Featured Image: Fingerprint. SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net
Published on Nov 1, 2014
Court rules fingerprints have no fifth amendment right. What does this mean for the rest of our biometric data?
Featured Image: Fingerprint. SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net
Published on Nov 1, 2014
Court rules fingerprints have no fifth amendment right. What does this mean for the rest of our biometric data?
Featured Image: Picture of a whorl fingerprint pattern. CREDIT: NIST database. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
From Fox News By Jay Sekulow
It’s past time for the media to begin asking President Obama tough questions about the IRS conservative targeting scandal. After all he was involved, publicly, from the beginning.
Last Friday, the American Center for Law and Justice (where I serve as Chief Counsel) filed its Second Amended Complaint against the United States, the IRS, and a legion of IRS officials. This Complaint, in which we represent 41 organizations in 22 states, presents perhaps the most complete story yet of the IRS conservative targeting scandal.
And it is an ugly story indeed.. . . Read Complete Report