The greatest form of control is when you think you’re free when you’re being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can’t see the bars but you think you’re free. , , , From description published with video.
PLEASE forgive the quality… THIS IS WORTH WATCHING.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt was Former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in the US Department of Education under President Reagan. Due to her unique perspective she was able to observe firsthand the methods the Federal Government used to deliberately dumb down the American public education system with Soviet style “brainwashing”.
“I cannot tell you how hyped up I am at this note my friend Linda received today from her child’s school.
Her child has to have DOCTORS NOTE to send a packed lunch to school.
And does anyone notice the irony in the “health coordinator” and enforcement of no bagged lunches?”. . .
“So I suppose that sending a note that says “I choose to skip the GMO’s in the lunches you serve for a more balanced and safe diet as the parent of this child” doesn’t suffice?” . . . Read Complet report
Featured Image: Generically modified. Thanx to David Dees.
From Natural News by Carolanne Wright Sunday, May 26, 2013
Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world
(NaturalNews) Remember the private mercenary army Blackwater that caused such a stir in Iraq during an unprovoked attack in 2007? Apparently, Monsanto and the controversial security firm are in bed together, described by blogger Randy Ananda as “a death-tech firm weds a hit squad.” At this point, you might be wondering what in the world the GM seed giant needs with the services of a ‘shadow army’? It appears as though the corporation found it necessary to contract with Blackwater in order to collect intelligence on anti-Monsanto activists as well infiltrate their ranks. . . . Read Complete Report
A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation (Blackwater’s Black Ops, 9/15/2010) revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (now called Xe Services) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto. Blackwater was renamed in 2009 after becoming famous in the world with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. It remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services,” that practices state terrorism by giving the government the opportunity to deny it. . . . Read Complete Report
Facebook Censors Pictures of Children Rallying Against GMOs During G global March Against Monsanto
Here’s the photo of the children that caused Facebook to suspend her account. SOURCE: Andrea Lalama.
In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today’s global March Against Monsanto. . . . Read Complete Report
NOTE: THEI does not use FACEBOOK, the FEDS information gathering service. I realize they still get the info from other sources, but FACEBOOK is known for spying on it’s members and passing it on to the governments 3-letter rogue policing agencies. In protest we are out of that loop. . . EDITOR
Biometrics, the science of using machines to identify people by the features of their own bodies, is intruding further into families’ lives.
Some parents in Lake Charles, Louisiana, have been upset by a letter sent home with Moss Bluff Elementary School children about plans for a new school lunch program that will require children to have their hands scanned in the lunch line.
The scanners would identify the child and the lunch payment plan. . . .Read Complete Report