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Ben Livingston: The Father of Weaponized Weather

Ben Livingston: The Father of Weaponized Weather

YouTube ~ Reality TV Published on May 7, 2017

With the above report being posted today, and the Hurricane Season right around the Corner here on the East Coast of the US, I have decided to re-post  my Weather Control Series from April 2012. I think the research still applies today. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw (See Page 2 below)

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US stores old nukes…to fight off asteroid threats

Featured Image: Large astronoid crashing into Earth. SOURCE: wpclipart. (Public Domain)

youtube by RT America

Published on Oct 4, 2014

The US government is stockpiling nuclear warhead components so that they can be used to destroy asteroids if need be, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.

Dig a little DEEPER ~ Archive “Looming Disaster”

THEI Special Report Part 1: (Retro) Weather Wars or just Mother Nature Getting Even? by Dennis Crenshaw

Photo; NOAA satellite image taken Saturday, Aug. 04, 2012 at 01:45 AM EDT. Photo by Weather Underground SOURCE

I note that the Controllers Media is starting to hook the weather off the coast of Florida with the upcoming GOP Presidential Campaign in Tampa Florida.

 Could Hurricane Isaac derail the GOP convention?

Now as everyone knows i am not a Conspiracy theorist (no way!) but sometimes you just have to look at things tweaked just a little from what you see and hear coming over the Controllers Media teleprompters.

Past GOP conventions impacted by weather

Conspiracy or not the one thing we know for certain is that, call it Weather Control, Weather Manipulation or Weather Modification, it is real. Completely documented evidence of our government doing just that during the war in Vet Nam came out in top secret hears on Weather Modification during the Vet Nam War – Senate Hearings  held March 20 1974 and May 19 1974.

Anyone interested in the subject can find tons of particles sprinkled all over the web. Personally i believe at least some, if not most, of the Chem-trails being seen in our skies today have to do with scientific study and experimental testing of weather control options. Back in the September 2008 I published an extended series of research reports  that I feel is just as timely as if written today.  So I decided to transfer the whole series of  reports, freshened up a bit and make it easily available right here in The NEW Hollow Earth Insider Archives. . . . EDITOR

from THEI 9/1/2008

Weather Wars or Just Mother Nature Getting Even?

by Dennis Crenshaw -THEI Editor

Having lived a large portion of my life on the east coast of Florida, I naturally am very aware of the annual Hurricane Season which runs from June 1st thru November 30th and just how nasty these destroyers of lives and property can be.

Why live here then, you might ask? Well, of course, the stock answer is because of the weather and the beautiful beaches. (After all I do go to the beach once a year for the Springing the Blues Festival. And most of the time this “great weather” is hotter than hell and muggier than a health club sauna). I guess the actual – and wiseass – answer is, “everyone has to live somewhere.”

Which is worse, a Hurricane or a Earthquake?

I experienced hurricane Dora in 1964 as the eye of the storm passed directly through Jacksonville. The Sudden calm, the unexplained strangeness that came with the calmness of the eye.Then came the sudden return of the wall of that extremely destructive storm from the opposite direction which was especially nerve wracking. As the old worn-out saying goes, It was an experience that lives in my mind like it was yesterday.

[ I also found myself living in California during the Sylmar Earthquake on February 9, 1971. With the epicenter of this 6.6 magnitude earthquake being approx 10 miles away from our home we felt the blunt of the shaker. The point being that I have a pretty good perspective to the age old question: would you rather experience a hurricane or an earthquake? My answer: neither].

Anyway back to hurricanes. I first noticed the pattern of the routes of major hurricanes with Hurricane Floyd in 1999.


Video Report

from youtube

I watched in amazement as local TV began 24 hour coverage while the storm was mile away from where they usually begin such heavy coverage locally. Studies were being implemented to let the population know what might happen if they ignored the evacuation order, then the results were shown on TV over and over. Never before had I seen this happen so soon. Then came the first ever evacuation of the whole state of Florida causing a huge traffic jam that stretched for the 400 miles or so of the peninsular.They even moved all the inmates out of our prisons and jails. Then the extremely over-rated Hurricane (for Florida) followed the coastline of Florida as though something was in control of its movement by keeping it on an even track offshore without ever touching land at any point in the state.

Study : Hurricane Floyd Evacuation of the State of Florida

The following year I watched as tropical storm Leslie coming OUT OF THE NORTH (a direction we seldom see them coming from) and made a direct b-line for our state without any hoopla about evacuation until just before the incident. Then after a few well televised localized evacuations Leslie petered out.  


At the time I mentioned to family members and friends, half jokingly, that the past few storm seasons seemed to be part of a pre-planned study by the controllers into just how fast they could relocate a large number of people in a short period of time using the state of Florida and most of the eastern seaboard of the United States as a test area.

Then, when Katrina hit New Orleans the thought came to me that this could be another study. Instead of a massive evacuation this time the controllers wanted to see what would happen if a major storm hit a city with all the people still there. Of course back then I was thinking more along the lines of the controllers taking advantage of the storms mother nature was sending our way rather than any thought of some kind of weather manipulation.

 The other day [September 2008] with the present situation of hurricanes lining up in the Atlantic like airplanes at an airport and while thinking along the lines of persistent internet chatter about possible control of these massive storms I suddenly remembered a small piece of information that I had picked up while in the merchant marines during the Viet Nam war.

It was during the spring of 1967 or 1968. Our freighter, an old workhorse Liberty ship left over from WWII named the Silver Falcon, left Lake Charles, Louisiana with a load of rice bound for Da Nang, South Viet Nam under an operation called “Hands Across the Sea.”

One night while on watch with the 2nd Mate I mentioned that I thought it was strange to be carrying rice to Viet Nam, a place certainly not lacking in rice fields. He told me that it was a payback for all the crops we had destroyed by making it rain for an extended period of time and that, combined with the extensive bombing, we had destroyed much of the Vietnamese rice crops. He said that our cargo of rice being delivered to the Vietnamese people was a part of a deal made with the South Viet Nam government to make up for the destroyed rice patties. At the time it all seemed far-fetched to me, but him being a mate and me being an ordinary seaman I didn’t press the discussion any further. However the story must have stuck in my unconscious mind. And, of course, since that day long ago I’ve read some of the information concerning the possibility of government weather control experiments, especially at the highly secretive Haarp facility in Alaska.

I also realize that when it comes to what our invisible government can and will do there are no bounds. If they could make it rain in Viet Nam in 1967 so much as to wipe out much of the rice crop anything is possible after 40 years of further research and application.

With all of the unusual hurricane activity going on right now I decided to take a long hard look at the possibility of massive and precise weather control, and/or hurricane manipulation.

 Part II; The Weather Manipulators EXCLUSIVELY on THEI

Retro: Stephen Hawking’s Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction

As many of you already know I an a big advocate of moving underground [watch for up-coming series, Living UNDER this Mess starting next month].  But let’s face it that will only work during the short-term. When it’s time for the big Enchilada, the final segment, the last twist of our spaceship earth I think we’ll need to follow the advice given below and … get the flock off! . . . EDITOR
Big Think Editors on August 6, 2010, 12:00 AM

Let’s face it: The planet is heating up, Earth’s population is expanding at an exponential rate, and the the natural resources vital to our survival are running out faster than we can replace them with sustainable alternatives. Even if the human race manages not to push itself to the brink of nuclear extinction, it is still a foregone conclusion that our aging sun will expand and swallow the Earth in roughly 7.6 billion years.

So, according to famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, it’s time to free ourselves from Mother Earth. “I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space,” Hawking tells Big Think. “It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn’t have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let’s hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.” .

Hawking says he is an optimist, but his outlook for the future of man’s existence is fairly bleak.  . . . Read Complete Report

Get Ready, Get Set, Duck!

Time to Trade in Your Tinfoil Hat for a Crash Helmet?

CONGESTED INTERSECTION: Ranging in size from microscopic space dust to mountainous asteroids, trillions of meteoroids zing through the inner solar system on a daily basis. What are the odds that five of them would cross the same point in space? Pretty good, actually. In fact, it happened just last night. Regard the following orbit diagram, then read on for an expanation:

These are the orbits of five objects that hit Earth on the night of Dec. 7/8. NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network recorded the meteoroids as they disintegrated in the atmosphere over the United States, each one producing a bright fireball. Note how all the orbits converge on a single point–our planet.

Every night the network’s cameras scan the skies over the United States, forming an inventory of what hits the atmosphere. Combining images from multiple cameras, network software rapidly calculates the basic parameters of each interloper: orbit, speed, disintegration height, and more. At the moment, cameras are located in only four states (New Mexico, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee), but the network is expanding to provide even better coverage. Soon we’ll see just how congested our intersection in space really is. Stay tuned.

And now a word from…well, me.

Space stuff falls into our atmosphere all the time. I mean ALL the time. These five objects were different in that they were much bigger than the average mote of dust that makes a “normal” shooting star. However, none of them were large enough to actually survive the trip to the surface of our planet. It typically takes something at least the weight of a five gallon bucket full of water to stand a chance of making a crater after fully traversing the atmosphere. And there are plenty of those out there. I was fortunate enough to witness such an awesome event in 1979.


(Exitmundi) Actually, it literally rained Big One’s on our little planet. As recently as January 2002, geologists discovered a huge impact crater out of the Australian coast: no less than 120 kilometers wide. The meteor that carved out the crater slammed into our planet 360 million years ago, wiping out 85 percent of all species.

And in 2001, Norwegian researchers suddenly realized that their coast had once been the scene of a similar event. A huge meteor went kaboom over Norway 150 million years ago – speaking in geological terms, right before the Great Exterminator. The explosion slammed a 40-kilometer wide bump in the seabed of the Barents Sea, the so-called `Mjoelnir Crater’. Researchers still wonder how it was possible that anything survived.

Oh, and even when humanity was around, the meteors kept hitting us. For example, according to some researchers, the legendary floods of Deucalion, the Sumerian Gilgamesh-epos and the biblical Deluge may very well have been caused by a big comet plunging into sea somewhere.

More recent, in the year 1490 A.D., the city of Ch’ing Yang in Central China was the scene of a weird disaster. The event was recorded in at least ten ancient textbooks, all claiming that the event killed many thousands of people as it `rained stones and fire’. Likely cause: an asteroid as big as a modest sky scraper, going kaboom high up in the Earth’s atmosphere.


On June 30th of 1908, a loud explosion shook the village of Tunguska in Middle-Siberia. Local inhabitants saw a huge blast of fire in the sky. There was a sudden temperature rise, and a blazing forest fire, lighting up the horizon. No less than two thousand square miles of forest were devastated. As we know now, a twelve story building sized piece of rock hit the atmosphere over Siberia and exploded at a height of some eight kilometers. The energy set free at the event was equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT — a thousand atomic bombs!

Tunguska, Siberia, 1908

So, it’s no pessimistic estimate that our planet can bounce into a freaky piece of space rock again. Cosmologists estimate an extinction type comet hits the earth once every 20 million years. The odds for a smaller, Tunguska-type impact are much higher. On average, this kind of thing happens once in every 300 years.

Of course, the effect of a meteor impact depends on the place where it hits the Earth. The meteor that killed the dinosaurs, for example, hit a soil loaded with sulfuric rock, which enormously boosted the comet’s devastating effect. Had it hit the planet several hundreds of miles westwards, it would have plunged into the ocean — and the dinosaurs probably would have survived. On the other hand, if a Tunguska-type meteor happens to hit an inhabited area, it will definitely wipe it off the face of the Earth entirely. Considering that some 10 percent of our planet is inhabited, you could assume that once in every 3,000 years a meteorite will destroy an inhabited area.

Meanwhile, the people at Nasa try to reassure us, by claiming they keep an open eye to the sky. The message they propagate is that a meteor that wants to hit our planet surely will be spotted in time and destroyed — whether it is by a nuclear bomb or by a team of Bruce Willis-like he-men going out in a space shuttle. Errrrr, Russian rocket, since we no linger have a real launch capability. Which is another part of the bigger problem.

Dr Michjo Kaiku, cosmologist and author, once said that in order to survive long term, mankind must either fid another suitable planet and go there or we must go inside this one. We can’t go either way at this point. Only the “elite”, that is, the “controllers”, can buy those tickets. Big Brother is not going to let you or me in on that deal. When the big one hits, we’re goners.

Talking about Big One’s: in 2039, another HUGE comet will pass us by `only’ some millions of Kilometers. However, this estimate is not completely fireproof, for one thing because comets are very sensitive to variations in their trajectory. This has the potential to be a planet killer, not just an extinctor.

Here’s what to do. Put on your best helmet — and keep your fingers crossed.

Actually, I think I’ll choose the tinfoil lined crash helmet, a deep hole, and lots of dried food. Can’t be too safe…

Rick Osmon


Get Rick’s book, The Graves of the Golden Bear, Ancient Fortresses and Monuments of the Ohio Valley