Tag Archive for 4-20

UPDATE: LIVE! From Denver Colorado! Celebrate 4-20: Cannabis Worldwide Holiday! (Includes the original “Reefer Madness” in COLOR!)

Video streaming by Ustream

From youtube uploaded by schmoyoho

Published on Apr 19, 2013

To celebrate 4-20, A bi-partisan panel of politicians somehow come to a unanimous agreement that The War on Drugs is totally effed up.

Guest Starring Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes. Subscribe to their channel!



From  Toke of the Town

4/20 tips for noob-free holidaze

By Box Johnson in Culture

Friday, April 19, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Puffing herb is one of my favorite past-times. To that end, I celebrate 4/20 all 365 days a year. I consider myself a pro now, but it wasn’t always that way. In high school, there was a lot of anticipation around my celebration of 4/20. Local dealers were contacted weeks in advance to source the required nug (gotta avoid price gouging and scarcity issues).


Bud in hand, we’d huddle over the brown brick of what we’d convince ourselves was “fire” and extract every last morsel of bud off the stems. Cigarellos were broken down, licked excessively, then re-purposed together like some bastardized Transformer known for it’s power of getting ridiculously stoned. In short: we were idiots. So for those who plan on partoking tomorrow, here are five things you can do to greatly improve your day that I’ve learned in my (high) life. . . . Read Complete Report


Reefer Madness
Now A THEI Special Presentation:
4/20 is the perfect time to watch the most famous anti-pot propaganda of all time.  And this time in full color!
Reefer Madness
From youtube uploaded by dannymcbadog
Reefer Madness (1936) – Full Movie In Color!

Published on Oct 21, 2012