Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees
Published on Oct 7, 2014
On The October 7,2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo details US Military Sets Up African “FEMA” Camps. While the U.S. Government attempts to dampen pandemic fears in America, drastic measures are being taken to quarantine Ebola patients in West African nations. US will up ebola screening procedures. Dallas Schools install fever readers. CT gov declares state of emergency. Step-daughter given all-clear to go back to work. Nurse was wearing protective suit. EBOLA EXPERTS WORRY VIRUS MAY SPREAD MORE EASILY THAN ASSUMED. Cop smashes through window and tasers man who refuses to show ID. Military setting up Fema Camps. Saudis Cozy relationship with US Government in free fall due to effort to release 28 page report exposing them.