Former Govt Scientist: The Govt Could Have Stopped Harvey And Irma!

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Sep 10, 2017
Alex Jones talks with top scientist, Stan Deyo about who is really behind weather modification and what their end game is for humanity.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation

THEI Media Headquarters in the Path of Irma UPDATE: 9/9/2017 Weather Wars; Manmade Irma Broken Down

UPDATE: 9/11/2017.  Irma went through Jacksonville Florida like a late night freight train and  only spent a few hours here entertaining the troops. We rode it out in our 36 foot 2000 Wind Sport (Ford V12) motor home.  Only damage was the skylight over the bed was knocked out by a green pine cone.  The amazing thing was that with a couple of million people without power across the State, ours was restored in 18 hours.  Maybe there is someone up there that likes me.   THEI was not off line for any time at all so I’ll be posting without interruption. . . . your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

UPDATE: 9/9/17:  Weather Wars; Mandmade Irma Broken Down

Published on Sep 9, 2017

No Hurricane in history has ever been the size of Irma forecast. No Hurricane in history has ever made a sharp right angle turn from the East to go due North directly into Florida from Cuba. Never, until this Geoengineered event.


No matter if these super storms are man made (which I believe – See Dig a Little DEEPER below) or natural we here at the THEI Media Headquarters are in for one hell of a weekend.

Harvey and Irma just adds more validity to my belief that these Hurricanes are all part of a controller plan to study what happens when these killer storms are used in specific ways. (See my research under “THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports” in the DEEPER section at the bottom of this posting). If you follow the complete set of reports including Harvey and Irma even a fool can see the progression.


Jacksonville Florida is going to be hit and from experience I know for sure we will loose our power for a period of time. With that in mind we will probably not be able to post anything for a period of time after Saturday or Sunday. Are we leaving?  No.  If we leave we’ll have to jump through all kinds of government hoops to return and I’m not ready to deal with that.

But I’m not delusional. It’s going to be one hell of a ride. I live in a motor home so we’ll defiantly be Rock and Rolling Sunday and Monday.  If we do quit posting for a while please don’t forget us and check back often as I’ll be back ASAP. . . While you wait you might want to check out some of the past 3,948 hard hitting posts available in our archive.

In the mean time we will continue to post those reports we believe are important to you, our loyal friends and family, until we do lose power. . .  Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Forecasters predict slight shift in Hurricane Irma’s track

Fox News

Published on Sep 7, 2017

European Tropical Model now suggests the powerful hurricane will travel inland over the Florida peninsula; Rick Reichmuth reports from the Fox Extreme Weather Center.


Published on Sep 7, 2017

The largest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic is gearing up to hit the United States.

Dig a Little DEEPER: 

Excellent Source of Information: Weather War 101

9/7/2017: Weather Wars Terrorism; Land Based Water Vapor Machines

8/28/2017: During Harvey let’s Eyeball Weather Manipulation Once Again

Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation

THEI Weather Manipulation Past Reports

8/23/2012:  THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report Part 2: the Weather Manipulators by Dennis Crenshaw (w/video)

8/24/2012: THEI Special Report: Part 3 – Was the Cold War replaced by a Secret Weather War? by Dennis Crenshaw (W/Videos

8/26/2012: Tropical Storm Isaac Not Stopping GOP Convention Protesters (w/video)

8/28/2012:  THEI Special Report #4: Is Hurricane ISSAC Conventional Weather or is it just plain ol’ conventional weather? (w/videos)

9/7/2012: Obama goes full witchcraft by telling voters they ‘can do something about’ droughts,floods,wildfires