Tag Archive for george westinghouse

‘The Secret of Nikola Tesla’ – Rare Feature Film

Submitted by Forbidden Knowledge TV

from youtube

Uploaded by  on Jul 10, 2011

“When a young and gifted inventor by the name of Nikola Tesla (Petar Bozovic) arrives in America, he first works for the famous Thomas Edison (Dennis Patrick) but later strikes a fruitful cooperation with George Westinghouse (Strother Martin). Together they battle against Edison in order for Tesla’s superior system of alternative current to be accepted by the world community who currently uses only Edison’s system of direct current. Later on the mighty financier J.P. Morgan (Orson Welles) joins the game as he provides Tesla with financial support to build his Colorado Springs laboratory only to completely dump him later on after he realizes Tesla’s inventions could provide the world with unlimited free energy for everybody. See one of the most important periods of modern history and the tragedy of this great inventor who aspired to change the world towards a better place. A rare attempt of biographical movie production by the former yugoslav (croatian) cinema, the movie being completely in English”. . . . Posted w/video on youtube

The Tesla Gun (w/photos)

from Hackerfriendly.com

The year was 1889. The War of the Currents was well underway. At stake: the future of electrical power distribution on planet Earth. With the financial backing of George Westinghouse, Tesla’s AC polyphase system competed for market dominance with Edison’s established (but less efficient) DC system, in one of the ugliest and most epic tales of technological competition of the modern age.

More than a hundred years after the dust settled, Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders published The Five Fists of Science: a rollicking graphical retelling of what really happened at the turn of the last century. (Get yourself a copy and read it immediately, unless you’re allergic to AWESOME). On the right is the cover to this fantastic tale of electrical fury.

See that dapper fellow in front? That’s a young Mr. Tesla. See what he’s packin’?

Yep. Tesla Guns. Akimbo.

As I read this fantastic story, gentle reader, certain irrevocable processes were set in motion. The result is my answer to The Problem of Increasing Human Energy: The Tesla Gun. For reals. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

Nikola Tesla – Master of Lightning 2000 Full video

Dig DEEPER: Free Energy? No Utility Bills?: Nikola Tesla, the Man With a Plan