Tag Archive for Megyn Kelly

MUST SEE: Megyn Kelly VS Alex Jones Infowars and other proof of MSM Propaganda

In this REAL and important news report Alex brings a lot of facts to the front that PROVES that the CIA/Deep State controlled Fake News MSM is conducting an Information War through propaganda to get rid of Donald Trump and destroy the Alternative internet news sources.  Watch it. Get your friends to watch.  WE MUST WAKE UP OR WE WILL USE OUR FREEDOMS. PERIOD. . . Your Editor Dennis Crenshaw

Full Show – Melts Down Over Megyn Kelly Interview – 06/12/2017

YouTube ~ The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 12, 2017

President Trump’s daughter Ivanka is making the rounds on mainstream media as reporters lose their war against Trump. Additionally, the first coal mine in the US in decades opens as Trump’s “America First” economic plan sweeps the nation. We look into Trump’s agenda overall and the various methods the anti-American establishment will use to try to stop nationalism.

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