Tag Archive for contact

NEW: Alien Contact Above and Below: Suspect Sky (Full Video)

Featured Photo: Cylindrical ufo photo by Astronaut James McDivett. SOURCE:Crowded Skies (Public Domain)

Those seeking the secrets of the subterranean world connection be sure and watch the last few seconds of this highly recomended documentary. . . EDITOR 

From youtube  by SuspectSky·

Published on Apr 2, 2013

“Sightings of UFOs in the sky and alien beings below the surface are increasing in both number and clarity.” . . . from posting with video.

Terminator Eyes: Hi-tech contact lenses show texts and maps

from RT News

Published: 09 December, 2012, 11:21

Reuters / Brian Snyder

Imagine texting while driving, or placing a call while showering, without holding your phone in your hands. It’s not sci-fi any more – a new technology allows information like text messages and driving directions to be projected onto a contact lens.

The hardware behind this invention is a spherical curved LCD display that can fit into a contact lens, developed by Ghent University’s Centre of Microsystems Technology in Belgium. . . . Read complete Report


Aliens Don’t Want To Eat Us, Says Former SETI Director

from Universe Today

by Jason Major on May 24, 2012

Alien life probably isn’t interested in having us for dinner, enslaving us or laying eggs in our bellies, according to a recent statement by former SETI director Jill Tarter.

(Of course, Hollywood would rather have us think otherwise.)


In a press release announcing the Institute’s science and sci-fi SETIcon event, taking place June 22 – 24 in Santa Clara, CA, Tarter — who was the inspiration for Jodie Foster’s character in the film “Contact” — disagreed with both filmmakers and Stephen Hawking over the portrayal of extraterrestrials as monsters hungry for human flesh. . . . Read Complete Report