American Patriots Documentary 2017
Published on May 18, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: The American Patriot Movement
American Patriots Documentary 2017
Published on May 18, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: The American Patriot Movement
Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
The Affordable Care Act architect at the center of controversy over remarks he made last year about how the health law was passed had called the American voter “stupid” on at least one other occasion.
Jonathan Gruber, who helped craft the controversial law, was heavily criticized this week after video of him surfaced saying a “lack of transparency” and the “stupidity of the American voter” were “really critical” in moving the landmark legislation through Congress. . . . Read Complete Report
youtube by FastNews
Fox Airs New Gruber Video: Voters ‘Too Stupid to Understand the Difference’
Featured Image: Former CIA Officer Robert David Steele. SOURCE: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0
Published on Oct 7, 2014
Paul Joseph Watson talks to Robert David Steele about a possible Ebola false flag and what may be coming in the future. And about why the intelligence community is so corrupt and why the government is continuing its failed policies.
Featured Image: Adam Kokesh Fork. CREDIT: Adam Kokesh SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
Published on Sep 16, 2014
The most effective thing that I can do to grow the movement is to live on the road for the next year and put as many copies of FREEDOM! directly into people’s hands as possible. For more info please go tohttp://thefreedomline.com and join our email list.
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER: THEI.us Archive “Adam Kokesh”
Featured Image: Atomic Explosion SOURCE: Dept. of Energy. (Public Domain)
This could be the first BugOut movie ever made. This family just happened to be on a camping trip all ready…. but by all means this movie addresses a typical BugOut situation. Might be some pointers for us all in this great classic. . . EDITOR
Published on Sep 29, 2012
A family of four leaves Los Angeles for a camping trip just before nuclear bombs destroy the city. As lawlessness prevails, the father must fight to keep his family alive.
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI Archive BugOut
Featured Image: Giant Olmec Head statue. CREDIT: Maribel Ponce Ixba (frida27ponce) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.)
From youtube uploaded by Zblacklight on Apr 4, 2012
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER “Meso-American”
Featured image: A picture of a double medal of honor recipient Smedley Butler. (Note that the light blue ribbons (at the top of his ribbon rack) appear almost white in this overexposed photo.) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
History will repeat if we do not study the past.
Right now we NEED a U.S. General Smedley Butler. ~ Super Patriot, 2 time medal of Honor Hero and Whistle blower Extraordinaire‘. . . EDITOR
From Want to Know
Image: The Medals of Honor awarded by each of the three branches of the U.S. military, and are, from left to right, the Army, Coast Guard/Navy/Marine Corps and Air Force. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain). Gen. Smedley Butler earned 2 of the middle ones.
WAR IS A RACKET – by General Smedley Butler
War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. In the World War [World War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted huge gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows. [Please note these are 1935 U.S. dollars. To adjust for inflation, multiply all figures X 15 or more] . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by Reich-Wing Watch
The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR (FULL)
Uploaded on Sep 13, 2011
In 1933, Retired Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler was approached by wealthy industrialists and bankers who were plotting to create a fascist veterans organization called the “American Liberty League” and use it in a coup d’état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, . . . From description published with video.
From youtube uploaded by James Ambas
Smedley Butler’s Testimoney At The McCormick-Dickstein Hearing And Media Blackout
From youtube uploaded by rltmlt
Smedley Butler: American Hero and Patriot
Uploaded on Aug 14, 2011
This video tells the whole story behind a fascist coup that was mounted against President Franklin Roosevelt and the United States of America in 1933 by various international banking interests and Wall Street Power Brokers. It also tells the story of a highly decorated U.S. General, Smedly Butler, who single handedly stopped this take over and saved our Republic.and the rest of the planet from a new dark age.
We are now seeing a repeat of this dastardly plan by the same international financial interests using their minions in both majority political parties who have sold out their constituents for large campaign funding donations that insure their continued participation in the very lucrative field of Washington Politics. We have ignored the ongoing corruption of our political system, brought on by the unregulated contribution of large financial donations from private interests, and now we face the imminent demise of our Republic as it is replaced by a Kleptocracy.
Featured Image: Nighttime Globe Composite map of the world assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite in April and October 2012. CREDIT: NASA Earth Observatory.
Nice little propaganda piece. . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by NorCal Native
Published on Oct 29, 2013
American Blackout, a National Geographic program first aired in October 2013, giving a fictional “docudrama” account of a nationwide electrical blackout in the United States, and its severe aftermath. Most of the program is mock “vlogging” by those affected, interspersed with mock “news footage.”
Feature Image: Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).
Uploaded on Mar 26, 2009
http://www.pbs.org/saf/ – The best kept secret of American archaeology is now revealed.
Featured image: United States FEMA map dividing the country into 5 Regions of control. SOURCE: Unknown.
From IntelliHub By Shepard Ambellas October 1, 2013
Major Military Movements Spotted Inside the CONUS Possibly for Domestic Use
FEMA REGION III (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) — Major U.S. military equipment movements have been documented over the last week. However, surprisingly enough, it appears the build-up could potentially be for use in domestic martial law rather than the looming conflict in Syria.
According to one report, 3 large military trucks driving in a secure convoy delivered thousands of signs to a few various military installations reading, “Martial Law in Effect”. It was said that the 3 trucks traveled only in an organized convoy even after making several stops at local military bases to offload. It was reported that one leery military employee questioned his superior about the signs and got a response back that the signs were for use in another country. The employee then asked why the signs were written in english.[1]
This all falls lockstep with major military vehicle and equipment movements spotted in Delaware on Monday.[2] . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by lonelantern on Jan 17, 2011. Visit (http://CampFEMA.com)
Camp FEMA: American Lockdown – FULL MOVIE – 86 min