Former Govt Scientist: The Govt Could Have Stopped Harvey And Irma!
Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation
Former Govt Scientist: The Govt Could Have Stopped Harvey And Irma!
Dig a Little DEEPER: Weather Manipulation
Taxpayers Funding Heroin Vaccine as Govt Keeps Cannabis Solution to Opioid Crisis Illegal
Source: The Free Thought Project By Justin Gardnern July 9, 2017
The feds gladly fund development of anti-opioid vaccines for Big Pharma profits, but continue the war on a plant that is already proven to reduce opioid use.
After 20 years of patented opioid painkillers flooding America thanks to the pharmaceutical industry and careless doctors, the United States finds itself in a raging opioid epidemic.
The numbers are telling: 80 percent of the global opioid supply is consumed in the U.S., representing about 300 million prescriptions in 2015 alone or “enough drugs to give every single American 64 Percocets or Vicodin.”
As pain pill prescriptions have surged, overdose deaths from these legal drugs now total about 15,000 every year. When people can’t afford patented pills anymore, they turn to heroin, which killed almost 13,000 people in 2015—a 23 percent increase in one year. . . . Read Complete Report
Confirmed: Opioid Use Plummets in States with Legal Cannabis, and How Govt Ignores this Truth
Source: The Free Thought Project By Justin Gardner
Yesterday we reported how Congress’ “opioid bill,” or Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act (CARA), was a hollow achievement, as it ignored medical cannabis alternatives and said nothing about the role of Big Pharma in the opioid abuse epidemic
Among the information missing from the conversation was an eye-opening study done last year. A JAMA Internal Medicine study looked at ten years of data in all 50 states, concluding that states with medical cannabis laws had significantly lower rates of opioid overdose mortality. . . . Read Complete Report
Why Big Pharma is Blocking Marijuana Legalization in Arizona
YouTube ~ RT America Published on Apr 13, 2017
Medical marijuana research comes out of the shadows
Dig a Little Deeper: Border Wars, Drug Wars & Pot Prohibition
Featured Image: Dealey Plaza. View from southwest, with the former Texas School Book Depository Building at left, and the Dal-Tex Building, right next to it. CREDIT: Brodie319 SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
From youtube uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel
Published on Nov 21, 2013
Image:Photo of Dealey Plaza. The original photo comes from the AARC Public Digital Library, Warren Commission Hearings Volume XVI, CE359, which has archives and text of the Warren Commission, a government report. Annotation added by the uploader for document context. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain)
Alex and the crew are covering the controlled media spectacle and censorship surrounding the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The establishment media and the City of Dallas are working hand in hand to push their propaganda while banning anyone from handing out flyers and hanging banners anywhere in the city. As our first wave of reporters revealed yesterday, Dallas is literally covering up history by tearing out the concrete section of the road where Kennedy was killed and paving asphalt in its place. After last night’s successful protest outside the Dallas Federal Reserve, our crew overheard riot police say they wanted to take down Alex right after he stood up for free speech. Be sure to tune in for this explosive, bombshell transmission to watch history being made.
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “JFK Assassination”
Featured Image: Thanx to David Dees.
From youtube uploaded by RTAmerica on Sept 8, 2013
Featured Image: Cropped from the anti-white website “War on the Horizon” maintained by Department of Homeland Security manager Ayo Kimathi. According to Kimathi’s website, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count”. . . War on the Horizon
From youtube uploaded by Mass Tea Party on Aug 23, 2013
from youtube
Published on Sep 14, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
The Obama Administration through the Justice Department has given the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) the authority to “seize and administratively forfeit property involved in controlled-substance abuses.” In effect: those who are convicted of crimes involving alcohol and/or substance abusers will have their right to bear arms revoked.…
by Susanne Posel . . . Text Posted to Youtube