Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Danish F16 jetfighter in dogfight with UFOs over Denmark sounds like pure fiction, but I think there may actually be some truth here, especially when you study the pictures I am presenting further below. On July 6, 2010 at 12.45 pm, I was in Odense city at the street Vestre Stationsvej and had accidentally a camera with me, when I heard the roar of a fighter plane in the skies over me in a north-westerly direction. There were some clouds in the sky that day and I did not succeed to see the plane, which probably have been a Danish F16 jetfighter, but I could hear it clearly and it sounded as though the pilot up there used afterburner a few times with short intervals and I got the feeling, that he frantically tried to get into position to something up there. Instinctively, I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures in the direction the sound came from and this resulted in a total of 13 images, where 10 of them might be interesting for UFO enthusiasts. I did not make any visual contact with the UFOs while I photographed, so unfortunately, I did not have a live UFO sighting. . . . Read complete report