Tag Archive for beer

Drones to deliver beer to concertgoers (Video Report)

Featured Image: A big, frosty mug of beer. SOURCE: wpclipart.com (Public Domain)

I knew there had to be some kind of GOOD use for all those drones. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica·

Published on May 8, 2013

The OppiKoppi festival in South Africa is planning on offering concertgoers the option of remotely ordering brews. . . . From description published with video.

Retro: Wild Bill for America: “Islam, Bacon and Beer” (Video Report)

from youtube uploaded by WildBillforAmerica·

Published on Jul 19, 2012

Islam is going to take away bacon and beer. How much more can Americans tolerate?

Bacon SOURCE public domain clip art
Bacon SOURCE public domain clip art

Retro: Beer & Bullets to Go: Ancient ‘Takeout’ Window Discovered

Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
Date: 28 October 2011 Time: 11:15 AM ET
Some 5,200 years ago, in the mountains of western Iran, people may have used takeout windows to get food and weapons, newly presented research suggests. . . . Read Complete Report