We here at THEI hope you have a Happy Holloween and may all your candy be sugar free . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded byDaniel Curtis
Ray Stevens – The Booger Man
Published on Jul 12, 2013
Here is two of my favorite things together, Ray Stevens and The Walking Dead! The Booger Man from his 1987 MCA Album “I Never Made A Record I Didn’t Like!”
From youtube uploaded by Pierre1989
Popa Chubby – She said that Evil was her name
Uploaded on Jun 25, 2006
Fantastic Popa Chubby live video of ‘She said Evil was her name’
From youtube uploaded by fingolfin897
Disney’s Monster Mash
Uploaded on Oct 16, 2007
**i won the contest for October with this video! yay!! (I really didnt’ expect this video to win crap, lol)**
I made this to enter into the Disney Song/Movie of the Month group contest. If you don’t know, that group has a contest every month with different themes to follow (they’re all disney, though, of course!). This months was a Dance theme, and I figured, why not a Halloween dance?
So yea, this video was made for 3 purposes. Not only to enter into that contest, but it was made as this years first Halloween video, and it also was to premier The Horned King, lol. Yes, I only used him once, but that’s all I needed!!! hehe
All clips belong to Disney.
The song is Monstr Mash by Bobby “Boris” Picket.
The ending song is A Gorey Demise by one of my favoritest bands ever, Creature Feature!!!
From youtube uploaded by Rikkyhardo
They’re Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha (with lyrics) ::: Halloween
Uploaded on Sep 21, 2008
They’re Coming To Take Me Away a hit novelty song by Napoleon XIV (aka Jerry Samuels) it reached no. 4 in the UK chart which fits just right for Halloween and Trick or Treat …
It caused a lot of controversy in the States due to the references to mental illness although in the UK owing to ignorance of American stuff (A.S.P.C.A etc) it was just seen as a funny record. Just wanted to do something for Halloween (which we barely new about 20 yrs ago) I guess its all due to marketing by celebration card companies andToy Manufacturers to make the consumer spend their money willy nilly just another import from the US of A.