Featured Image: Police car/w cops. SOURCE: freeclipartnow.com (Public Domain).
Before it’s News Monday, December 15, 2014 10:07
by Cheri Roberts, Challenging the Rhetoric, The Guerilla Media Network
We have seen technology do some amazing things. Advances have allowed us opportunities that were only figments of our imaginations ten short years ago, but when technology is married to Big Brother we have potential for big problems.
Carmakers are getting ready to introduce new vehicles that will automatically notify the authorities when you surpass speed limits. Talk about an auto-ticket! The technology is called, called “V2X” and according to a report over at The Motley Fool [who are shareholders], discussing the possible revenue boon this would be for cities and towns across the country and how it could be taken advantage of for county coffers, . . . Read Complete Report
Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Police Power”
President’s pot comments prompt call for policy
From MercuryNews.com
By Paul Elias
Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — President Barack Obama says he won’t go after pot users in Colorado and Washington, two states that just legalized the drug for recreational use. But advocates argue the president said the same thing about medical marijuana — and yet U.S. attorneys continue to force the closure of dispensaries across the U.S.
Welcome to the confusing and often conflicting policy on pot in the U.S., where medical marijuana is legal in many states, but it is increasingly difficult to grow, distribute or sell it. And at the federal level, at least officially, it is still an illegal drug everywhere. . . . Read Complete Report