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POLICE STATE VS CITIZEN – Officers get caught harassment abuse misconduct profiling

From youtube uploaded by Adan Gonzalez·  on Nov 22, 2013

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CIA Mind Control Experiments Declassified Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More

Image: Mind Control in America CREDIT: Stephen Jacobson

from Want to Know.info

Dear friends,

The tragic Newtown school massacre and many other heartbreaking mass murders in recent years have spread fear and panic among parents and the general public. Yet some are questioning if there isn’t more than meets the eye to these cruel and bizarre events. Is it conceivable that there might be a deeper agenda here? This essay presents undeniable evidence that secret government mind control programs have created assassins and murderers out of unsuspecting citizens.

The astonishing excerpts below, taken verbatim from declassified CIA documents, reveal detailed mind control experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored experiments. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD) – also called dissociative identity disorder (DID). These top secret experiments were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates
or super spies programmed to carry out assassination, terrorist acts, sexual favors, and more without conscious knowledge of what they were doing. 
The army of Manchurian Candidates created may have played a key, hidden role in world politics. . . . Read Complete Report


Stephen Jacobson is a personal friend and the man I turn to when I need up-to-the minute and real information about what’s going on with mind control in America at any particular time. . . EDITOR

Listen to this 8 minute clip of Steven from a recent radio interview.



THEI Archive ~ Mind Control

12/16/2012: Liberals Exploit Fear to Go After Guns Again. Surprised? (+) Alex Jones: Connecticut School Massacre Looks Like False Flag Says Witnesses (Video Report)

9/18/2012: Jonestown and Brainwashing; A US government funded project? (Video) & Jonestown: Final Report (Video)

8/19/2012: Irish heroine of Batman shooting spree drowns (W/Full Documentary: The James Holmes Conspiracy)

8/7/12: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO w/UPDATE Video Report

7/30/12: Part 4: Research Report: American Mind Control & the “Lone Nut Killers” (w/video)

7/30/12: Part 3 of the series:   Part 3: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Unraveling the Secrets audio)

7/28/12: Part 2 of this series: Part 2: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Video)

7/28/12: Part 1 of this series: Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

7/25/12:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)

7/21/2012: Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 Dark Knight Comic

7/21/2012:  FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 (video Report)

6/19/12: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)

Alcohol Not Marijuana Triggers Drug Abuse in Teenagers


 I have been trying to explain this to certain members of my family for years. The problem of course is that they drink and they do not want to admit that their kids, who have drug problems, started with sneaking liquor from their home bar or beer from their refrigerators.  No amount of study and research will ever change their minds, because then they would have to take part of the blame.  Actually the only real gateway drug is mother’s milk. . . . EDITOR

from Cannabis News 

If you want your kids to stay away from drugs, then you might want to keep teenagers off alcohol because a new study says that long term drug abuse is likely to occur due to alcohol, not marijuana, use.

[If they are already into substance abuse, you would also do well to sign them up alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs the soonest possible time. – ad]

The present study included data on more than 14,500 high-school students from 120 schools across U.S. The data was obtained from Monitoring the Future study.

Researchers analyzed the data to find out what substances were being tried by students. They checked for use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, amphetamines, tranquilizers and other narcotics. Alcohol was the first substance to be tried by students, the results showed. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Best marijuana legalization argument movie

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