Featured Image: Screenshot from youtube video: CREDIT & SOURCE: RT News.
From BrassCheckTV
From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M March 02, 2013 C-SPAN
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “False Flag”
Featured Image: Screenshot from youtube video: CREDIT & SOURCE: RT News.
From BrassCheckTV
From youtube uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M March 02, 2013 C-SPAN
Dig a LITTLE DEEPER ~ THEI Archive “False Flag”
Featured Image: Mason Transfer and Grain Co., bonded warehouse on the South Texas Border. CREDIT: Taken by Robert Runyon (1881-1968) sometime between 1900 and 1920. SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (Public Domain). FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY.
Is the warehouse featured in the photo one of the secret government warehouses? I can’t say, that’s a secret. . . . EDITOR
Submitted by ‘TAL’
Syfy Presents “Inside Secret Government Warehouses 2010” – Featuring Stewart A. Swerdlow
The Syfy Channel investigates several secret government projects and coverups, including the Montauk Project. Stewart A. Swerdlow is interviewed throughout the show about his experiences in Montauk. First clip with Stewart begins around the 11 minute mark.
Featured Image: Map in french of the volcanic system of Iceland. CREDIT: Volcanic_system_of_Iceland-Map-fr.svg: Pinpin derivative work: Chris.urs-o (talk) SOURCE: Wikipedia Commons. (This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license).
Submitted by ‘TAL’
Is this the place Jules Verne was thinking of in “Journey to the Center of the Earth” ?
From Inside the Volcano
“Thrihnukagigur volcano is dormant – it last erupted over 4,000 years ago. There are no indications of it erupting again in the near future. The volcano’s name, mostly unpronounceable for anyone other than locals, would be directly translated as ‘Three Peaks Crater’. The name comes from Árni B. Stefánsson, who was the first to explore the vault and who has pleaded the case for making it accessible for years.
“The beauty of the crater mostly consists in the various colourations found inside it and its enormous – and to some extent intimidating – size. To put it in context, the ground space is equivalent to almost three full-sized basketball courts planted next to each other and the height is such that it would easily fit full sized Statue of Liberty into the chamber. So make no mistake – it’s huge!” . . . Go to web page
NOTE: Booking have now stopped for 2013. We will start booking in January for 2014. The tour in to Thrihnukagigur Volcano is operatad by 3H Travel, a licenced tour operator in Iceland.
Inside the Volcano Photo Gallery
From youtube uploaded by Torfinn Rosfjord
Journey into a volcano in Iceland
Published on Jul 11, 2013
In June 2013 I went to Iceland and took a trip inside a volcano! Its the only place on earth you can do this and they started with excursions in 2012. So when I went down I joined the group of only 2400 people in the world that have been inside an volcano. To put that in perspective, As of January 3, 2013, only 530 people are known to have gone into space according to the FAI guideline. And that’s Awesome!
songs from Mass Effect 3 OST
Featured Image: White Sheets in Washington. In this photograph, forty thousand members of the Klan march down Pennsylvania Avenue on August 8, 1925. SOURCE: Library of Congress. (Public Domain)
I scratch my head and wonder, will these dumb-ass blockheads ever wake up and get it? Talk about Lost Causes! And besides that, it just ain’t civilized thinking. . . EDITOR
From youtube uploaded by journeymanpictures
Published on May 20, 2013
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65237
Photo: Inside the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, Rome, Italy. CREDIT sailko. SOURCE Wikipedia (Public Domain)
From Extraordinary Intelligence
posted on: NATALINA
Centuries ago, the selection of a new Pope would involve locking Cardinals into the Sistine Chapel, where they would eat and sleep until a new pontiff was chosen. In 2013, some creature comforts have been added to the arcane ceremony, but the inner workings of the Papal Conclave are still shrouded in mysterious ritualistic intrigue.
This Tuesday, March 12, a new conclave will commence to pick the 266th Bishop of Rome. The 115 members of the college of Cardinals will commiserate at the Vatican where they cast their votes for Pope, while eating and sleeping at the Domus Sanctae Marthae, which is basically a hotel located inside the Vatican. The voting members will still be locked inside the conclave while ballots are being cast. The beginning of the ceremony traditionally begins with the words, “Extra omnes” which means “Everyone Out.” Once the area has been cleared of everyone but the Cardinals, the voting can begin. . . . Read Complete Report
Photo: Secret of the Ages – UFOs from Inside the Earth : (cover) (1974). by Brinsley Le Poer Trench. First book to explore UFO’S From Inside the Earth and Your Editor’s favorite Hollow Earth book.
from Before its News
Thursday, November 1, 2012 20:29
First Rank Captain Vladimir Prikhodko, the chairman of a public research organization for underwater studies, notes Russia, the U.S. and China are spending billions in space, when maybe they should spend the money down here…down deep under the sea, under the glistening, blue-tinted polar icecaps where, he claims, gigantic alien machines are hidden.