Uploaded on Jul 6, 2017
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How To Prevent $1000s in Costly Car Repairs (Mechanics Aren’t Happy About it)
Source: Lifestyle & Tech
July 5, 2017 at 9:37 am EDT | Sponsored by FIXD
There’s no reason why every car owner shouldn’t have one…
New device instantly tells you if there’s a problem with your car, how severe it is, and if it’s an emergency or not (all in simple and easy to understand terms) – leaving shady mechanics in the dust – no longer able to rip you off!
Have you ever gone to an auto repair shop for an oil change, only to have the mechanic say you need a new transmission? Or has the mysterious “check engine” light come on, and next thing you know the mechanic has a list of expensive engine parts that need replacing? . . .Read Complete Report