Tag Archive for cabaret

HOT! Robot Babe Restaurant in Shinjuku (w/videos)

I continue to watch as, I believe,  the Controllers are using the fast track towards robots taking on the role of humans. Here is  a recognizable  movement towards a human acceptance of this. Should we socialize with robots who will be taking our jobs away?? Will you be able to admit that your robot MIGHT be able to drive your car better than you? Will robot sex be more enjoyable than the old fashion human stuff??

But we have time yet before we have to protest THOSE problems. There are many questions that will come up before human-replacement robots hit the Thrift Stores.  So, lets enjoy the robots in the video and worry about all of the problems coming off the assembly lines tomorrow.

Another thing, I found nothing like this in Tokyo back in 1968 while my ship stopped to unloaded a cargo.

Oh well, I had my own kind of fun anyway. No not partying (although I have to admit. . .) Knocking around historic places and watching the people performing the chores of everyday life, that was always my passion. . .EDITOR

Tokyo robot revue drawing crowds at cabaret

from Chicago Tribune

Mari SaitoReuters

August 27, 2012

TOKYO (Reuters) – In a restaurant down an alley in one of Tokyo’s best-known red light districts, four massive female robots wink and wave as they lumber to the beat of traditional Japanese drums and a Lady Gaga dance tune.

It’s show time at the “Robot Restaurant,” a new and high-tech take on the city’s decades-old cabaret scene that puts a friendly, if unusual, face on the robot technology in which Japan is a world leader. . . . Read Complete Report


from youtube

Published on Aug 12, 2012 by 

New robot cabaret restaurant opens in Kabuchiko!
We decided to check it out … sensory overload.
Robots start around the 5:00 mark.

Robot Restaurant: http://www.shinjuku-robot.com/pc/top/
Follow my Japan blog: http://www.spiffyowl.com/japan . . . Text posted with video on youtube


From youtube

Published on Jul 24, 2012 by 

Giant Japanese Robot Strippers



Something we Missed? 5 Reasons To Fear Robots

Job Stealing Robot News (w/video)

Robots get their own encyclopedia (w/video)

Robots Can Help You Be More Human, Camouflage Robot

Ever Deeper  More THEI  Human Replacement Robot articles in the Archive