Tag Archive for corruption

THEI Eyeballs: CIA Financed Palantir and their computer “predictive policing tool”

Case study of LAPD and Palantir’s predictive policing tool: same corruption; new, empirical respectability

Source: Boing Boing / Cory Doctorow / 10:13 am Fri Sep 8, 2017

UT Austin sociologist Sarah Brayne spent 2.5 years conducting field research with the LAPD as they rolled out Predpol, a software tool that is supposed to direct police to places where crime is likely to occur, but which has been shown to send cops out to overpolice brown and poor people at the expense of actual crimefighting.

Brayne observed and interviewed more than 75 cops to get a picture of how the job of policing is changed by big data-based “predictive” tools. She found that the tools changed police from a law-enforcement agency to an intelligence agency, concerned more with surveilling people who had not committed a crime than to interdicting or solving crimes in the world. . . . Read Complete Report

The LAPD propaganda about the program

Palantir at the Los Angeles Police Department

Published on Jan 25, 2013

Palantir: Welcome and Introduction

Published on Jul 15, 2013

Introduction by CEO of Palantir Dr. Alexander Karp Welcome by Vanessa Hood, Forward Deployed Engineer, Palant

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Border Wall Updates 8/27/17

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up

24h News

Published on Aug 24, 2017

US Town Experiences Massive Change After Border Fence Goes Up
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US Mexico Border Wall Just Got $1.6B Down Payment (Full Compilation)


Published on Jul 28, 2017

The House has passed initial funds of $1.6 billion to start the US Mexico border wall.

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#UNRIG Weekly Update with VL

#UNRIG Weekly Update with VL

Published on Jul 18, 2017

Interviewed for weekly integrity update with Victurus Libertas

Interview w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney – Corruption in Politics & Meetup Suppressing the #UNRIG Campaign

Published on Jul 15, 2017

Interview with Dr. Cynthia McKinney on July 14th, 2017 Here we discuss Dr. McKinney’s beginning in politics, how she found out the depth of the corruption, and what organizations like Meetup are currently doing to suppress the #UNRIG campaign of peace! Dr. Cynthia McKinney’s Website – http://www.allthingscynthiamckinney.com/

Dig a Little DEEPER: #Unrig

The WALL: Trumps #1 Promise Delayed, who’s in control??

The #1 promise made by Donald Trump during his campaign and one of the reasons he was elected, in my belief, was his promise to stop the influx of criminal illegal aliens and to build THE WALL.  Now he and his cohorts are backing down on that promise because the Shadow Government flunkies are threatening to hold up  government funding. And how many times in my life have we lived through that threat from “either” party?

More and more it appears that Trump is just more of the same… no balls. Shame, shame, shame. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Remember this?

YouTube ~ Global News Published on Jan 25, 2017

Donald Trump full speech announcing plan to build Mexico border wall

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Gov. report finds rampant corruption “perfectly legal”

Featured Image: President Richard “I Am Not A Crook” Nixon. [SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons – Public Domain] resigned for covering up his nefarious deeds. And he deserved what he got. However, the last couple of administrations have gone way out of bounds and far beyond Tricky Dick’s corruption.  The good news; people SEEN to be waking up. But my person opinion; until we get rid of this rogue Federal Government it’ll just get  worse and worse. . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by RT America

Published on Dec 8, 2013

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo commissioned the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption earlier this year, and it just released it’s preliminary findings in the a report.


“Government Corruption”    “The Resident”

Pharmaceutical Corruption News Articles suggest Cover-up

Featured Image: A pharmacist’s mortar and pestle. Created by User:PHenry using Adobe Illustrator CS. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.)

From Want to Know Info

DrugStoreCirca1905 SOURCE Wikipedia Commons Public Domain




Image: Typical American drug store with a soda fountain, about 1905. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)

Excerpts of Key Pharmaceutical Corruption News Articles in Major Media

 Below are many highly revealing excerpts of important Pharmaceutical corruption news articles from the mainstream media suggesting a cover-up. 

Links are provided to the full news articles on major media websites. If any link fails to function, click here. These pharmaceutical corruption news articles are listed by order of importance. For the same articles by date posted, click here. For the list by date of news article click here. By choosing to educate ourselves on these important issues and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future. . . . Visit Site.


from Project Camelot

Kerry’s Blog

Saturday, 03 November 2012 05:46

Written by Kerry Cassidy

The Truth Behind the Matrix

Note:  the following report was written to accompany White Hat Report #48 which has as of this date been delayed and may possibly never see the light of day due to either quiet coercion behind the scenes or outright threats to the life of certain members of the group known as “The White Hats” who publish reports on a fairly regular basis revealing financial corruption at the highest levels of government specifically in the U.S. but also involving other world powers and players. I have therefore decided to release my portion of the report without #48 so that the truth may at least be told with regard to what lies behind that report.  For more information about #48 please see the following transcript and audio from my recent radio show conversation with “Tman of the White Hats” concerning this report.

Project Camelot and many other individuals and researchers have been investigating the range and depth of this vast conspiracy underground, beneath the perception of the masses i.e. the reality beneath the Matrix for many years.  As most readers will know, the concept of the Matrix (the surface fabrication of our reality) is known and was popularized by the movie of the same name.  This, now, is common knowledge.  Taking the red pill or the blue pill is ultimately what you do when you read this report or should you decide you aren’t interested in waking up to the reality of what is going on under your feet (literally) and prefer to go back to sleep.  So this is the choice you have.

The Secret Space Program

The trail of the Octopus, also known as the Shadow Government can be detected by following the money. . . . Read Complete Report