This discussion shouldn’t even be happening. It is not the government’s business to “control” anything to do with what we decide to buy except for two reasons.
In a demand like this from government you have to remember there is always a money angle that is the true reason for government involvement. Even with this law in place a person can buy 2 8 oz sodas if he wants 16 oz’s. but it will cost them more in purchase price and “NYC Taxes.” Get it . . . EDITOR
from youtube
Published on Jun 1, 2012 by TheYoungTurks
“In New York City — which already bans smoking in public parks in the name of public health and bars artificial trans fats from food served in restaurants — Mayor Michael Bloomberg now wants to stop sales of large sodas and other sugary drinks, in a bid to battle obesity…”.* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, Lucas Lilieholm, Jayar Jackson, and Jesus Godoy debate.