Tag Archive for Arizona

Mysterious MILE WIDE Triangle Found In Arizona! 2017


Published on Aug 3, 2017

Mysterious Triangle Found In Arizona! 2017 #1 Most Viewed UFO Youtube Channel Thirdphaseofmoon Shares Your Incredible UFO Videos To the World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

Dig a Little DEEPER: UFO Enclosure

Toke of the Town: Mary Jane UPDATES 12/2/13

Featured Image: Pot-leaf.SOURCE umsl.edu (Public Domain)

From Toke of the Town

U.S. Government study shows rats pass “cannabis effects” to offspring

By William Breathes in NewsSay what? Monday, December 2, 2013 at 11:20 am

Rat CREDIT AlexK100 SOURCE Flickr.com Some Rights held by Alexk100

Take it with a grain of sale (we do), but researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine funded by the National Institutes of Health, say that the offspring of rats exposed to cannabis were less motivated than offspring of non-THC dosed rats. Their proof? . . . Read Complete Report


Image Credit: Flickr.com/AlexK100


Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer wants to puff MMJ while in uniform

Mountie_in_Banff,_Alberta CREDIT HordeFTL at English Wikipedia SOURCE Wikipedia Public Domain

Image: Mountie in Banff, Alberta. CREDIT: HordeFTL at English Wikipedia SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain) FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY – The Mountie in the photo is NOT the Mountie in the article below.

A medical marijuana using Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer has kicked off a media storm in Canada this week after publicly admitted his cannabis use while on the job, notably while in the iconic red uniforms Mounties are known for wearing.

This caused outrage from the RCMP, but not so much about Cpl. Ronald Francis using ganja itselfHe can do that and even while on the job, they say. But the Yukon will thaw before he’s allowed to light up while wearing his Red Serge. . . . Read Complete Report


Denver Westword Blogs

Are pot-smokers being turned away at the U.S. border?

By William Breathes in News Monday, December 2, 2013 at 8:20 am

Border St-Stephen_NB CREDIT P199 SOURCE Wikipedia Commons (Public DomainImage: Canada-US Border looking from the U.S side looking toward St. Stephen Canada. The St. Croix River marks a section of the international boundary between the United State s and Canada, forming a natural border between the towns on either side of the river bank. Calais is connected to St. Stephen by the Ferry Point International Bridge and the Milltown International Bridge. CREDIT: P199 SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)

Marijuana use for adults 21 and over is legal in Colorado and Washington, but any wannabe toking tourists headed here from other countries might want to keep quiet about it until they get here.

According to reports in the Canadian press, simply admitting to a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent that you’ve smoked pot or that you plan to smoke pot apparently can get you turned away at the border — and perhaps permanently banned from the good ol’ U.S. of A because marijuana is still illegal under federal laws. . .  Read Complete Report


Florida -CREDIT & SOURCE TokeoftheTown.com Fair UseFlorida medical marijuana proposal up for Supreme Court review next week

By William Breathes in Follow that storyLegislationMedical,News Friday, November 29, 2013 at 9:20 am

In just six days on Dec. 5 the Florida Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether or not a proposed medical marijuana initiative already in the signature-gathering process will be allowed to move forward. . . . Read Complete Report


Phoenix New Times

Arizona Marijuana-Legalization Bill Will Be Proposed by House Democrat

Arizona...doing the JobBy Matthew Hendley Wed., Nov. 27 2013 at 12:00 PM

Assistant House Minority Leader Ruben Gallego, a Phoenix Democrat, announced plans to introduce a marijuana-legalization bill during the upcoming legislative session.

Gallego, an Iraq War veteran, said he’s working on a bill “that would regulate and tax marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.” . . . Read Complete Report


Denver Westwood Blogs

Seal_of_Colorado.svg CREDIT Svgalbertian Source Wikipedia Public DomainRead final regulations for growing industrial hemp in Colorado

By William Breathes in HempNews Monday, December 2, 2013 at 10:20 am

Back in October, we shared with you the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s draft regulations for the growing of industrial hemp. Now, those regulations are official — with one change. Instead of facing a registration suspension or revocation if testing reveals that a grower’s plants exceed 0.3 percent THC, the final rules say that a grower will not be subject to any penalty as long as the “crop is destroyed or utilized in a manner approved of and verified by” the state agriculture commissioner.

Keep reading for the full list of hemp regulations. . . . Read Complete Report


Denver Westword Blogs By Michael Roberts Mon., Nov. 25 2013 at 4:20 PM

Juan.Guardarrama.mug.shot-SOURCE blogswestwordcom Fair UseImage: Juan Guardarrama’s booking photo. SOURCE: Denver Westword Blogs. (Fair Use)

Marijuana: Colorado NORML finds timing of pot raids suspicious

Last week, the DEA and the IRS, aided by local officers, conducted raids on multiple marijuana businesses in Denver and Boulder.

While the feds aren’t sharing details of these actions, info has surfaced about a potential link to Juan Guardarrama, aka “Tony Montana, a Miami con who, until recently, held a Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division license. Nonetheless, Colorado NORML thinks the timing of the raids is suspect. Details below. . . . Read Complete Report

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Pot News”


Congress Pushes National Park Sale (Video Report)

Featured Image: 1938 poster for Yellowstone National Park. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

From youtube uploaded by TheLipTV

Published on Oct 23, 2013

Congress held discussions to sell the National Parks during the government shutdown through the Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act, spearheaded by Jason Chaffetz (R-UT).
The sale would cover national parks in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, & Wyoming as a measure to “reduce the federal deficit.” We discuss the proposal on this Buzzsaw news clip with Tyrel Ventura and Tabetha Wallace.

Travis Walton tells of his alien abduction experience (Video Report)

Featured Image: Artist drawing of the Walton Expierience. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain).

From youtube uploaded by iufoc

Published on Jan 24, 2013

Travis Walton is an American logger who claims to have been abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after five days of intensive searches.


May 10, 2012:  Steve Pierce: Witness to the Travis Walton alien abduction incident (video)


A Return to gold instead of paper as our County’s currency ~ One State at a Time? (W/Video)

It’s interesting to note that changing laws etc. state by state seems to be the secret answer as to how to regain our lost freedoms. First the Pot Prohibition Civil War going on between individual states, now state individually returning to safe and sane money. It’s too early to celebrate, but I seem to see fresh change on the horizon. . . . EDITOR

From Mail Online (U.K.)

Arizona passes law making gold and silver legal tender

PUBLISHED: 18:38 EST, 9 April 2013 | UPDATED: 07:50 EST, 10 April 2013

States are now rushing to push bills through allowing for gold and silver to be recognized as legal tender as politicians fear that the U.S. economy is going to collapse.

The push from states like Arizona, which passed through their House of Representatives on Monday allowing gold and silver to be considered legal tender, comes as conservatives fear that the Federal Reserve is running the country’s economy into a deep hole. . . . Read Complete Report

From youtube uploaded by MoneyBags73·

Gold An Silver May Become Legal Tender Again In Arizona Or Indiana!!!

Published on Feb 22, 2013

The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday took the first steps to making such coins legal tender in Arizona. SB 1439 would give them the same legal status as the bills and coins authorized by Congress.
Nothing in the proposal by Sen. Chester Crandell, R-Heber, would force anyone to actually accept these coins as payment for any debt. Their use would be voluntary.

From youtube uploaded by TheSilverGuild

Gold/Silver legal Tender in Utah

Uploaded on Mar 6, 2011

Utah took its first step Friday toward bringing back the gold standard when the state House passed a bill that would recognize gold and silver coins issued by the federal government as legal currency.

Arizona Sheriff Stands Up to President Obama and Gun Control Lobby, Plans to Refuse All Unconstitutional Gun Bans (Video Report)

From The IntelHub

By Alex Thomas
January 25, 2012

Pinal County Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu has penned and sent a letter to President Obama that outlines the fact that Babeu plans to refuse any and all unconstitutional executive orders that limit or ban the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans in his county.

Babeu claims that any such law would actually be unlawful and that him and his deputies plan to ignore it. . . . Read Complete Report

Faced with gun-toting drug smugglers, Arizona ranchers demand security at the border (Video Report)

From NBC News

1 Day Ago

By Mark Potter, NBC News correspondent

ARIVACA, Ariz. —  Just before nightfall, 73-year-old rancher Jim Chilton hikes quickly up and down the hills on his rugged cattle-grazing land south of Tucson, escorting two U.S. Border Patrol agents.

He wants to show them the disturbing discovery he made earlier in the day: a drug-smugglers’ camp on his private property.  Stacked together under a stand of trees are blankets, jackets, food, water, binoculars and bales of marijuana from Mexico wrapped in burlap. The smugglers, themselves, are nowhere in sight and are believed to have fled the area, which is about 10 miles north of the Mexican border. . . . Read Complete Report w/more videos

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

AZ Gun Store Owner’s Stern Message To Obama Voters

from The Blaze

An Arizona gun store has a simple message for Barack Obama voters: you’re not welcome here.

The Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, Ariz. posted a sign on its door and took out a newspaper ad declaring that if you voted for the president last week, you’re not allowed in.

“If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven that you are not responsible enough to own a firearm!” the sign states.  . . . Read Complete Story

Large triangle objects reported over Arizona and California, Reexamining the Phoenix Boomerang, and the “Phoenix Lights” (full Documentry)

Photo: Image of the Phoenix Lights newspaper article from USA Today (Source)

from Explorer.com 

AUGUST 8, 2012


Witnesses in Arizona and California have reported seeing a “huge triangle” object moving across a dark sky on August 7, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFONetwork (MUFON) witness reporting database.

In Case 41541, a witness in Surprise, AZ, reported seeing an “extremely large black/dark triangle object with a light at each corner” about 9:30 p.m. (MST) that moved in a southwesterly direction and disappeared over the White Tank Mountains during a 10-minute observation. . . . Read Complete Report with Tracking Map


from The Object Report

Posted by at 4:54 PM

Hypothetical Origin of the Unidentified “Phoenix Boomerang” Craft

One possible configuration of the huge “boomerang” shaped craft seen by hundreds of people in multiple states over the past decade. (download full sized image)

The TR6 “TELOS” is designed for use as a transatmospheric, low observable reconnaissance platform with global reach and a long loiter time over target. Employing active electromagnetic, electronic and visual camouflage it is able to penetrate all currently known defensive systems from transorbital height. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube

The Phoenix Lights [UFO Documentary / Full Movie]

Uploaded by  on Jul 29, 2011

“The Phoenix Lights Documentary – New Anniversary Edition” (2005, 2008)

Celebrating the historic and still unexplained Arizona mass sighting of 1997. Executive producer, writer, director & key witness, Lynne D. Kitei, M.D., in collaboration with producer & cinematographer, Steve Lantz, share riveting NEW data and personal interviews in this updated version of the internationally critically acclaimed and award winning Documentary.
During the evening of March 13, 1997, . . . From Text posted with video on youtube

Judge OKs Arizona’s show-me-your-papers law (w/video report)

from The Daily Sheeple

From the Trenches World Report
September 6th, 2012

By Clark Kent

PHOENIX — A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Arizona authorities can enforce the most contentious section of the state’s immigration law, which critics have dubbed the “show me your papers” provision.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton clears the way for police to carry out the requirement that officers, while enforcing other laws, question the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Published on Sep 6, 2012 by 

Following a similar ruling by the Supreme Court, a federal judge said the most controversial part of Arizona’s law can go into effect.