Tag Archive for 12

12,000 Year Old Massive Underground Tunnels Found (w/video)

12,000 Year Old Massive Underground Tunnels Found from Scotland to Turkey w/video

Before its News ~~ Friday, February 3, 2017 14:43

Is it possible that ancient cultures were interconnected thousands of years ago? According to thousands of underground tunnels that stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean the answer is a big yes. While the reason behind these sophisticated tunnels remains a mystery, many experts believe that this huge 12,000 year old network was built as a protection against predators and other dangers 12,000 years ago. Some experts believe that these mysterious tunnels were used as modern-day highways, allowing the transition of people and connecting them to distant places across Europe. . . Read Complete article

Go Deeper: Archive for Hollow Earth/ Subterranean Worlds

Major Poll Reveals 12 Million Americans Believe Reptillian Illuminati Run the World (Video Report)

Featured Image: Reptoid. SOURCE: Reptoid Research Center

From youtube uploaded by Mark Dice

Published on Apr 4, 2013

A major polling firm has released a poll on popular conspiracy theories and reveals an interesting look at how many people believe in a variety of conspiracies ranging from the JFK assassination to the Reptillian Elite.

12,000 Peaceful People Arrested in Italy for Not Paying Taxes and Police Discover Thriving Black Market

from IntelHub

By JG Vibes

January 26, 2012

Thanks to a lifetime of propaganda, people will argue relentlessly that taxation is not an act of violence, they will deny that it perpetuates a complicated form of slavery, and many times get deeply offended when you point out the fact that it is theft.

Yet, peaceful people are taken against their will and thrown in cages every day for not paying taxes.  If this action was not carried by the state, everyone would recognize it as a violent kidnapping.

This year in Italy alone around 12,000 people had armed government workers trespass on their property, take them against their will and lock them up in a cage. . . . Read Complete Report

Treasure Finds up 12% Last Year

from Museums Association  Journal

Geraldine Kendall


Annual reports for the Treasure Act and Portable Antiquities Scheme(PAS) have shown rises of 12% and 8% respectively in finds recorded in England and Wales for the year 2011.

Figures published last week show that 97,509 finds and 970 treasure cases were recorded during that period. . . . Read Complete Report

12 Ways We’re Being Eyeballed, Indexed and Monitored to Oblivion

from Before its News

by Zen Gardner ZenGardner.com

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 18:57

The latest announcement of recording capabilities being installed in American buses via their already invasive CCTV cameras has me hopping mad. It’s just sick. Yet the most astounding thing is the vast majority will swallow it as a needed feature to help fight terrorism.

After all, they have nothing to hide. They’re not doing diddly squat to stand up to anything, and have no intention to. “Obey..Obey” is what they hear.

Every possible 1984ish scenario immediately jumps into your mind as the slow mo intro of all this techno mumbo jumbo is laid on a naive and unsuspecting, weakened public.

Let Me Count the Ways . . . Read Complete Report