(New) Did You Know What The US Navy Has Been Doing In Antarctica?
Published on Aug 25, 2017
Antarctica! You Need To See What The Government Has Started In Antarctica!
Published on Aug 30, 2017
Continued on Page 2
(New) Did You Know What The US Navy Has Been Doing In Antarctica?
Published on Aug 25, 2017
Antarctica! You Need To See What The Government Has Started In Antarctica!
Published on Aug 30, 2017
Continued on Page 2
Ancient Civilizations Had a Forbidden History that is Still Being Hidden [FULL VIDEO]
This video challengea the scientific establishment to reexamine its underlying premises in understanding ancient civilizations and open up to the possibility of meaningful debate around alternative theories of humanity’s true past.This video is in support of a much greater antiquity for civilization, a convincing argument for the existence of advanced technologies in prehistory, and the outline of a lost fountainhead of world culture.
According to the ancient alien theory, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it? Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths before..
Dig a Little DEEPER: Ancient Civilizations
Temples of Humankind
The Temples of Humankind are a collection of subterranean temples buried 30 metres (100 ft) underground built by the Federation of Damanhur. They are decorated in several motifs stressing peaceful human collaboration. The Temples are located in the foothills of the Alps in northern Italy, 50 kilometres (30 mi) from Turin, in the valley of Valchiusella.
The temples were created under the direction of Oberto Airaudi who, having claimed visions of ancient temples at age 10 from a previous life, began excavation and building in August 1978. By 1991 most of the chambers were reportedly complete when Italian police, acting on a tip from villagers, conducted a raid on the Temples. However, since the temples were so well hidden, police were unable to locate them until state prosecutor Bruno Tinti threatened “show us these temples or we will dynamite the entire hillside.”[1][2] Eventually the Italian government reportedly gave them retroactive excavation and erection privileges and the Temples are now open to visitors. . . . Continue Wikipedia Report
Secret Temple Hidden Underground In Mountains (Damanhur)
Published on Jan 22, 2017
Hidden in Antarctica a Naval Officer tells us Exactly What He Saw
YouTube ~ Posted by Matrix Wisdom
Published on Mar 2, 2017
A truly shocking and astonishing video on extremely strange events in the Antarctic. A naval officer tells us what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were crossing with a medical emergency on board. Then he ferried a group of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks, and has specifically been warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, “they looked scared.” When they returned to McMurdo, their gear was isolated and they were flown back to Christchurch, New Zealand in a special plane.
He discusses what he saw and experienced in detail. This is the most provocative story about what is going on in Antarctica ever presented anywhere.
Also of Interest?
YouTube ~ Posted by The Pathfinder Published on Mar 3, 2017
Dig a Little DEEPER: Antarctica Hollow Earth/ Subterranean Worlds UFO Enclosure
Featured Image: old books (NO) SOURCE clipartpal.com (Public Domain)
Abby Martin speaks with NYU media studies professor, Mark Crispin Miller, about five historical books that have been actively suppressed and hidden from the American public.
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Dig a little DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive “Censored”
Featured Image: Colorful Fractal by Irina Pechkareva SOURCE: publicdomainpictures.net (Public Domain)
From youtube uploaded by OrionDocs A on Jun 11, 2012
From youtube uploaded by EYE on CITRUS
CIA HIDDEN OPERATIONS Complete in it’s Entirety
Uploaded on Jun 25, 2011
The CIA, the right hand tool, of the Military-Industrial Complex, involvement in every diabolical, evil endeavor on the face of the earth.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Regarding Copyright Law.
From youtube uploaded by The Film Archives
The CIA, Drug Trafficking and American Politics: The Political Economy of War
… [t]he CIA did not handle heroin, but it did provide its drug lord allies with transport, arms, and political protection. In sum, the CIA’s role in the Southeast Asian heroin trade involved indirect complicity rather than direct culpability.” . . . EXCERPT from Description published with video.
From youtube uploaded by The Film Archives
CIA Covert Action in the Cold War: Iran, Jamaica, Chile, Cuba, Afghanistan, Libya, Latin America
Published on Jun 9, 2012
The following persons are known to have participated in covert operations, as distinct from clandestine intelligence gathering (espionage) either by their own admission or by the accounts of others: . . . From Description published with video.
The CIA Rogue Agents (Action,2013,USA) FULL MOVIE in English
Original Movie name: The Recruit
Featured image: The Last Supper. (Última Cena)
Credit Artwork: Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). High resolution scan by http://www.haltadefinizione.com/ in collaboration with the Italian ministry of culture. Scan details. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. This work is in the public domain in the United States, and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or less.
From youtube uploaded by DAHBOO77
Published on Sep 8, 2013
What is revealed is absolutely Jaw Dropping ! The question is , is what did Da Vinci Know that he is trying to reveal ?? The inner power of the mind’s eye ??
Featured Image: The Great Royal Buffalo Hunt. (1895) CREDIT: Color print by Louis Maurer. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons (Public Domain).
“The Grand Duke [Alexey Romanov] in the company of General Philip Sheridan, General Edward Ord, and Lt. Colonel (Brevet Major General) George Armstrong Custer, the latter having been selected to be Grand Marshall of the hunt, arrived at Fort McPherson on 13 January 1872, by a special train provided by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. They were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd, headed by William Frederick Cody (known as Buffalo Bill). After speeches, the Duke’s party set out for the hunting grounds.”[47] . . . SOURCE Wikipedia.
From youtube uploaded by primetimeru
Published on Aug 30, 2013
A painting has been discovered of the last crown prince of the Russian Empire, Alexey Romanov.
Featured Image: A United States $100 dollar bill. Cropped from USDnotes. Source: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain).
I find this report to be “velly interesting”. . . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by RoadtoRoota on Mar 15, 2012
United States Current Currency is only worth the paper it is printed upon and faith in the American government. Where we on the “Gold Standard” the bills would be worth the value of gold and could be traded in for the amount the gold was worth on that day’s world gold market.. Would that be cool? . . . EDITOR
Image: A digital copy of every bill currently being issued by the private banking octopus the Federal Reserve Bank to be used as out fiat money.
SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain)
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI “Federal Reserve”