Featured Image: A solar photovoltaic module is composed of individual PV cells. This crystalline-silicon module comprises 4 solar cells and has an aluminum frame and glass on the front. Hewlett-Packard. SOURCE:Wikipedia(Public Domain)
Printable solar panels are going to be available to us very soon and could power “entire skyscrapers,” Australian researchers say. The very near future will see personal electronic charging transformed, but the potential is growing quickly.
Featured Image: U.S. Navy ships assigned to the George Washington Carrier Strike Group sail in formation for a strike group photo in the Caribbean Sea. 29 April 200. Credit: Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Christopher Stephens. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain – (http://www.defenselink.mil/multimedia/about.html
The State Department has demanded they be removed, but free blueprints for a handgun that can be made on a 3D printer already have been downloaded 100,000 times, its maker says.
Lawmakers have expressed dismay over the plastic weapons that use regular ammunition. But the company that invented it says it is an example of technology helping people protect their Second – and First – Amendment rights.
Defense Distributed’s “Liberator” cannot be “seen” by metal detectors, and they allow anyone to basically set up a gun-production facility in his or her own home, Forbes reports. . . . Read Complete Report
Staples becomes first major US retailer to sell 3D printers
Despite the growing popularity of 3D printers, being limited to purchase through specialist stores and online shops means they still occupy a niche market of hobbyists and professional designers. You can’t just waltz into your local office supply store and pick one up along with a pack of manila folders and paperclips. But soon, you’ll be able to do just that. Office supply chain Staples will become the first major US retailer to offer 3D printers on its shelves, starting with the Cube from 3D Systems. . . . Read Complete Report
The potential for 3D-printed guns has (unsurprisingly) generated a great deal of controversy, and the Liberator is no exception. Named after the WWII single shot pistol, this 3D-printed .380 caliber pistol is made almost entirely of plastic and looks more like a nozzle for a water hose than a gun. The weapon has survived multiple firings with very little damage, inspiring enough confidence that designer Cody Wilson has now tested the gun by hand. . . . Read Complete Report
The web domain for Defense Distributed was recently seized, and a notice was placed on the home page stating that individuals involved with the website are being indicted under a grand jury investigation for violating various gun control and intellectual property regulations.
Just a few minutes ago i was doing some research about the progress of 3D printed firearms, and followed a link to the homepage for Defense Distributed, the company that is pioneering the world of 3d printing, specifically guns and ammunition.
I was very disappointed to see the all too familiar federal domain seizure greeting, informing me that not only had the domain been seized, but that individuals involved with the project were being indicted as well. . . .Read Complete Report
Cody R Wilson has figured out how to print a semi-automatic rifle from the comfort of his own home. Now he’s putting all the information online so that others will join him.
Robert and Julie show you what the future of manufacturing looks like with the 3D printer. The possibilities are endless when small bits of material can be arranged in all 3 dimensions of space. Learn more in this video from Stuff to Blow Your Mind.
It Will Be Awesome if They Don’t Screw it Up: 3D Printing
By Michael Weinburg
Nov. 2010
The next great technological disruption is brewing just out of sight. In small workshops, and faceless office parks, and garages, and basements, revolutionaries are tinkering with machines that can turn digital bits into physical atoms. The machines can download plans for a wrench from the Internet and print out a real, working wrench. Users design their own jewelry, gears, brackets, and toys with a computer program, and use their machines to create real jewelry, gears, brackets, and toys.
These machines, generically known as 3D printers, are not imported from the future or the stuff of science fiction. Home versions, imperfect but real, can be had for around $1,000. Every day they get better, and move closer to the mainstream. . . . Read Complete Report
Nearly 2,000 years ago, at a time when Egypt was under the control of the Roman Empire, a young woman with an elaborate hairstyle was laid to rest only yards away from a king’s pyramid, researchers report.
She was 5 feet 2 inches in height, around age 20 when she died, and was buried in a decorated coffin whose face is gilded with gold. Anearby pyramid, at a site called Hawara, was built about 2 millennia before her lifetime. The location of her burial is known from archival notes.
High-resolution CT scans reveal that, before she was buried, her hair was dressed in an elaborate hairstyle. . . . Read Complete Report
Pyramids of Gizeh Egypt. The Great Pyramid. Reflecting pyramid, mounted camelman. SOURCE: Library of Congress (Public-Domain)
CT scans reveal a unique, curly hairstyle on mummy 30007, who has come to be known at The Field Museum as “The Gilded Lady”
See this and much more in our exhibition “Opening the Vaults: Mummies” through 4/22/12 at The Field Museum. http://mummies.fieldmuseum.org/
I started the “Robotics” department to help us keep our eyes on how fast the Robotics industry can come up with a complete, real human-replaceable robot.
Once the industry creates a “perfect” prototype robot who can pass and do everything human the Controllers (those who finance the robotics industry through “Grants”) will be able to rev up their “population control” plans which is now based on how many human slaves they will need to take care of their elitist crowd.
But I believe they are thinking that maybe they need really need no “Farmer Ants” after all. With a full staff of human robots they’ll have 24/7 workers who don’t bitch about pay, holidays, medical benefits sick leave or even take time away from the task at hand to take a s**t, etc, etc.
Hell, the bosses can even turn off the lights in the workplace to save electricity!
Slaves will no longer be needed. To put it bluntly; you and I babe, along with the whole human race, will become obsolete.
. . . Check out the robot in this video. Imagine yourself as a worker moving those boxes… think you can keep up? I see at least two jobs lost right there… the one throwing and the one catching. And this is just a prototype!. . EDITOR
Robots are rapidly learning how to make more decisions for themselves, and now more and more of them are leaving the lab and are going to work in factories, warehouses, hospitals, and offices. In a recent 60 Minutes piece, correspondent Steve Kroft describes how robots are appearing more often in different types of workplaces; in fact, many of the companies mentioned in the piece will be displaying their robotic creations this week at the Automate Show in Chicago. These companies, including the firm I’ve recently joined, Industrial Perception, Inc., or IPI, are working to make robots ready for mainstream use by America’s manufacturing and logistics facilities. . . . Read Complete Report