Retrospect: My personal research published in 1996 in The Hollow Earth Insider (THEI)
Since the inception of THEI in 1992 we have been filing reports on the Strange goings on in the South Pole Region of our planet.
One of my personal early research projects was an in depth study of the huge Snow Cruiser that was being built and hyped almost daily prior to Admiral Byrd’s 1939 expedition which totally disappeared from any news sources once it was transported to Antarctica.
We are talking about an exploring machine that was outfitted for a crew of 4, with enough supplies to last a year without any contact and big enough to carry a one engine plane strapped to its back. Think about it. This huge machine built in 1939 was like the Fledgling Space Program building their first shuttle. Everyone in America knew about it and read about it being built daily in their newspapers and popular magazines of the day. When it was moved across the country people came from miles away just to watch it pass. Then once unloaded in Antarctica it was never mentioned again. No questions, no answers.
(Admiral Byrd’s 1939 Antarctica Expedition & the Mysterious Snow Cruiser). (1996) by Dennis Crenshaw.
The Penguin Antarctic Snow Cruiser Mysterious Snow Cruiser
To get the full concept of it’s size watch in full screen mode.
YouTube ~ Автомобильный Век Published on Aug 7, 2015
Image: The Snow Cruiser plans. Source:Life Magazine. 30 October 1939. (For the complete article and a large clear copy of this diagram along with other photos go here).
So with that said I am eager to return to Antarctica and learn with you the latest about this mysterious and secretive place that has fascinated me for over 25 years.
If this all seems too outlandish to you don’t fluff it off until you watch the more modern videos I am presenting further into this lengthy posting. . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
YouTube ~ Hidden Truth News
This documentary short is a complex presentation of recent U.S. and Russian visits to Antarctica, the Nazis, and Hollow Earth, including its importance in Nazi Germany before and during WW2, and Antarctica’s possible escape route off of the Earth for many Nazi’s who mysteriously disappeared after the war without a trace. Few know the truth about Antarctica, as it is an expanse of land that has gone unnoticed for centuries. But not by the Nazis…They knew the truth…
Image: medallion used by the German Antarctica of 1938-2939. First Deutsche Antarktische Expedition
The Nazis believed there might have been a civilization inside the Earth. This was the belief of Helena Blavatsky, who profoundly influenced the Nazi’s philosophy and esotericism. There is an abundance of evidence to suggest that a theory now considered dumb to most people, the hollow Earth, had an unusual cult following in Nazi Germany. German pop figures and writers also supported this idea, including one writer named Karl Neupert. The Earth was not a solid rock, but was shaped more like a human eyeball, having two portals of entry at the North and South poles and was hollow in the center. An empire was alleged to exist inside the Earth called Agartha. This is where the master race dwells.
Why was this? The Nazis did not create the hollow Earth concept. The idea preceded them. Even illuminati members Edgar Allen Poe and Jules Verne alluded in their poetry and prose to such a place, deep underneath the crust. Call it conspiracy, but the Nazi’s led three expeditions to Antarctica, and Admiral Richard Byrd, who led Operation Highjump, suggests that “bases” were established in Antarctica by the Nazis. They were doing something down there. Was the continent an escape for them?
Now, Obama visited Antarctica in March, and he was preceded by Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Simultaneous to Obama’s visit to the South Pole, his director of CIA, James Clapper, made a secret trip to Australia, another country with heavy interest in Antarctica. Kirill offered a strange blessing of Antarctica, calling the barren land an “ideal for human kind” because there were no weapons down there or any type of science experiments. Except, we know that is not true at all: there are multiple scientific expeditions that have gone to Antarctica: this was confirmed in an interview with Richard Byrd, who said that the region would become the center of scientific inquiry directly after WW2. What did he mean by this.
Another piece of my personal Research published in THEI in 1996
Before we get further into the present time reports we must look at another pieces of research that I did during my 4 years of research into Admiral Byrd’s involvement into the subject. As you look into Hollow Earth aspect of this mysterious piece of land you will hear a lot about “Admiral Byrd’s Secret Diary”. Here is my personal research into this oft quoted book. Be sure and watch the video I produced at the end of the research report. That’s the smoking gun. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw
The Missing Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact or Fiction? (1996) by Dennis Crenshaw
Antarctica Strangeness 2017 Style
Antarctica video you will never forget, try not to miss
YouTube ~ ekeresco jack Published on Apr 16, 2017
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