Rick Osmon
July 6th, 2012
I finished reading a great novel last night, Thief on the Cross. I’ve had the book since it came out, but life has kept me away from it until now. Now, having finished the first read, I regret not finding the time sooner.
This is indeed controversial fiction. Author David Brody follows up his first novel in this series, Cabal of the Westford Knight, with returning themes and characters, nonstop action and adventure, political intrigue, para-governmental conspiracies, hidden history, secret codes, and one amazingly constructed, “divine” new character who has the potential to carry David to a long and wonderful series.
But that is just where the real story starts. David uses real artifacts from Burrows Cave (among others), real documents (possibly direct from Knights Templar families), and real places to tell this tale. And he does it so gracefully it could and should be downright embarrassing to both scholars and clergy. I have been following the tale of the artifacts since the story broke in 1982 and in that time only a couple of “doctrinal” historians or archaeologists have given any attention to them. Actually, I think there is lot more to the story then even David has described, but almost no testing has been undertaken to determine authenticity.
So there we get to the real crux (pardon that pun) of the issue in this post: So much history is hidden from us, even though many of the clues to it are in plain sight. There certainly appears to be a discernible pattern of official and omnipresent obfuscation regarding certain types of artifacts and information. Yes, I’m saying there are real world conspiracies afoot to hide our history from us.
The Burrows Cave artifacts, certain documents seemingly direct from the Knights Templar, art, architecture, and even nursery rhymes have a lot to tell us about history that is very different than it is taught in our schools. While David’s books are wonderful, page-turner stories that include these aspects, they barely scratch the surface.