Tag Archive for drones

Airships Anew!

by Rick Osmon


The Sun story (I found thanks to the Drudge Report) about a 460 foot long yacht that sports its own helo pad and airship is kinda cool. I’m not sure it’s practical, but it’s kinda cool. I guess practicality may depend on your application or need for vindication.



Of course, the US Navy has the most complete history of pairing airships to surface ships, but everybody from NASA to Goodyear has practical application under their respective belt. To date, most of the practical application has been for surveillance or observation.

We’ve also carried stories about heavy lift freight airships, remote access hospital modules deployed by airship, equatorial arboreal species scientists using airships to enable research, and dozens of other potential applications of airships. And yet, the only airships we see commonly are somehow tied to sports or other major event coverage…. Meaning, of course, a form of surveillance and observation.

You’ve also seen us publish many, many stories about “drones”. How they have and will continue to endanger your privacy while adding to both your potential for improving personal security and detracting from it.

So what happens when the two technologies combine? What happens when a drone can stay aloft for months at a time while supporting the types of cameras that can read a license plate from a hundred and eight miles in space? Will they be used to capture more cute kitten footage for Facebook?

Read more

Dad shoots down Drone Spying on His Sunbathing Daughter: UPDATED

A Louisville, Kentucky father is facing felony charges for shooting down a drone.

“I didn’t shoot across the road, I didn’t shoot across my neighbor’s fences, I shot directly into the air,” William Merideth said.

Shortly afterwards, police showed up and took Merideth into custody.

WRTV Channel 6 in Indianapolis has MORE


UPDATE! Dad Goes Free!


Update: Eyeballin’ Criminal Drones and their pals

Featured Image: A DJI Phantom UAV for commercial and recreational aerial photography. Attribution: © Nevit Dilmen. Source: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0).

The Times Jan. 31, 2013

Criminals and Terrorists Can Fly Drones Too

Remote-controlled aircraft and robot technology can be used for bad just as easily as for good

Americans know their government uses unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, on military and intelligence missions from surveillance to assassination. But drones are no longer the sole domain of the military, and just as with many new technologies, they can easily fall into the wrong hands. . . Read Complete Report


Business Insider By  APR. 23, 2014, 10:36 AM

British Criminals Are Using Drones To Steal Marijuana

The latest killer application for drone use seems to be in marijuana reconnaissance, reports ITPortal.

Criminal gangs in the UK’s rural Shropshire County are reportedly using flying robots equipped with infrared cameras to spot hidden marijuana growing operations from the sky, then blackmailing the growers or downright stealing their crop from the house. . . Read Complete Report


Kim Komando October 3, 2014

Criminals use drones to track police during crimes

Wonder what U.S. history would like if Butch and Sundance or Bonnie and Clyde had a few lookout drones?

In a case that would have looked more like a movie plot 10 years ago, new innovations have brought career criminals many new ways to cause a bunch of new troubles. Last Saturday, two members of a burglary ring known as the “Tub Gang” were accused of using a drone to spy on officers while carrying out thefts across Pennsylvania and other states. . . Read Complete Report


youtube by CBS New York Published on Sept 29, 2014

CBS 2 Exclusive: Criminals Use Drones To Target Victims In High-Tech Heists

“Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive:  “Drones” “Robots Replacing Humans”

Next Future Terrifying Technology Will Blow Your Mind (full Documentary)

youtube by Prabhjeet Kaptaan

Published on Oct 13, 2014

Next Future Terrifying Technology Will Blow Your Mind

Note : All the credit of this Videos Goes to conspiracy files ., Shared just for educational Purpose

Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Military Robots” “Conspiracy Boogie”

Service with A Smile? Avast! Ye Robots

Service with A Smile? ROBOGAS Gas Station Attendant


American drivers are happily spoiled by the conveniences of getting cash from an ATM, buying a cheeseburger or getting a carwash without ever leaving the vehicle, so why aren’t there any drive-thru gas stations?

There used to be, back in the day of service with a smile

Read the rest of this Chicago Tribune story and watch the video HERE 

Avast! Ye Robots

Rolls-Royce outlines vision for robotic ships of the future


Running away to sea has been a dream of escape for centuries, but unless you plan to be a tap dancer on a cruise ship, that door may be closing. In a report on the future of cargo shipping, Rolls-Royce Vice President for Innovation, Engineering and Technology, Oskar Levander, outlines a vision for a time not far from now when freighters and other ships are unmanned robots that cruise the oceans under remote control by shore based captains.

NSA Surveillance, Killer Drones, and Your Cell Phone

This article was posted on 02/12/2014

How the NSA uses SIM cards to mistakenly kill civilians

The president’s opinion

Despite the operator’s claims, the Obama administration insists that terrorists are killed with high precision. The president iterated during his speech at the National Defense University last May that a high degree of certainty is employed when target selection, ““by narrowly targeting our action against those who want to kill us and not the people they hide among, we are choosing the course of action least likely to result in the loss of innocent life.” Yet the increased reliance on phone tracking is contrary to this claim

Former drone operator’s testimony echoes information in leaked NSA documents

When speaking about his former colleague, the JSOC operator says “people get hung up that there’s a targeted list of people, it’s really like we’re targeting a cell phone. We’re not going after people — we’re going after their phones, in the hopes that the person on the other end of that missile is the bad guy.” His testimony of JSOC mission policies echo information revealed in the NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden along with the criticism made by former drone sensor operator with the U.S. Air Force, Brandon Bryant.

Read the rest of this article HERE

So the next time you’re at a stop light, riding a bus, at the mall, and someone near you is using a cell phone (or pad), just hope that person, even if innocent, isn’t using a phone targeted by the NSA.

It’s HERE! Jan Lamprecht’s Kindle Version!

Jan Lamprecht’s new Kindle edition is out! Now everyone can get a copy of what constitutes the core of knowledge of hollow planets. And you don’t have to worry about the government and the FAA outlawing Amazot delivery drones. It’s available for download right now.

The “TAL’ Zone Report #7: Area 51 and the super drones


‘TAL’ has had an eye on Area 51 for years. Actually ever since the connection to his early investigations into underground Dulce revealed them. This sudden loosen up on information about the goings on at Area 51 looks like an attempt to draw attention away from Area 51. Like getting the populace into believing the the government has turned it into a drone base.  Maybe so. And maybe there are no underground facilities at Area51 either. Right . . . EDITOR

You are entering . . .

The ‘TAL’ Zone

Compiled from the underground Research of ‘TAL”

Weekly Underground Report #7

The Complex



Unmasked: Area 51’s Biggest, Stealthiest Spy Drone Yet

The drone that spied on bin Laden and on Iran’s nukes was just the start. Meet its bigger, higher-flying, stealthier cousin, the Northrop Grumman RQ-180. It’s probably been flying for a few years now, but you weren’t supposed to know that; the existence of this secret project, based out of Area 51, was revealed Friday by Aviation Week. – See more at: Area 51


Image: obama signs bill authorizing 30000-drones over america.

EXCLUSIVE: Secret New UAS Shows Stealth, Efficiency Advances

December 06, 2013

A large, classified unmanned aircraft developed by Northrop Grumman is now flying—and it demonstrates a major advance in combining stealth and aerodynamic efficiency. Defense and intelligence officials say the secret unmanned aerial system (UAS), designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, is scheduled to enter production for the U.S. Air Force and could be operational by 2015. . .

. . . Beyond the financial disclosures, publicly available overhead imagery shows new shelters and hangars sized for an aircraft with a 130-ft.-plus wing span at Northrop’s Palmdale, Calif., plant and at Area 51, the Air Force’s secure flight-test center at Groom Lake, Nev. . . See more at: Secret News

More to Come . . . You are leaving the ‘TAL’ Zone. 

Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “The ‘TAL’ Zone”



Amazots! Amazon’s new autonomous drone delivery service!


Original art by Tuff Shake, commissioned for The Hollow Earth Insider


Now Amazon is in the robot business and, potentially, as a global network of autonomous delivery drones. This is really going to spell the end of the mail delivery person.

In an interview with Charlie Rose on Sunday’s episode of “60 Minutes,” Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos revealed the giant online store is developing a drone-based delivery service called Prime Air. According to Bezos, Prime Air would be able to get customers their products only a half-hour after they click the “buy” button. His “optimistic” estimate to “60 Minutes” was that Prime Air will be available to customers within 4 to 5 years.  (Read the rest from Huffington Post)

Oliver Stone: “I feel like a dissident against the American Empire”

Featured Image:The Untold History of the United States (2013)  by Oliver Stone  (Author) , Peter Kuznick (Author) SOURCE: Amazon.com

From youtube uploaded by RT America

Published on Nov 29, 2013

Filmmaker Oliver Stone and Historian Peter Kuznick sit down with RT’s Sam Sacks to talk about their mini-series “The Untold History of the United States.” The two also address the latest news about NSA surveillance, drones, and Wall Street greed. And Oliver Stone explains why he feels like a dissident against the US empire.