As world powers team up to secure the ecology in the Arctic, the rivalry over its rich oil and gas resources is heating up. Michel Chossudovsky from the Center for Research on Globalisation explains that the battle for the North Pole is high on the global military agenda. READ MORE:
Due to the latest data, scientists now believe Earth is headed for a global cooling phase that extends until the middle of the century. If the cooling phase is real, then the process will debunk all forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming. Six years ago, BBC reported that the Arctic would be ice-free by the summer of 2013. In fact, scientists in the US even claimed that the forecast was conservative. . . . Read Complete Report
Images: Global cooling. Left – Arctic Polar Ice Cover August 2012. Right – Ice cover 60% larger one year later, August 2013. SOURCE: NASA (Public Domain).
The Earth’s Western Hemisphere is shifting in a Southern direction, and making the North Pole appear to be moving North towards Russia at 40 miles per year.
A research team led by the Canadian Museum of Nature has identified the first evidence for an extinct giant camel in Canada’s High Arctic. The discovery is based on 30 fossil fragments of a leg bone found on Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, and represents the most northerly record for early camels, whose ancestors are known to have originated in North America some 45 million years ago.
The fossils were collected over three summer field seasons (2006, 2008 and 2010) and are about three and a half million years old, dating from the mid-Pliocene Epoch. Other fossil finds at the site suggest this High Arctic camel lived in a boreal-type forest environment, during a global warm phase on the planet. . . . Read Complete Report
James Hansen: “If it begins to allow the Arctic Ocean to warm up and warm the ocean floor, then we’ll begin to release methane [from] hydrates,” . . .
Natalia Shakhova: “The total amount of methane in the current atmosphere is about 5 Gt. The amount of carbon preserved in the form of methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is ~ from hundreds to thousands Gt.” . . .
Peter Wadhams: “At the rate we’re going, it will bring us to an ice-free Arctic in about four years time.” . . .
David Wasdell: “The warm water from the surface is now being mixed down to those areas that it never reached when the whole area was covered in sea ice. . . . For more go to Arctic News
Fans of folklore and mythology are probably well-familiar with the Norse legends of gods, giants and heroes: the Norse myths, viking or Norse sagas, and related materials. Richard Wagner created an entire feverish mystique about a forgotten “nordic” age with his adaptation of the story of the Rhinegold, Sigurd, and Siegfried, with his “Ring Cycle” series of operas, and its Germanic version of Norse gods and devils, giants and dwarfs, of worlds spread up and down the viking-age Tree of the Universe, Yggdrasil. This in turn was a huge inspiration Read more
While the cuts left on the floor would have explained my statements better – The most confusing was that after I said I did not believe the earth was hollow, they cut. What I said after was that was my first thought, but after further study I found compelling evidence to the contrary – That was cut along with a couple of other statements – but other than that its pretty good. Enjoy! . . . EDITOR