Not that we are surprised, but now there are multiple copies of Barack Hussein Obama’s “real” birth certificate that are surfacing and they are clearly indicating fraud. In a rare move, the Alabama Democrat Party has submitted an amicus brief in the McInnish Goode v Chapman Appeal case. The reason being is most likely because the Alabama Supreme Court has Chief Justice Roy Moore presiding over it. The Alabama Democrat Party just submitted a completely different birth certificate than the one that was posted at the White House website in 2011.
Larry Klayman, the plaintiff’s counsel submitted the forgery of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth certificate that was posted to on 4-27-2001 (seen below). Fogbow/Jack Ryan obot group produced another bogus one. Still a third birth certificate has been submitted by Alabama Democrats to the Supreme Court. . . . Read Complete Report
Obama’s “Birth Certificate” released by the White House. SOURCE for Document: The Whitehouse <Click on WH Link for full size view. (Public Domain)
Many experts have examined this document and say that it’s a forgery. Maybe it will finally get it’s day in court. . . EDITOR
“According to lead Obama investigator Mike Zullo . . .
“Disinformation and the intentional dissemination of false information to protect Obama, will not survive in the face of what Zullo is calling a 100% fabricated document. He listed the following tactics used to discredit the research of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse: media black outs; ridicule of opponents; infiltration and domination of message boards; setting up straw men to create an argument to chip away at the truth and simply ignoring the facts. “All we ask [is that Obama] bring forward the real original document,” said Zullo.” . . . . Read Complete Report
According to expert examination this “birth certificate” was generated on a computer. There were no computer in general use when Obama was born. As we all know the original of Obama’s birth certificate would have been typed on a typewriter. There are other problems with this document besides that. Obama we want some answers. . . EDITOR
Today the long awaited press conference by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office took place at 5:30pm EST. Its goal was to bring forth new evidence that provides indisputable evidence that the birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama is in fact a forgery.
The Sheriff’s Office spokesman, Lisa Adams, opened the conference and said that they hope to take no more than 60 minutes to complete. She also said that no questions would be answered in regards to anything unrelated to the press conference pertaining to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, such as the recent immigration ruling by the Supreme Court. She also scolded the media for their lack of reporting and their scoffing at the investigation. She then encouraged them to keep an open mind. . . . Read Complete Report
Jack Cashill reports on woman’s court filing based on myriad anomalies
If Barack Obama has an immediate eligibility problem, it is more likely to derive from the Social Security Number he has been using for the last 35 years than from his birth certificate.
Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.
Daniels, who has vetted thousands of Social Security Numbers for numerous other clients, has done her homework. In her filing, she thoroughly documents her contention “that Barack Obama has repeatedly, consistently, and with intent misrepresented himself by using a fraudulently obtained Social Security Number.”
To acquire appropriate standing in court, Daniels has gone to the trouble of establishing herself as a valid write-in candidate for president. Before she is through, this 70-something mother of seven, who has been a licensed Ohio PI since 1995, may cause Obama more trouble than the Romney campaign. . . . Read Complete Report
“There is a problem with President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: It’s a forgery, say multiple forensic experts who have examined it. A report detailing the evidence will soon be presented to Congress. . . .
“The difference between a conspiracy theory and a crime is that a conspiracy theory cannot stand against the test of forensic evidence. Those who dismiss this investigation as merely “kooky” must answer these questions: Are leading experts in their field who have provided their professional assessment to a criminal investigation merely to be ignored?
“Why would these experts risk their reputation and also commit perjury? It is therefore kookier to disregard these assessments summarily than to view them with an unbiased eye”. . . . Read Complete Report
PPSIMMONS News Exclusive Report July 8, 2013 3 PM ET
Mike Zullo hits Washington D.C. – Again! Meeting with still MORE Washington VIPS!
PPSIMMONS News and Ministrycan now reveal that Mike Zullo is in Washington D.C. today, Monday July 8, to meet with several high-ranking VIPS on Capitol Hill about the Sheriff Arpaio Obama Fraud case.
These latest meetings were asked for and arranged by the VIPS. Zullo will be answering all their questions and presenting the entire criminal case for their review. It has been reported many times on PPSIMMONS News and on the Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups radio program that Sheriff Arpaio, investigator Zullo, and Gallups have been feverishly working for the last 5 months or so to get this case before a congressional investigation committee. Some months back Zullo and Gallups attended CPAC 2013 and met with congressmen on Capitol Hill and at CPAC. Those meetings have opened several very important doors that are leading this case closer and closer to a full blown congressional investigation. . . . Read Complete Report
Barack Obama PR firm was telling the media that he was born in Kenya up till 2007. Obama.s official agent speaking for him was putting this on his discriptive form from 1993 to 2007.
Obama’s early school record lists him as an Indoneasion Citizen and a Muslum.
REVEALING! Major ‘Obamabot’ Players Going CRAZY Over Zullo and Gallups Announcement!
From PPSIMMONS – our latest post on the Obama Fraud case ( has caused quite a stir among the Obamabots. They are leaving tons of comments under the post, but we are simply deleting them. Why? Because the comments are inane and the Obamabots are simply attempting to gather supporters to their forums by riding the sweeping wave of popularity of the PPSIMMONS news and ministry sites. We will not allow them to use PPSIMMONS for free and worldwide advertising for their disinformation campaign.
We did however, want to share with you an example of the type of mindless, uniformed, and panicked responses we are getting. The following example is the exact wording of a post from one of the major and national leaders of the Obamabot disinformation campaign. . . . Read Complete Report
What I believe Berry, Obama, or whatever his name is, is hiding the fact that he lied and commented fraud by claiming to be a foreigner to qualify for the great deals given foreign exchange students. We can only hope the honest lawmen of the country keep digging for the truth. One thing for sure, the pathetic habitual liar who presently is squatting in the White House ain’t gonna tell us. . . . EDITOR – Video #25 – Law Enforcement Investigation Shows Indisputable Proof Obama’s Birth Certificate and Selective Service Registration are Forged (Felony). ARREST OBAMA NOW! Video Goes on to Show is Operating Under a False Identity (a Felony Fraud). Obama’s Social Security Number Fails Government’s E-Verify Test and Belongs to Deceased Man, Harrison J. Bounel. Obama’s Passport Name Does Not Match His Birth Certificate. Illegal! For 17 Years, Obama Said He was Born in Kenya. See Obama Three Kenyan Illegal Alien Family Members Living in the US. Starring: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mike Zullo, Barack Hussein Obama, Harrison J. Bounel, Obama’s Illegal Alien Half-Brother Abongo Malik Obama, Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunt Zeituni Onyango, Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle Onyango Obama, Christopher Greene. MAKE THIS VIDEO VIRAL! Send It to Every Member of Your Family, The Electoral College, Congress, Police, News, Judges! Post It on Your Websites. Spread the Word! ARREST OBAMA NOW! See all our videos at
The story we have been following since it began. The one the MSM seems not to know is going on. During that time Obama has ignored court orders to appear before a judge refusing even to send his counsel.
Once the heat got real hot he them posted a Hawaiian Birth Certificate. After study by document researchers, and a Posse of lawmen assembled by “America’s Sheriff,” Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio to look into the charges. They found that the birth certificate posted by the Obama Administration was computer generated (before computers were around to produce such documentation} They also found that his Selective Service card has many mistakes and is probably fraudulent also. A alert armature investigator brought to our collective attention that there were things wrong; the name of the Hospital on the so-called document didn’e exist until 1972, 9 years AFTER Obama’s birth… somewhere, for one.
With all of this activity surrounding Obama’s documentation he seems to be getting a pass from the Controllers MSM. Ask me if I am surprised. No. . . . EDITOR
It’s OK for Joe Biden to talk about how Republicans are going to enslave black people if Mitt Romney gets elected, but don’t you dare tell a joke about the controversy surrounding President Obama’s birth certificate.
Democrats have no trouble saying that Mitt Romney is an accomplice to murder, but any talk about President Obama’s birthplace is verboten.
Describing Mitt Romney as a “felon” is an acceptable campaign charge but bringing up Obama’s birth certificate is seen as felonious assault on the president.
Mitt Romney can be charged with not paying taxes for 10 years with no evidence to prove the charge, but a crowd-pleasing reference to the birth certificate issue makes the GOP contender a presidential non-contender: . . . Read Complete Report
Arpaio calls for congressional investigation of Obama’s fraudulent documents
Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots to host event at Celebrity Theater on Sept. 22 to support Arpaio’s call for congressional investigation
PHOENIX – It was the Tea Party that initially petitioned Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to investigate president Obama’s eligibility to appear on the ballot in Arizona after the birth certificate he unveiled to the public on the White House’s website on April 27, 2011 was deemed a forgery by numerous document experts.
Expecting to clear the president, Arpaio assigned a Cold Case Posse (CCP) team, at no expense to taxpayers, to investigate the document.
While in the process, the CCP looked into Obama’s Selective Service registration, which was purported to be a document fraudulently created in 2008.
CCP lead investigator Mike Zullo presented preliminary evidence during a March 1 press conference indicating they had probable cause to believe both documents were forgeries.
During a subsequent press conference held on July 17, Zullo was able to conclude the birth certificate presented by Obama on April 27, 2011 was a computer-generate forgery and reiterated the Selective Service registration was not just a forgery, but a poorly done one at that. . . . Read Complete Report
Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Sarasota, Fla., Donald Trump said Mitt Romney’s birth certificate quip in Michigan last week may have been a lighthearted joke, but that the issue of President Obama’s birth certificate is far from settled.
“What I think doesn’t matter — he has his views and many other people disagree with him as you know,” Trump said. “…But he did make a joke, and some people thought it might not be a joke. It happens to be an issue that a lot of people believe in … many, many people believe in it so maybe I would have handled it differently, but he’s running for president and I’m with him 100 percent.”
Trump, who has focused on Obama’s birth certificate in the past, said that whether he raises the issue again going forward is an open question. . . . Read Complete Report
While the Republican Party gears up for its biggest event of the year next week in Florida, the conspiracy theorists among them are already looking forward to another convention of sorts next month in Arizona.
Some of the best known birthers in the nation are scheduled to take the stage at a star-studded event in Phoenix, where they plan to call for Congress to investigate whether President Obama’s birth certificate is real. . . . Read Complete Report
I have been a proud “Birther” since day one. . . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
UPDATE: 3/24/17
Is this Obama’s real Birth Certificate? I don’t know and I am willing to wait until all the facts are in. But I feel that we should all at least look into the possibilities. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw BARACK OBAMA’S KENYAN BIRTH CERTIFICATE!
Arpaio Drops Nuclear Bomb On Obama! Birth Certificate100% Fraud! AG Sessions Will Investigate!
Published on Dec 15, 2016
They found the source document! Game Over! This was all orchestrated! Trump knew this was coming and that’s why he stayed out of it! Arpaio was one of the first people Trump met with when he announced he was running. Jerry Corsi of WND showed Arpaio things that shocked him. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Arpaio’s goal is not to expose everything he has, but to just get it in the hands of Congress and the State Department. Trump has been aware of this for years. I can’t wait to see if Trump even responds. Probably not, just like with Hillary Trump is keeping his distance and will let AG Jeff Sessions do the work! Trump is finally getting vindication. I examined the document myself when it was first released and having a very strong background in graphics and font designs, it was clear the document was a fraud! In fact, the forgery was so bad that anyone with average knowledge of graphics and the history of how fonts evolved would clearly see the multitude of errors! It is important to note that Arpaio is not even touching the issue of where Obama was born. He just wants to prove that a crime was committed and Obama was involved. This will allow new AG Jeff Sessions to go after Obama without having to deal with the pushback from the black community and liberal media. Trump was forced to say that Obama was born in America so that he could continue with the primaries without distraction! 40 year document expert Reed Hayes testified that the document is absolutely fraudulent! Independent document experts in Italy also verified that the document is a fraud! This evidence could never make it to a judge because no one had standing in any of the cases according to the Courts! Description of Video
WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama’s Birth Certificate.
YouTube ~ Posted by FOX 10 Phoenix Published on Dec. 15, 2016
OBAMA’s LAST PRESS CONFERENCE BLOWS UP W BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY! NOT by the controlled press! No surprises here. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
YouTube ~ Posted by
Published on Dec 17, 2016
OBAMA’s LAST PRESS CONFERENCE BLOWS UP W BIRTH CERTIFICATE FORGERY! The Cold Case Collusion of Truth Obama handed out a Digitized Fabricated Forgery not a copy of an Original and the Forgers Source Document is a Digitalised Finger Print. The video emphasis the Last Press Conference in total delusion the forensic evidence of Obama’s Birth Certificate released just the day before this Press Conference. Why no Media Questions? You be the Judge of what is staged and what is not.
We encourage everyone to spread this far and wide and also don’t forget to send a copy to your State U.S. Representatives and State U.S. Senator asking them if Crime is ok?
Dr Manning explains how Obama’s forged birth certificate is connected to Andrew Breitbart’s death.
YouTube ~ Posted by LoneStar1776
Is the following Birth Certificate presented by Malik Obama as the real deal true? One thing we do know is the Hawaiian one put up on Obama’s website ain’t. We gotta wait and see as we continue to follow this story. . . Your Editor. . . Dennis Crenshaw
WOW: Malik Obama Releases Barack Obamas Real Birth Certificate!!!