Search results for Patriot Movement

Fighting Back: The American Patriot Movement 2017

American Patriots Documentary 2017

Published on May 18, 2017

Dig a Little DEEPER:  The American Patriot Movement

OK Bombing: Destroyed the Patriot Movement – – – or did it?


In the 1990’s I was a hands-on member of the Patriot Liberty Movement. No I was not a skinhead, NAZI, White Supremacist, Racist or member of any Militia.  The group I was involved with was strictly about educating the citizens of our Republic about the Controllers and their slowly moving plans to destroy our freedoms, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I also just happened to have a world wide audience with my newsletter The Hollow Earth Insider. I changed it from a UFO and paranormal publication to a Patriot Newsletter addressing the movement towards reporting on the groups, secret societies and the movement towards a New World Order.

Jacksonville was a unique place during this time.  We had a national Patriot broadcasting network, Chuck Harder’s Peoples Network just a few miles away in White Springs Florida, and one of the first national Patriot broadcasters, Tom Donahue broadcasting over FM and AM stations across the nation.  Col. Bo Gritz had his Presidential Nation Headquarters in Middleburg Florida, one of Jacksonville’s bedroom communities. I was associated with all of these Patriots and my late wife and I worked with the Bo Gritz for Presidential campaign.

With these important informational sources in our area, particularly Tom Donahue and Bo Gritz, we had a steady stream of speakers coming to our meetings.  The meetings were mainly attended by older, settled citizens who did not like the direction our country was headed in and wanted to know what we could do to change it and to wake up other people.  Ruby Ridge and Waco only made our group more determined. We could see with our own eyes that what we believed about government intrusiveness was true.

But with the OK Bombing it was obvious that the government was starting to target the movement big time and in no time our organizing and education efforts fell apart.  People were scared.  

Chuck Harder was swindled out of his People’s radio network. Tom Donahue was framed on Banking charges and sent to prison and Bo Gritz was hardly mentioned by the press by the simple method of bringing Ross Perot in as “the third party” Presidential Runner.  The Patriot movement had been squelched. By the false flag operation in Oklahoma City the Shadow Government had won. For the moment. (See the last video in this report). . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

OKC – A Conspiracy Theory

YouTube ~ corbettreport

Published on Apr 19, 2015


Everything you ever wanted to know about the OKC bombing in under 5 minutes

OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING: Forerunner To 9-11 [False Flag – Inside Job Conspiracy]

YouTube ~ Truther TV

Published on Mar 7, 2012

This is Pat Shannan’s shocking video documentary ‘Oklahoma City Bombing – Forerunner to 9-11’ which exposes the famous bombing of Murrah Building in Oklahoma City 1995 as an inside job and a forerunner to a much bigger scale event that eventually happened on 11. september 2001 in New York. According to the federal theory, to which the news media ascribed without question, the bombing in Oklahoma City, at the Alfred P. Murrah Building on April 19, 1995, was the work of American dissidents bent on a violent overthrow of the government. Congress responded by immediately enacting legislation to give the government unprecedented latitude with the invasion of individual privacy. All evidence actually points to a well planned, sophisticated government operation put into motion months earlier, with a massive cover-up controlled by the U. S. Justice Department, and carried through and beyond the “Star Chamber” charade of trials in Denver in 1997. This amazing documentary is full of startling facts never made public by the establishment news media about the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma on April 19, 1995. Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 shocked the people of USA and provided the US government a pretext of introducing the first set of laws which restricted the freedoms of the people. This video documentary exposes the coverup behind the event where again the official explanation is a complete lie. 9-11 style scenario in 1995. 1h 50 min. long. A must see for everyone.

The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh

YouTube ~ corbettreport

Published on May 11, 2015


Timothy McVeigh. We’ve been told so much about him, the Oklahoma City bombing, and what it meant for America. But what if it’s all a lie? Join us today for this special Corbett Report podcastumentary as we examine the multiple trucks, multiple bombs, government informants, faked executions and other pieces of information suggesting that McVeigh was not a “lone wolf bomber” at all but a sheepdipped special forces operative working for the government, exactly as he claimed.

Read more

Prelude to Waco: The War Against the Patriot Movement ~ Gordon Kalh ~ Randy Weaver

Prelude to Waco: The War against the Patriot Movement, Gordon Kalh; Randy Weaver

Featured Image: Gordon Kahl – Scene of first shootout near Medina, North Dakota. Fair Use.

Death and Taxes

YouTube ~ marty schoenfeld

Photo Below: Weaver Cabin Layout on Ruby Ridge. Fair Use

Ruby Ridge (Full Documentary)

YouTube ~ ajvaughan3 Documentary Films

Published on Sep 23, 2016

Ruby Ridge was the site of a deadly confrontation and siege in northern Idaho in 1992 between Randy Weaver, his family, his friend Kevin Harris, and agents of the United States Marshals Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation. The events resulted in the death of Weaver’s son Sammy, his wife Vicki, and their dog (Striker) as well as Deputy U.S. Marshal William Francis Degan.

Photo Below: This is the last photograph of Vicki Weaver before she was killed by an FBI sniper 22 Aug 1992 in the Ruby Ridge standoff. It was taken by USMS surveillance the morning of 21 Aug 1992 and was evidence at the subsequent trial. By U.S. Marshal Service – credited to Court Files, U.S. v Weaver in Walter “Ruby Ridge”. Regan 2002, Public Domain.


Dig a Little DEEPER:

Waco: The War Against the Patriot Movement Continues

Waco, February 28 – April 19, 1993: A Retrospect: 24 years of shame

Gun Control Gone Wild: Waco ~ A New Revelation (2012 Documentary) (+) Waco:The Untold Story. (Eyewitness Reports)

William “Bill” Cooper: The Last Casualty (Until Now at Least)

 THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Part 1 : William “Bill” Cooper American’s #1 Patriot Hero

William Cooper Speaks from the Grave: Top Secret FOIA Documents on Bill Cooper

#Occupy Movement Being Labeled As “A Domestic Terror Organization” By FBI (video report)

This is the beginning of the exact same tactics used to scare people away from the Patriot Movement in the 1980s. It started with a few instances like this, moved to Ruby Ridge, then on to Waco . . . and finally Oklahoma City. After Oklahoma your everyday citizen wouldn’t attend a Patriot Meeting on a dare. Escalating government Ops and scare tactics to keep a tight lid on information that might wake the sheeple up to the truth.. The playbook does not change. History repeats itself. . . EDITOR

from RT News via  Youtube

Published on May 30, 2012 by

From disorganized slackers to terrorists – the Occupy movement has seen its media image go from bad to worse over its nine months of existence. Protesters now even face accusations that they pose a threat not just to Corporate America, but to the country as a whole. But activists say it’s all just scaremongering to stifle the movement.

May 1, 2012 The OCCUPY Movement : The Other Side (video reports) by Dennis Crenshaw

Occupy Protests May 1, 2012 – A “REAL” No-spin Report

by Dennis Crenshaw – Editor

May 2, 2012

The major financial problems in this country ARE caused by a combination of a corrupt good-old-boy political system, the money controllers and the capitalist system as operated today. The times are changing.  For one thing corporations will eventually have to learn to share their profits with the people who actually do the hands on work, not pass it along to Corporation flunkies. Unfortunately, they will have to be forced one way or another into accepting that position. The second step is that we MUST get rid of the Federal Reserve System and get our money back on a sound track… backed by precious metals.  The occupy movement is a great start in waking people up to what has been going on in our Country’s political and financial world. . . .  the elitist controllers and their pals can’t stand it! They will fight it tooth and nail. . . EDITOR

all video from youtube


Occupy Movement launches global May Day Protest 5/1/2012

Covering the Event without  the “Commie control” scare tactics of the far right.

The Occupy Movement identified one of the major problems in our system, the banking and financial institutions who have used their Washington thugs to pass bills and regulations which allows them to strip the American people of their assets.  Only their target group is wrong. 

It’s not the top 1% who are causing our problems. It a A SMALL PERCENTAGE at the top of that 1% who control the situation.  By blaming the “top 1%” and “corporate greed” the Occupy movement made a big mistake and opened a large can of worms.  This is a direct challenge to the GOP and their talking heads like, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and David Horowitz who consider themselves to be members of the controlling elitist whose sole media job is to keep such talk under wraps. Check out their coverage of the Occupy protest movement.  They are screaming negative vibes about the Occupy Movement louder than at anything Obama has done. This should send up red flags that they have more personal agendas in the fire when it comes to the amount of energy and time the elitist media’s talking heads spend shouting down the Occupy Movement.  They didn’t “report on the “10s of thousands” of peaceful protesters that turned out across the nation.  People of all walks of life. Instead they reported the one or two bad things that happened and spent the rest of the time calling the protesters “Commies.”  And to recycle the old “Red Threat” from the so-called cold war. Even that isn’t new! The gotta be scared s…less!

Over the years any time the controllers felt a threat from the populace they dust off the same playbook they have used since Joe McCarty’s hearings after World War II of the age-old tactic of claiming that the “trouble makers” are controlled by Communist and Socialistic organizations. To have fallen back to using this ridiculous, outdated  propaganda proves they feel like they are in dire straights and needed something that sounds frighting to send to the sheeple.

Problem is the protests numbering in the “10s of thousands in cities and towns across the nation” (the amount of people reported protesting across America on May 1).

They would have us believe that these 10s of thousands of people are all of communist bent or controlled somehow by some evil “red cells” who have anxiously been waiting in the wings for the past couple of decades for a chance to gain power in the United States;  And in the Occupy Movement they see their chance to spring out of the closet!  Bull Shit.

GOP and such wake up. Communism went out of style years ago. Everyone knows it failed.
 Hell, even your hero Ronny Ray-Gun knew it after Nancy told him. This is the 21st century, it’s radical Islam that attracts the crazies today. 

Sure there are a few burned-out retreads from the 60s and 70s vocalizing about the Occupy Movement… but a plot?  Give me a break. The Controllers flunky’s propaganda wants everyone to believe that those supporting the movement are a bunch of mindless puppets blindly following the resurrected communist  from Occupy protest to Occupy protest. Actually these the same propaganda tactics used to turn the nation against the Branch Dravidian religious sect of Waco Texas and “the Patriot Movement” with the Oklahoma bombing.  Scare tactics to turn the populace against anyone that disagrees with the controllers. Just use interchanging bad guys.

  So what if some left-wing groups are using Occupy to get in their licks?  That’s the American way. That doesn’t make the entire protest a “Commie” protest but it sure does play into the hands of media hacks like Rush Limbaugh. Too Bad.

If you want to know the true make-up of the protesters, look at the videos of the actual people protesting. Of course unless it’s a video of protesters being rowdy and being arrested you will not see any of the videos of the marches on you cable outlet.  Continuing our pledge to be your alternative news source presenting information THEY refuse to publish we have put together the following  video reports from around the Country.

Who are the protesters?

Many are young collage students who have no hopes of a job once the graduate.  There are a lot of homeless people. They are at the bottom of the food chain and certainly see a problem. Then there are everyday working people who are totally frustrated.

The Republican-or-die-crowd  are screaming their heads off about a “Communist Movement.”  They would have you and I believe that the Occupy Movement is under the control of communist organizations. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. But their fears never pan out. Over the years I have watched these fascist GOP party types claim that any movement against the establishment by a group of vocal people is a “commie plot.”  The right wing nutcases never want to believe that people are smart enough to know what’s going on and, when really pissed off at the controllers and their pals, will think and join others in protest on their own. Yesterday, according to one reporter, “tens of thousands of protesters turned out in peaceful protest all across the nation. If there are that many “commies” in the country, or if the small number of die hard  commies and socialist of America can cause the kind of turnout we had yesterday I wonder why have the Controlling fascist fraction of our government made so many inroads over the past 40 years, yet the commies, for the most part, were forced out years ago.?

Do I believe there are far left-wing people involved in this movement? Of course I do. The left wing nutcases will join a movement such as this in a heart beat.  It’s anti-establishment and that’s what they represent.  Do I believe, as those in the Republican Party want me to believe, that the Occupy Movement is “controlled” by these left wink nuts. No,I firmly believe that most of the rank-and-file people protesting under the Occupy banner are people, like myself, who realize that  THE TOP BANKERS and FINANCIAL CONTROLLERS ARE A LARGE CAUSE OF OUR COUNTRIES FINANCIAL PROBLEMS TODAY.

So, after listening to the mainstream press scream in our ears that the Occupy movement is nothing but a bunch of commies, lets take a look at what’s going on out on the streets.  As you watch this extensive video report look at the people.  Commies? Gimme a break!

After you watch the live videos if you still “think” this is not a peoples movement that’s O.K.  But I personally think that line of thinking is the product of rightist propaganda. . . EDITOR




Washington D. C.

Occupy 2012, an American Spring?


Cops Supplying Drugs to Occupy Protesters

from youtube

Published on May 1, 2012 by

“Video documentation by local activists and independent media shows that police officers and county deputies from across Minnesota have been picking up young people near Peavey Plaza for a training program to recognize drug-impaired drivers. Multiple participants say officers gave them illicit drugs and provided other incentives to take the drugs. The Occupy movement, present at Peavey Plaza since April 7th, appears to be targeted as impaired people are dropped off at the Plaza, and others say they’ve been rewarded for offering to snitch on the movement. , , ,” Read Complete article.

Oakland California

Police teargas Oakland protesters at May Day general strike

Published on May 1, 2012 by

“Around 400 protesters have been confronted by police who used tear gas, causing hundreds to scatter on May 1. Some activists blocked streets throughout the day and vandalized two banks, a news van and police vehicle. Nine people were taken into custody in Oakland, California, after hundreds of people took to the streets. Police reportedly used Taser against at least one of them. Officers ordered protesters out of the street after firing the tear gas and “flash-bang” grenades. RT’s correspondent Madina Kochenova has the latest from Los Angeles.”


And the G8 Runs Away

from youtube

Published on Mar 6, 2012 by

“Did Occupy Chicago come into the equation to move the G8 to Camp David? According to CBS Chicago , that is a question that was dodged by the President of the United States.”. . . Read Complete report

New York City:

May Day Protests NYC: ARRESTED for Standing on the curb! Cops on Power Trip. (occupy, OWS)


Occupation – 6th Largest International port shut down.

Brunswick, Georgia

Occupy Bushwick protestors down Knickerbocker Avenue, May 1 2012

Commie controlled mindless people one and all… RIGHT! . . . EDITOR

THEI Eyeballs the Resistors Part 5: “Big Jim” Tucker: In memory of the man who was the Sty in the Eye of the Bilderburg Group


Jim Tucker Speaks at Bilderberg Protest 2012. Back in the 1990’s  true information about the Controllers was hard to get our hands on except for a weekly newspaper out of Washington DC called the Spotlight.  One of my favorite investigative reporters on their staff was Jim Tucker. His well researched hard hitting spot on reports on Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission,  and the Controllers nefarious doings was always some of the best reports the great newspaper had to offer.

 But what I really waited for was his annual reports on the the plans of the Bilderbergers .  At that time he was the only investigative reporter reporting on their secretive meetings.  With his many undercover inside connections, nothing from who was attending, to the information from inside their secret meetings got past him and he always passed anything he found out on to his many loyal fans. I reprinted many of his reports in the 1990’s editions of The Hollow Earth Insider.

With his death on April 26, 2013 the Patriot movement lost one of its best informative voices.  I truly miss his hardcore style of reporting. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

THEI Eyeballs The Resistors Series:

Part I William “Bill” Cooper America’s #1 Patriot Hero

Part 2 Eustace Mullins Researcher Extraordinaire’~ Author, Lecturer and the man who first exposed the Federal Reserve Scam

Part 3 The MOTHER of all Conspiracy Researchers Mae Brussel.

Part 4 Fritz Springmeier: The Man the Illuminati Hates ~ Was Railroaded into Prison for Bank Robbery for 8 Years ! Now Out and Awakening People Again

From Wikipedia: Jim Tucker (journalist)


“James P. (Jim or Big Jim[1]) Tucker, Jr. (December 31, 1934 – April 26, 2013) was an American journalist and author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary, who, since 1975, has focused on the Bilderberg Group. Tucker died on April 26, 2013, from complications due to a fall, according to his obituary.

“Tucker has been described as a “veteran Bilderberg observer”,[2] “the doyen of Bilderberg hunters”,[3] as “an oddball Washington journalist”,[1] and as a “right-wing conspiracy investigator”.[4] “

Bilderberg Group[edit1990s[edit]

“Tucker’s efforts to infiltrate the 1999 Bilderberg meeting at the Hotel Caesar Park in Sintra, Portugal were chronicled by British reporter Jon Ronson in his book, Them: Adventures with Extremists and broadcast as part of Channel 4’s The Secret Rulers of the World series. Tucker told Ronson “They exist and they’re not playing pinochle in there”.[1][7] “. . . Read Complete Wikipedia Report

Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary (2005) – Book Review

YouTube ~ Mark Dice

Read more

William Cooper Predicted 9/11 (June 28,2001)

Featured Image: William Cooper. SOURCE: Unknown (Fair Use)

youtube by ConspiracyScope

Published on Sep 10, 2014

Bill Cooper’s “9/11 prediction” about a false flag terror attack by the New World Order that would be blamed on Osama Bin Laden [on June 28 ,2001].

He made that prediction on 6/28/01 over his shortwave Radio program “Hour of the Time.” There were a lot of Americas who listen to the show.  I personal went out of my way to not miss any of his broadcasts. The patriot movement was growing, and William Cooper’s intellegence reports to the people was revealing too much. He had the Controllers squirming . . EDITOR

And of course everyone knows what happened on 9/11/01. History is History.

Bill Cooper was revealing the slugs under the rocks and their secret agendas. The Controllers didn’t like his educating the masses. He had to go. On 11/5/01 he was gunned down by Sheriffs deputies at his home in Arizona.

The memory of this true Patriot and super American should never be forgotten.  . . EDITOR

youtube by PisstoffAmerican

Meet Bill Cooper : Murdered by George W. Bush & Friends

Published on Jun 10, 2012

Bill Cooper is a man everyone should know about. Few actually do. There should be statues of this man in every town across America! There never will be.. He tried to do the right thing, when nobody else even cared what the ‘right thing’ was.

Go a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archives “William Cooper”


THEI Selected Short Subject (Rerun)

This time it’s being used to salute William Cooper, a true Patriot.

Google Search: William Cooper

6/30/13: IRON MOUNTAIN Report (Full Documentary)

Milton William Cooper – Hour Of The Time – Very First Broadcast – Legendary. (Video~Audio Report)

Featured Image: Milton William Cooper, a Patriot, a Hero. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain).

Milton William Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” is a book that should be on the top shelf in every Conspiracy Science library. This is the first in a series of report’s from William Cooper and other modern patriots we will be running here on THEI.

For an education about the REAL Secret history of the world and the crimes commented against mankind’s freedom by the elitist Controllers to achieve their documented  goal of total world domination listen to one of the masters of that information.  And Cooper is at the top of that list of teachers…

On November 5, 2001, after years of harassment by the government, William Cooper was finally gunned down by Apache County sheriff’s deputies. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by  Patriot News Organization

Published on May 20, 2013

This is legendary folks. William Cooper was a real patriot. If you think Alex Jones is the leader of the Patriot Movement, you don’t know who William Cooper is. He was the first leader of the radio movement to wake America up, before being assassinated by police. . . . From intro with video.

Adam Kokesh Speech about the REVOLUTION in AMERICA (+) UPDATE: Complete Arrest video (Video Reports)

Yesterday we posted the report of well know Patriotic radio host Adam Kokesh singled out and arrested last Saturday in Philadelphia during a Smoke Down Prohibition rally. SEE: Government “Law” Thugs Kidnap Adam Kokesh at Pot Prohibition Protest(Video Report)

Below is a video of the whole arrest. (In the Blue Jacket) It’s obvious that he was singled out to be arrested. This is getting scary. Adam is a large voice in today’s patriot movement. Could it be because of his message that he was singled out? Check out the 2nd video down. We will be following THIS story and featuring more from Adam Kokesh. (Adam VS the Man). . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by Jay Dee

Published on May 18, 2013

Adam Kokesh getting arrested at Smoke down. Sorry about the AUDIO and VIDEO quality, my resolution was set low.

From youtube uploaded by bbcnewsgoud

Adam Kokesh Speech about the REVOLUTION in AMERICA

DHS Training Video Depicts ‘Militias’ As Chemical Weapon Wielding Terrorists (Video Reports)

Somebody needs to clue this bunch of thugs as to who the REAL enemy is… (Clue) It’s NOT the patriot movement. . . EDITOR

From Oath Keepers May 2nd, 2013

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at

A training-style video available on a media page of the website, and linked to the Department Of Homeland Security, features a fake news report depicting “gunowners” and “militias” as terrorists planning bombing attacks on public centers. . . . Read Complete Report

Department of Homeland Security TRAINING VIDEO (FAKE) Showing Gun Owners as Terrorists

HSEEPgraphic SOURCE hseep.dlhs.govGraph from HEEP

Published on May 1, 2013
A training-style video available on a media page of the FEMA HSEEP (Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program) website, and linked to the Department Of Homeland Security features a fake news report depicting “gunowners” and “militias” as terrorists planning bombing attacks on public centers.

DHS (FAKE) Training Video Targets “Militias”