This is the beginning of the exact same tactics used to scare people away from the Patriot Movement in the 1980s. It started with a few instances like this, moved to Ruby Ridge, then on to Waco . . . and finally Oklahoma City. After Oklahoma your everyday citizen wouldn’t attend a Patriot Meeting on a dare. Escalating government Ops and scare tactics to keep a tight lid on information that might wake the sheeple up to the truth.. The playbook does not change. History repeats itself. . . EDITOR
from RT News via Youtube
Published on May 30, 2012 by AxisofAnonymous
From disorganized slackers to terrorists – the Occupy movement has seen its media image go from bad to worse over its nine months of existence. Protesters now even face accusations that they pose a threat not just to Corporate America, but to the country as a whole. But activists say it’s all just scaremongering to stifle the movement.