Tag Archive for Cheap Robot Labor

Robots Replacing Humans: China Snaps Up America’s Cheap Robot Labor

China Snaps Up America’s Cheap Robot Labor

Source: Bloomburg Business Week

August 30, 2017, 4:00 PM EDT by Kevin Hamlin

A Chinese T-shirt company is setting up shop in Arkansas, lured by U.S. sewbots and lower production costs.

“Made in America” will soon grace the labels of T-shirts produced by a Chinese company in Little Rock.

By early 2018, Tianyuan Garments Co., based in the Suzhou Industrial Park in eastern China, will unveil a $20 million factory staffed by about 330 robots from Atlanta-based Softwear Automation Inc. The botmaker and garment company estimate the factory will stitch about 23 million T-shirts a year. The cost per shirt, according to Pete Santora, Softwear’s chief commercial officer: 33¢. . . . Read Complete Report

Watch a robot sew a shirt from start to finish


Published on Oct 11, 2016

Sewbo, a robotic sewing arm, is part of an automated system that can manufacture clothing without any human labor.

Dig a Little DEEPER: Robots Replacing Humans