Tag Archive for internation arms sales


As we have been reporting for a couple of years now if the Controllers want another 4 years of “liberal” tripe then Obama will stay in. If they feel the people can’t take more of that right now the Controllers will bring in their “conservative’ players. Then they can start furthering their military-industrial Complex plans; starting more wars and selling more weapons and war supplies.

However if it is the “left side” of the Controllers government left in charge one of the first moves will bring us closer and closer to total gun control. Fast and Furious was a preliminary move down that path. Thankfully the DEA screwed that up. The U.N.s coming up A.T.T. meeting is another step in that direction.

Oh well, we DO have Hillery representing the U.S. What could happen? . . . EDITOR

from Dick Morris.com

Published on TheHill.com on July 10, 2012

By Dick Morris on July 10, 2012

Without much fanfare and with as little publicity as possible, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go to New York City to sign the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), now in the final stages of negotiation at the U.N. The treaty marks the beginning of an international crusade to impose gun controls on the United States and repeal our Second Amendment rights.


The ATT is nominally geared toward the purpose of stopping international arms sales to gangs, criminals and violent groups. But, as is so often the case with U.N. treaties, this is merely a convenient facade behind which to conceal the ATT’s true intent: to force gun control on the United States. . . . Read Complete Report

GO DEEPER: EXCLUSIVE to THEI: Fast and Furious Becomes Slow and Obvious by Dennis Crenshaw – EDITOR