As many of our fellow Insiders and regular readers have noticed I’m sure, I haven’t kept the information flowing as fast as you are use to.
I have been following the Controllers and their pals slowly take our country towards their so-called New World Order since I was in my late teens and I have been trying to educate others as to my findings for the past 20 some-odd years. I am now 70. It’s time to think of me and mine. It’s past time to get out from under their control, so we have decided to get as close to that day as possible. With that in mind. I’ve been spending a lot of time setting us up to get off grid as much as possible.
I will be away from any internet connections until I can rectify that, but do plan on coming back on-line as soon as I can. In the mean time, our buddy Rick Osmon will post from time to time and if worst comes to worst you can always go through our extensive Archive locate in the right hand column.
Dennis Crenshaw EDITOR