Featured Image: The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
youtube by TheAlexJonesChannel
Published on Aug 20, 2014
Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo interviews Author Fritz Springmeier who discusses the Illuminati’s hidden hand in the crisis taking place all over the world and more.
Fritz, a personal friend, was a frequent contributor to the original hard copy Hollow Earth Insider during the 1990’s. His researcher into the bloodline of the family members of the Illuminati is the most detailed and documented of anything available . As to how good his information is. . . he was framed for bank robbery and spend considerable time in prison. That should answer that question for those who are knowledgeable.
It’s Great to see him back and to be continuing his fight. ALL of his books are excellent and highly recommended. . . EDITOR
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