Underground Report #8
December 38th 2013
Welcome to . . . The ‘TAL’ Zone
UPDATED Ison report also; Controllers One World Order study; China War Threat & Coca-Cola; Fukushima Radiation UPDATE. Good reporting. . . EDITOR
Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL’
UPDATE: Ison – Meteor Alert!

Image: Hubble snaps icy Comet ISON. CREDIT NASA/ESA and the Hubble-Heritage Team/STScI/AURA. SOURCE: Wikipedia-Commons (Public Domain
BPEarthWatch Reports: Large Bolide Meteor Events Expected from Dec. 26 – Jan 12 2014.
Fireball Watch Map Watch for incoming objects moving from East to West, with a north to south angle. JPL Projection says best time to watch: Jan 2nd, 2014 (entire debris trail). NASA says the comet dust will slow and settle to the earth.
Other dates of note: Jan 7th ISON – Venus – Jupiter Alignment.
Jan 8th – Ison nearest North Star.
One World Order UPDATES
A good place to start in trying to understand the thinking, and why the globalist are so all-fired hurrying and pushing the world population towards a ‘one world order’ is the historical study by RICHARD K MOORE published in New Dawn magazine;

Image: thanx to David Dees.
The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order
. . . “It was always inevitable, on a finite planet, that there would be a limit to economic growth. [Industrialization] has enabled us to rush headlong toward that limit over the past two centuries. Production has become ever more efficient, markets have become ever more global, and finally the paradigm of perpetual growth has reached the point of diminishing returns.” . . .
. . . “If one studies the collapse of [civilizations], one learns that failure-to-adapt is fatal. Is our [civilization] falling into that trap? We had two centuries of real growth, where the growth-dynamic of capitalism was in harmony with the reality of industrial growth. Then we had four decades of artificial growth – capitalism being sustained by a house of cards. And now, after the house of cards has collapsed, every effort is apparently being made to bring about ‘a recovery’ – of growth! It is very easy to get the impression that our [‘civilization] is in the process of collapse, based on the failure-to-adapt principle.” . . . Read Complete Report
No WAR with CHINA….It is part of the One World Order Corporate Control System
We have heard the rhetoric of wars, economic and military, with China beginning to escalate toward the end of 2013.
We happen to believe that an outright war with China is very unlikely. China is part of the very same centralized control system as the West. In other words, Coca Cola who just invested $4 billion in China doesn’t want to lose that market and vice versa, so there will be no war.
Therefore any aggression with China should be viewed as complete theater to maintain control of domestic populations on both sides. Rather, we will probably continue to see a series of calculated economic moves on both sides
that tip the balance of “super” power away from America and toward China.
Nothing new here.
Fukushima Radiation Rather Than The Flu Getting Many People SICK !
ANY TIME NOW an even larger Fukushima Radiation Cloud will be coming over the USA (triggered by the current attempts to remove the Rods). Helicopters are conducting secret flights to do surveys of the amount of radiation in the air. Not being covered in the MSM: Hot particles from the Fukushima nuclear disaster is showing up in the lungs of Americans.

Read Source Report:
New model shows U.S. was hit by Fukushima cloud that dispersed little over Pacific — Gundersen: Authorities knew about hot particles and didn’t warn public; Could have worn air masks, instead it’s stuck in their lungs; Helicopters did secret survey along coast (PHOTO & AUDIO) Complete disturbing Report
While FullSpectrumSurvival reports:
And on Dec 18, 2013 from MsMilkytheclown1
More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone.
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