Tag Archive for candidates

CIA Mind Control Experiments Declassified Documents Reveal Sex Abuse, More

Image: Mind Control in America CREDIT: Stephen Jacobson

from Want to Know.info

Dear friends,

The tragic Newtown school massacre and many other heartbreaking mass murders in recent years have spread fear and panic among parents and the general public. Yet some are questioning if there isn’t more than meets the eye to these cruel and bizarre events. Is it conceivable that there might be a deeper agenda here? This essay presents undeniable evidence that secret government mind control programs have created assassins and murderers out of unsuspecting citizens.

The astonishing excerpts below, taken verbatim from declassified CIA documents, reveal detailed mind control experiments in highly secret, government-sponsored experiments. Through hypnosis, drugs, and electric shock, CIA clinicians fractured personalities and induced multiple personality disorder (MPD) – also called dissociative identity disorder (DID). These top secret experiments were successful in creating Manchurian Candidates
or super spies programmed to carry out assassination, terrorist acts, sexual favors, and more without conscious knowledge of what they were doing. 
The army of Manchurian Candidates created may have played a key, hidden role in world politics. . . . Read Complete Report


Stephen Jacobson is a personal friend and the man I turn to when I need up-to-the minute and real information about what’s going on with mind control in America at any particular time. . . EDITOR

Listen to this 8 minute clip of Steven from a recent radio interview.



THEI Archive ~ Mind Control

12/16/2012: Liberals Exploit Fear to Go After Guns Again. Surprised? (+) Alex Jones: Connecticut School Massacre Looks Like False Flag Says Witnesses (Video Report)

9/18/2012: Jonestown and Brainwashing; A US government funded project? (Video) & Jonestown: Final Report (Video)

8/19/2012: Irish heroine of Batman shooting spree drowns (W/Full Documentary: The James Holmes Conspiracy)

8/7/12: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO w/UPDATE Video Report

7/30/12: Part 4: Research Report: American Mind Control & the “Lone Nut Killers” (w/video)

7/30/12: Part 3 of the series:   Part 3: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Unraveling the Secrets audio)

7/28/12: Part 2 of this series: Part 2: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (w/Video)

7/28/12: Part 1 of this series: Part 1: Research Report: American Mind Control & The “Lone Nut Killers” (W/ Videos)

7/25/12:  Retro: Secret Mind Control & Brain Washing Experiments – Governmental Conspiracy Exposed! (full video)

7/21/2012: Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 Dark Knight Comic

7/21/2012:  FBI theater attack warning issued on May 17, 2012 (video Report)

6/19/12: The Secret History Of Mind Control (full video)

Same old Song and Dance

Nov 2, 2012

Rick Osmon


All the elections in my voting lifetime,up to ’92, I had a pretty firm view on my party alignment. For me, the SHTF on elections that year. Watching every debate since and not seeing the main stream media (MSM) pay attention to any other party or candidates than the big two one, I feel it’s important to find some way to force MSM to pay attention. The other candidates offer well constructed solutions instead of well written rhetoric. That rhetoric has been the same old song and dance for twenty years now. It’s time for a new tune. And a new candidate…ME! Read more

UPDATED 10/30/2012: The Third Party Presidential Debates (w/videos)

Photo: Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson.(AFP Photo / Scott Olson)

UPDATE: Due to Hurricane Sandy the Third Party Presidential Debate between Libertarian candidate Governor Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein has been rescheduled for Novemver 5, 2012.  We will carry it live here on THEI. . . . EDITOR

RT to host final US presidential third-party debate

Libertarian Party candidate Gov. Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein will sound off once more before Election Day, with both presidential hopefuls now slated to debate live from RT’s Washington, DC studio on November 5.

Tens of thousands around the globe watched earlier this week when broadcasting legend Larry King moderated a debate between the top third-party candidates live from Chicago. As those politicians continue to be shunned by the mainstream media and political establishment alike, though, they remain excluded from presenting their platform to the country on the eve of a historic election. RT aims to make a difference, however, and will host Johnson and Stein to speak their minds on the topics Americans really care about in 2012. . . Read Complete Report

Did you miss the first debate? Go a little DEEPER:

10/23/2012:  Complete Third Party Presidential Debate ~ #1 with host Larry King (Full Video)


Tuesday October 30 2012 we will carry the second 3rd Party Presidential Debate just as we carried the first.
The two top winners of the last debate; the Green Party’s Jill Stein and Libertarian Gary Johnson, will have another chance to explain their views on foreign policy, the Economy, War on Drugs, campaign Finance, the Drone Program etc. Real foreign policy problems. See ya there!. . . EDITOR 

from youtube

CNN mocks third-party candidates

Published on Oct 26, 2012

Posted by RTAmerica

The two-party system has dominated the airwaves for decades. The last time a third-party candidate shared the stage with a Democrat and Republican was when Ross Perot was campaigning for the White House. Recently on CNN, Gary Johnson was given some air time but was grill for his stance on certain issues. In an attempt to give third-party candidates a voice and to level the playing field, RT will be hosting a foreign policy debate for the other guys. Liz Wahl joins us with more. . . . Text posted with video at youtube

from youtube
RT Presents Final US 3rd Party Presidential Debate

By  On 

 •  • 

RT is proud to host the final US presidential debate between Libertarian Party candidate Gov. Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein. The two will go head-to-head and discuss foreign policy live from RT’s Washington, DC studio on Tuesday, October 30. Voters can catch the show-down live on RT America, RT.com and right here on YouTube from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time, (October 31, 1:00 a.m. — 2:30 a.m. GMT) . . . SOURCE

Go a little DEEPER:

10/23/2012:  Complete Third Party Presidential Debate ~ #1 with host Larry King (Full Video)

Third-party candidates’ debate takes the spotlight (Video Report)

THEI will be following the third-party debates very closely. hopefully we will be able to feature them live and, of course, put them in the archive for future reference.  hope the MSM shows up. Probably not. They will be too busy trying to scoop each other on the nex outfit one of the wanna-be next first ladies will be sporting at the next $35,000 dollar-a-plate fundraser. . . EDITOR

from RT via youtube

Published on Oct 15, 2012


The 2012 presidential election is just 22 days away and many Americans have been inundated with campaign trail information from both candidates, but what about all the other presidential candidates? On Tuesday night, Mitt Romney and President Obama will go head-to-head once again, but a third party candidate debate is getting some much needed attention. Christina Tobin, founder of Free and Equal, joins us to discuss why she organized a debate for third party candidates and how the two party system is hurting America. . . . Text posted with video at youtube