Tag Archive for home

Virginia Student Suspended for Playing With Toy Gun at Home (Video Report)

Featured Image: Early silent movie, Whitney-Brothers-Quartet. The Little Red Drum 1908 (Public-Domain)

Boys have played “god guys and bad guys” since the U.S.A. was born and  to play right you gotta have a trusty 6-shooter on your hip.

Here is another story that illustrates the mind control propaganda being fed our kids by the government controlled school system about “gun control.”

“If you touch a gun of any kind at any time you are going to be in trouble.” . . . EDITOR

From youtube uploaded by Tea break News

Published on Sep 24, 2013

In the past, some schools have been rather strict about discouraging gun violence facsimiles to some ridiculous lengths, but at least these incidents occurred on school property. But a seventh grader in Virginia and his friend have now been suspended from school for shooting an airsoft gun… in his front yard. . . . From Description published with video.


“Anti-gun Mind Control Propaganda Aimed at Our Kids – 101” 

Couple make burglar clean their home at gunpoint

Featured Image: SOURCE: wpclipart.com

Another case of good “gun control” . . . EDITOR

From That’s Weird.net

An American couple turned the tables on a burglar they caught ransacking their home by dispensing their own summary justice.

Without waiting for the law to arrive, the pair doled out their own punishment to the surprised criminal – they made him clean up the house at gunpoint! . . . Read Complete Report

Defense Distributed (3D Printed Guns and Ammo) Domain Seized by Feds, Indictments Pending According to Home Page (W/Video)

From IntelHub

By JG Vibes
April 1, 2013

The web domain for Defense Distributed was recently seized, and a notice was placed on the home page stating that individuals involved with the website are being indicted under a grand jury investigation for violating various gun control and intellectual property regulations.

Just a few minutes ago i was doing some research about the progress of 3D printed firearms, and followed a link to the homepage for Defense Distributed, the company that is pioneering the world of 3d printing, specifically guns and ammunition.

I was very disappointed to see the all too familiar federal domain seizure greeting, informing me that not only had the domain been seized, but that individuals involved with the project were being indicted as well. . . .Read Complete Report

From CNN

From youtube  uploaded by vice

Published on Mar 25, 2013

Cody R Wilson has figured out how to print a semi-automatic rifle from the comfort of his own home. Now he’s putting all the information online so that others will join him.

Occupy tries to help Columbine survivor keep his home (Video Report)

While using the excuse of the false-flag  mass Shootings in America as a reason for the Obama-nation to take the teeth out of the Second  Amendment  and the confiscation of guns from all American’s, the elitist bankers of out “concerned Government” could care less about Richard Castaldo, a victim of the tragedy.  Take our guns . . . Take his house . . . Compassion? Right! . . . EDITOR 

from RTAmerica

Published on Jan 19, 2013

Richard Castaldo was shot 8 times during the school schooting at Columbine High School. After surviving the massacre, Castaldo continues to fight, this time for his home in Los Angeles. He fell behind on his mortgage payments and now, his condo is up for auction. However, Occupy activists are standing behind him, trying to keep Castaldo from being evicted.
RT America LIVE http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/
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FBI shows up at teenager’s home to ask about his Ron Paul school report (w/videos)

from RT.com

Published: 14 September, 2012, 02:16

A 16-year-old high school student’s video report for his American Government class earned him an A+ from his teacher. It also yielded a visit from the FBI.

Justin Hallman says that a project he put together for school that included information on the National Defense Authorization Act, Rep. Ron Paul, Anonymous and the Occupy Wall Street movement was well received in the classroom, but wasn’t exactly praised by others. After agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation saw a copy of Hallman’s finished work on YouTube, they paid a visit to his own home. . . . Read Complete Report

from youtube

FBI Visit Teen Over Police State Video on YouTube

Published on Sep 12, 2012 by 

In another shocking example of how the federal government is repositioning itself as a secret police force to target political dissidents, a 16-year-old boy was questioned by FBI agents over a You Tube video he created for a school project which highlighted how America was slipping into a police state. . . . Text posted with video on youtuube

from youtube
Ron Paul – There Is Still Hope (School Project) – The Video is the one FBI Questioned 16 Year Old Justin Hallman About

Published on May 13, 2012 by 

Hi, my name is Justin Hallman. I made this video for a project I had to do for my American Government class, my teacher, Mr. Sparks liked it so much that he gave it a score of 45/35 points or 128%! I’d like to share this video with you to see how other people like it. So please enjoy the video and remember to rate it if you can :). . . .Text posted with Video to youtube