Tag Archive for high times magazine

Retro: Study: High Times Not A Gateway Magazine To Harder Readings

Photo of first Issue of High Times magazine – Summer 1974

from the Onion

NEW YORK—Casual readers of the marijuana-enthusiast magazine High Times are no more likely than non-readers to develop a habit for harder forms of reading, according to a study released Monday by the National Institutes of Health.

The findings raise significant doubts about the so-called “gateway magazine” theory, which claims that High Times readers run a higher risk of moving on to harder-hitting titles such as Time and Newsweek, or even mind-expanding publications like Scientific American.

“The conventional wisdom is that High Times users go on to experiment with harder-cover reading materials, becoming ‘book junkies’ who rummage through street bargain bins for a fix,” said Dr. David Kunkel, the study’s chief author. . . . Read Complete Report