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The Latest Science: Scientists think there may be massive visible signs of life on Jupiter’s moon IO… hidden under the surface!!!


Date Posted: Friday 25-Nov-2011

Reported by Jan Lanpretcht – website. www.hollowplanets.com

Reporting from South Africa

Author of “Hollow Planets” (1998) and Government by Deception: Psychopolitics in Southern Africa (2004)

I was watching a science documentary called “The Wonders of the Solar System” and it spoke at length about the possibilities of finding life on other planets.

They spoke about studies done on the extremely icy Jupiter’s moon IO. The moon is covered in ice and is the size of Earth’s moon. But on it are strange reddish markings all over it.

Studies have shown that this extremely icy world harbours an ocean of water … underneath the ice, which is a staggering 100 miles deep! I think earth’s oceans are about 7 miles deep at the deepest. In total, that small moon has TWICE the amount of water of EARTH!!

Normally scientists would not expect to find life there in the cold ice, but NASA scientists have scoured the earth for extreme life forms and made a most interesting discovery.

They found that in ice caves in glaciers on earth, in Iceland, in ice that has been frozen for 1,000 years, that in the ice itself, there is life!

They thought that life inside ice is always frozen and in a state of hibernation. But they have discovered that there are bacteria which melt the ice around them using a type of anti-freeze. These bacteria can MOVE inside the ice at quite a speed, because they melt it as they move and therefore they “live in water”.

Scientists thus believe it may be possible for simple life forms to exist on IO in the ice or underneath the ice. They regard it as the one place in the solar system most likely to harbour life other than the earth itself.

On the surface of this icy-covered world are strange red markings. Scientists now believe these reddish markings might be a by-product related to LIFE inside or under the ice!
Posted By: Jan

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(George Orwell)