Join me as I welcome back Mr William Von Holst (editor of Imre Vallyon’s The Warrior Code This book is a guide for practical living in the world, where the Spiritual Warrior must live) to the show live this Sunday at 10pm est.
The listeners who would like to call in please do so at 786-245-8127
“The reader may meditate on a different Aphorism each day or the same one for as long as desired. The book may also be used as a source of guidance in times of crisis. Simply open a page at random and instruction will come your way.”
About the Author: Imre Vallyon was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1940. At the age of fifteen, he emigrated first to Austria and then to New Zealand. From an early age, Imre immersed himself in many spiritual streams of the Western and Eastern teachings.
In the early 1980s, he began writing and lecturing full-time. He continues to teach at spiritual retreats and workshops around the world. [continue]
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