Dark Secrets of the Order
YouTube ~ Mal Tomlin
“Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible (Cecil Rhodes, 1853-1902).” Parenthetically, at the end of the film “The Rock” a lingering question is raised: “Do you want to know who killed Kennedy?” President Kennedy was killed shortly after his famous Secret Society speech. This video is a series of short clips including Bill Clinton, Ron Paul (on Professor Carroll Quigley) and other key witnesses to history. Quigley revealed a secretive “Anglo-American Order” tinkering with the shape of 20th Century (the third clip is Alex Jones’ summary of Quigley). Does the Illuminati still exist? Their ideas exist: “Rhodes’ similarities with Weishaupt are threefold: first, he came to the same conclusion as Weishaupt that creating his own secret society for the purposes of changing elite opinion was the only means to ensure that his goals could be achieved; second, he was similarly unimpressed by the Freemasons and the Jesuits, yet he copied their methods; and finally, his ultimate goal was essentially the same as Weishaupt, in that he sought to create a world order in which peace would prevail as divisions would be overcome by a global civilization, albeit an Anglo-Saxon one.” The clips affirm inductively that there are spheres of power in the shadows that exert great influence. Moreover a handful of American companies financed both Hitler and communists – including General Electric. But in our day four media giants strangely propagate the same premises the Illuminati articulated in the 18th century (Viacom, General Electric, News Corp, and Disney). But if in doubt, follow the money (Rhodes, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, etc.). Edward Griffin warns: 1. The Federal Reserve is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives. 2. It is a [private] cartel operating against the public interest. 3. It’s the supreme instrument of usury. 4. It generates our most unfair tax. 5. It encourages war. 6. It destabilizes the economy. 7. It is an instrument of totalitarianism. The Secret Society started the Royal Institute of International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) In 1921, funded by the Rockefellers, the RIIA founded its American wing — known as the Council on Foreign Relations. As its membership is marginally more public than its British counterpart it is clearly seen that anyone who has had any influence on American or global politics ever since has been a member of the CFR. This includes 14 of the last 18 US Secretaries of State; the previous eight CIA directors; the majority of presidential and vice-presidential candidates including Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, Mondale, Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Bush and Clinton.
Dig a Little DEEPER: Eyeballin’ The One World Order
THEI Eyeballs the Shadow Government AKA the Deep State (CIA) ~ The Series
(Part 1) The War Against the Shadow Government Has Begun . . . THEI Editor Dennis Crenshaw ~ The Shadow Government/Deep State Explained
(Part 2) Involvement in Unconstitutional Foreign Wars
(Part 3) The Dulles Brothers, the CIA and the Kennedy Assassination
(Part 4) CIA’s News Network CNN ~ Operation Mockingbird ~ Today’s Fake News
(Part 5) Watching You and Everything You Do ~ Agenda 2030
[Shadow Government] Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent ~ CIA Drug Running Over the Years