Featured Image: Norio Hayakawa CREDIT & SOURCE: Norio Hayakawa
Submitted by ‘TAL’
I have known ‘TAL’ since the early 1990’s and have found the information supplied by him as published in “The Hollow Earth Insider” and “Unraveling the Secrets” over the years to check out from other sources to be factual.
Norio Hayakawa, and John Rhodes have also supplied us with information over the years that has checked out to be truthful. . . EDITOR
From Facebook January 10, 2014 at 6:40pm
by Norio Hayakawa at the Civlian Intelligence Central
Jason Bishop III (a.k.a., Tal Levesque, a.k.a., TAL), has been one of the original promoters of the “Dulce Base” rumors.
This photo of him was taken in 1990 in Los Angeles when he was filmed by Nippon Television program dealing with Area 51 in Nevada and Dulce, New Mexico. He requested that his face be blacked out for the program.
The interview took place at my residence in Gardena, California (where I was living at that time). The two-hour program was shown only in Japan on March 24, 1990.
In the early 1990’s, Jason Bishop III visited with me many times at my residence, even after I moved to Torrance, California.Apparently, at that time, he was living in Redondo Beach, California.
It is not an exaggeration to say that more than 90% of the original information that one reads on Dulce originated from Jason Bishop III. . . . Read Complete Report
From youtube uploaded by DiscoveryDisclosure on Mar 6, 2013
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI.us Archive
“Dulce Base” “Norio Hayakawa” “John Rhodes” “The TAL’ Zone”
The original “underground tunnels” map released by TAL in 1978.