Tag Archive for JP Morgan

JP Morgan-Chase paid its billions in fines for mortgage fraud by committing billions in mortgage fraud

JP Morgan-Chase paid its billions in fines for mortgage fraud by committing billions in mortgage fraud

Source Boing Boing

A lawsuit against JP Morgan-Chase — the nation’s largest bank — asserts that the institution paid off the $4,200,000,000 in mortgage forgiveness that it agreed to as a settlement for widescale mortgage and foreclosure fraud by committing a lot more mortgage fraud, in which homeowners, ethical lenders, and American cities were stuck with the bill.

The original settlement came from the Obama-era policy of not prosecuting finance executives for criminal acts, preferring to extract huge fines from the institutions.

In February 2012, JP Morgan-Chase agreed to pay $5.1B in restitution for its mortgage fraud, which included widescale foreclosures on people who were not even Morgan-Chase customers — the company forged documents that allowed them to seize random houses and sell them out from under their owners on the strength of “robo-signed” paperwork produced by sleazy boiler-rooms where untrained people rubberstamped paperwork after less than 3 seconds’ worth of scrutiny. . . . Read Complete Report

The Sinking of the Titanic Conspiracy (video)

Almost every one alive today has read about, or seen one of the great movies describing the drastic fate of the Titanic, the supposedly “unsinkable” cruise ship when, on the night of April 14, 1912 she hit an Iceberg. Cut and dried.  Well, guess what.  What we have been told might not be the REAL story.  If the following presentation (6 10 minute parts) is right there is more to this than was been revealed. Watch and Decide. . . . EDITOR

Why They Sank the Titanic (Full)