Tag Archive for Broadcast

CNN Caught Faking Boston Bombings Broadcast “Satellite Interview”

From youtube uploaded by BelligerentPolitics

Featured Image: CNN sign, Manhatten NYC. CREDIT: Dennis Crenshaw. SOURCE: THEI Photo Archive. (Free to use if linked back to this page)

Published on May 13, 2013

CNN Caught Faking Boston Bombings Broadcast “Satellite Interview”

CNN has been caught yet again faking a live “Satellite Interview”. In this video it will show this past broadcast of faking the Boston Bombings Broadcast while being in the same parking lot, plus some of the history of CNN in the past doing the same thing over and over again.

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “Sandy Hook”         “Boston Bombing”      “Gun Control”

Distractions: Join Oscar Benjamin on The Hour of the Compassionate Wolf! (w/audio player)

Oscar Benjamin

Oscar Benjamin

We want to welcome Tha Jackal back to the pages of THEI. He’s been a very busy guy and I hope after the little coaxing I performed today he will find time to post to his personal column here on THEI. Looking for more thought’s from the Jackal’s head. . . EDITOR 

From Tha Jackal’s Head 5/31/2013

Like to listen to music? Soundtrack themes? How about show tunes?

Well this show might be up your alley! Mr Oscar Benjamin is the leading host on the PSN Radio network when it comes to music.

He’s one heck of a nice guy also…. and I, Tha Jackal, [ “[Inside] Tha Jackals Head” ] as a fellow host on the network, would like to give a special shout out to one of the original shows on the network.

A Show like no other. The Hour of the Compassionate Wolf brings you a nice blend of all sorts of music, and stories from a world known photographer. He is not only a Professional photographer but also a writer, columnist, radio host, a fan of life  and a man who is willing to manifest his dreams!

“What a unique paradox it is to write about yourself. On the one hand if we stress our virtue then it appears that we are in league with Narcissus himself! On the other side of the same coin if we nitpick all our failings then take the risk of wallowing in morose self-pity! It is my belief that man(and by extension-this man) is a fallen angel upon which he tries to redeem himself by incredible acts of kindness, courage and astonishing accomplishments of sheer beauty.
“Touching upon our dual nature is the fact that many of us are seduced by an inexplicable desire to cause great destruction and cruelty upon ourselves, others and our world! By understanding this fact-you will come to understand yourself and who am I in time!” . . . Oscar Benjamin
Check out one of his episodes on the player below, and make sure to listen live to his show every Tuesday at 1am! Only on www.psn-radio.com




Milton William Cooper – Hour Of The Time – Very First Broadcast – Legendary. (Video~Audio Report)

Featured Image: Milton William Cooper, a Patriot, a Hero. SOURCE: Wikipedia (Public Domain).

Milton William Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” is a book that should be on the top shelf in every Conspiracy Science library. This is the first in a series of report’s from William Cooper and other modern patriots we will be running here on THEI.

For an education about the REAL Secret history of the world and the crimes commented against mankind’s freedom by the elitist Controllers to achieve their documented  goal of total world domination listen to one of the masters of that information.  And Cooper is at the top of that list of teachers…

On November 5, 2001, after years of harassment by the government, William Cooper was finally gunned down by Apache County sheriff’s deputies. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by  Patriot News Organization

Published on May 20, 2013

This is legendary folks. William Cooper was a real patriot. If you think Alex Jones is the leader of the Patriot Movement, you don’t know who William Cooper is. He was the first leader of the radio movement to wake America up, before being assassinated by police. . . . From intro with video.