Last year we featured the protests outside the 2012 Bilderburg Meeting live with full coverage here on THEI. We will continue to feature live broadcast of any live streaming available for any future ‘secret’ meetings, and protests of this Global movement by the elitist Controllers as they occur. . . EDITOR
Bilderberg Group Dominates Bloomberg Billionaires Index
Bilderberg Group, an organisation founded in 1954 by the global elite has once again dominated the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
So what is the Bilderberg Group? The Bilderberg Group is a secretive organisation who meets on a yearly basis to discuss political and economic issues that pertain to the Globalist Agenda. Many of the members of the Bilderberg Group are derived from both Government and Private organisations.
All Bilderberg Group meetings are held in secret, with no official record of who attends, the agenda and what deals have been agreed. . . . Read Complete Report
Photo: Caves near the Mexican city of Tulum: In recent years, specialist divers have explored and mapped out thousands of kilometer of these caves. The yellow line here indicates caves discoved by German diver Robert Schmittner. SOURCE Google Earth/ TerraMetrics/ Robert Schmittner
Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula is dotted with thousands of caves that once housed prehistoric people and later became sacred to the Mayans. German archaeologists and filmmakers are currently involved in a project to explore with modern imaging technology and make a 3-D film of this underwater labyrinth.
A person died here hundreds of years ago. His body fell into the flooded cave and sank into the water. His flesh gradually separated from his bones. Today, he stares at divers out of empty eye sockets. His skull seems to be pushing its way out of the soil, as if he were trying to rise from the dead, to rise up from the sand, shake the tiresome sediment from his bones and escape from the silent darkness. . . . Read Complete Report
Gary Johnson has been an outspoken advocate for efficient government, balanced budgets, rational drug policy reform, protection of civil liberties, comprehensive tax reform, and personal freedom. As Governor of New Mexico, Johnson was known for his common sense business approach to governing. He eliminated New Mexico’s budget deficit, cut the rate of growth in state government in half, and privatized half of the state prisons.
Don’t forget! THEI will carry the Third Party Debate LIVE! between Gary Johnson and Green Party Candidate Dr. Jill Stein this coming Monday, Nov. 5, 2012 at 9 P.M. ET. See ya here! . . . EDITOR
Now it begins, the establishment will start to confuse and divide.
By ridiculing the researchers who are monitoring the governments continuing experiments in weather control and throwing the weirdest, most unbelievable theories into the message they install in the minds of the uninformed the thought that anyone who thought a hurricane can be controlled was nuts. Therefore the idea that any government was able to control weather is ridiculous.
Of course the government can control weather – that was proven during the Vietnamwar. The question then becomes :40 years later can they do it better?
Have they even reached the point where they could create a hurricane the size of Sandy?
And if the answer to that is yes then the big question becomes, why?
I personally believe that if the Secret Government & Military-Industrial complex continued the study of weather control after the Vietnam War, and I know of no reason they would not, the advances they have made would be tremendous. Therefore, I believe, using the knowledge they gained during the last half of the last Century, along with the-state-of-the-art technology available today, it would be possible to create and manipulate a Hurricane Sandy.
But why? If we can answer that we will also know “Who.”
I will be serching for a possible answer to these question over the next weeks. Please add your comments, any relevant links, articles, ideas etc. To the “Comment” link on the task bar above. Thanks for your help . . . EDITOR
5 Crazy Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories About Hurricane Sandy
October 31, 2012
It’s not just God’s wrath for a tolerant society.
Even before the winds of Hurricane Sandy began to moderate, conspiracy theorists of a variety of bents got busy explaining thereal meaning of the storm. Because, of course, a monster storm can’t just come from something like “weather” or “climate.” No, a storm like that just must be the product of nefarious or, perhaps, spiritual forces too big for most of us to understand. And so, while millions of Americans deal with the aftermath of what has become the largest Atlantic tropical storm in recorded history , lots more are busy explaining what’s behind all that wind.
Here, gathered over the last few days, is a sampling of their views. . . . Read Complete Report
Hurricane Sandy is out in full force; I’m currently waiting for the slow-moving frankenstorm to bear down on me as I tap this out (good thing there plenty of memes to keep me distracted). As is to be expected, there’s been some good discussion about how much of the storm is attributable to climate change—Lloyd collected some of the best pieces exploring that link yesterday. And I’ve argued that humans have built a veritable frankenstorm factory by spewing CO2 into the atmosphere; now we have to figure out how to live in it. . . . Read Complete Report